[USA] Joe "Money" Lifts CPT app

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Aug 22, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:580729723
Discord name: scotched#6455
For how long have you played on CG SCP: since like last year Summer of 2022
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Joe "Money" Lifts
Civilian name: Mike "Scout" Kawaski
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: RRT SGT AXO-ii, DEA, IAA
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 1 warn for arresting a chef who pulls his knife out at last second FailRP, 1 Ban for having headset on arrow keys
Why are you applying for Security Captain? I am applying for Security Captain because I in general love dealing with D-Class and I really wanna minimize the minging that General Security has, such as Cadets, Officers, Sergeants, committing RDM, and breaking legal codex because I do not enjoy always seeing GSD being looked at as the mingey branch that nobody cares for, I want GSD to uphold somewhat of professionalism and not minge and make GSD look like a joke. I want to host more tryouts for HWL and RRT as well as we need more people within RRT.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?: I am suitable for Captain because I have experience as command in other servers within security, and I do my job well in Security, I am as well RRT I tend to uphold as much professionalism while I am on the job and I make sure Security is not falling apart whilst Captain or RRT sergeant are not online, I work very close with my Security members and teammates so that we get our jobs done and efficient as possible. I also believe that GENSEC Captain suits me perfectly and I truly answer this as I feel like I can fulfil my duties on Captain excellently.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?: A General Security Captain must be able to have authority toward the Cadets, Officers, an Sergeants (As well as Riot Response Team). A Captain needs to be able to host both Riot Response Team and Heavy Weapons License tryouts to recruit new people in Riot Response Team. You must be able to manage D-Block, conduct sweeps when necessary and provide the good information's to the General Security Department personnel, must also be able to have control over security personnel to ensure that nothing too crazy goes on that yourself doesn't have the power to stop.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Biographical information:
Joe Lifts was a regular kid growing up being very smart and wanting to be strong that is why he got his name as Joe Lifts he worked out a lot of as a kid and always was interested in being a SWAT member. Once Joe Lifts became a SWAT member that he perused to become, he wanted more. He then decided to go into the military in Army regiment at first. He was eventually promoted to 2nd Lieutenant and tried out for Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2) in the Canadian military. It was a success and Joe Lifts became an operative within JTF2. He was then asked to give a nickname, he designated himself "Money". Joe "Money" Lifts. Few years later he resigned from JTF2 and was given a letter to join the SCP Foundation. He accepted it and continued his journey up to GSD Captain. Which now he has a much bigger storyline then ever imagined...

-Police Technology
-Computer Science
-Highschool diploma

-Great shot
-Good at doing tasks under pressure
-Good at investigations
-Good at interrogations
-Amazing at keeping redacted information secretive and no info breaches
-Great leadership
-Best at working with teammates or squad members

-I am just tryna do the right thing and make GSD be treated how it deserves to be. (thank you for giving me a chance to read and write this out)
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