[USA] Jewel Executive Researcher Application {Updated}

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Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:175578067
Discord name: Jewel#0613
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I believe it's been about a month and a half or so now.
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: Central
Character name(s): Foundation name is Jewel
Civilian name: Jewels
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
-I am applying because I really enjoy the server and I want to help make it better. At the core of the server I believe is researchers, and I have seen time and time again there is no one consecutively on to help the researchers learn and test properly. There's so many times I have researchers come up to me with no clue how to do anything and no one to ask, then I hear these stories of as their learning they get in trouble for doing stuff wrong. There is a missing link and with nothing but time on my hands I would love to be that link. I have really found a passion for researching and being able to have fun with not only the d class, but the guards and the SCP's and I want to be able to help spread the love and knowledge I have picked up.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
- I have a lot of time on my hands so I'm able to be on as often as needed. I know and follow the rules and responsibilities that Executive Researcher has, I am kind and wiling help any fellow researchers in need.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
-I have not seen any of my documents graded, but I have two documents that I followed the guidelines for to be considered excellent, as well as assisted in other research documents that follow all the guidelines. I have two large documents I am currently working on that will be uploaded in the following days.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
-Overseeing tests being done, grading documents, making useful lectures when needed, helping to make sure all research personnel is up to date and following all ethics guidelines, helping researchers perform tests that need a higher clearance level, teach all researchers how to properly perform tests, and answering any questions or helping with any concerns within the department.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
As a child we grew up in a little cabin outside of pinewood where we would hear stories about monsters living below us which I was always interested in hearing. I always thought they were made up to scare us and keep the kids out of the woods until one day there was a lot of loud sirens blaring from the hills. People were out of their house to see the commotion and that's when I saw a tattooed man wielding a sword running towards all my neighbors. Being we lived in the country with a lot of wildlife my family had knives to protect themselves, when the man got closer I could see the pain in his eyes as he sliced both my mother and father in two, he looked at me in sorrow knowing what he just did and walked away. It sparked something inside me, through the pain was the need to know why, and learn more about this mysterious man with sad eyes. Now all alone I realized I had a choice to make so I ran after the man, as I ran the sirens got louder and bright lights appeared blinding me and stopping me in my tracks. I felt someone pick me up saying it would be okay he will make sure I'm safe seeing the blood all over me and knowing who was in the woods. He took me in, hiding me under his white coat past all the big gates and guards. When we made it to safety he introduced me to his co workers, they swore that night to protect me and raise me the best they could. Through the years I was never allowed to leave the research hall but I was allowed to talk to all the researchers hearing about their stories during testing which made me want to know even more about the mysterious creatures called SCP's. As I grew to adult hood I because a researcher myself, the day I got my very own lab coat I made a promise to myself. To find out all I could about mister sad eyes and see if these creatures are really monsters like everyone says. I myself am convinced from all the documents I've read that they do have hearts and there must be good inside them, they just need someone to love and accept them for who they are.
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Active member
Jun 12, 2022
Jewel is a kind hearted person, who always wants to make sure they do the right thing. I believe they will be a good fit for Executive Researcher. If she gets accepted, I look forward to working with her more than I already do!
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Well-known Member
May 24, 2022

Your lore is well done and you understand the job well. You're upstanding, care about the rules and you're an extremely talkative individual which I enjoy.

You care about your documentations and the upholding of the Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics.

I think you'll be a good fit for the team.
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Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2022

Your lore is well done and you understand the job well. I'd like to be able to speak to you in-game a bit more about your documentation and maybe shadow some research before I give my final go-ahead, but based on our past interactions, you're upstanding and obviously care about the regulations to a high degree.

I think you'll be a good fit, I just want to be able to talk shop before I give the big thumbs up.
That would be awesome! I know there's still some details I need to learn so I'd love to have a chat! I'll be on for the rest of the day if you are available just let me know! :)

Sir Primal

Active member
Jun 24, 2022
+Support Have met Jewel a couple of times and nothing but a great time when i come across Jewel. Would love too see you as a executive research and see what experiments you bring to the table
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Well-known Member
Jun 9, 2022
+ Support
+ Friendly
+ Fun to work with
+ detailed lore
+ Holds Sr. researcher well as it is

- Unformatted Application Could use spacing and contrasting colors

All around great person application detail is great and They have my full support

Please use other apps for inspiration when it comes to format as a text wall all one color isn't super visually appealing
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+ Big Support

+ Very friendly
+ Always ethical
+ Dedicated Documents
+ Understands the role of Executive

Jewel has carried out tests on the SCP'S I wouldn't even dare touching due to their threat, I have watched Jewel doing these tests, and she is always ethical and creative with the tests. She seeks help when needed and helps other researchers when they have questions. I believe it would be a waste not to hire Jewel as an Executive researcher!
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Reactions: Jewel
Mar 20, 2021
Application Accepted

Your dedication to research is clear, and you are well regarded within the executive team. Please contact me for the next steps.​

USA Director of Research Samuel "Pynput" Rodriguez
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