[USA] Joe "Money" Lifts Sp. Agent application

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Aug 22, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:580729723
Discord name: scotched#6455
For how long have you played on CG SCP: long ass time thats for sure
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Joe "Money" Lifts (Foundation), Guy "Archangel" Francois (GOC), "McFooly" (CI)
Civilian name: Miguel O'Hara
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What are your total levels?: 1689520949954.png

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- Gensec Security Captain [AXO-G] (Held), MTF Nu-7 SGT [IRS-3] (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 1 warn for cuffing a chef who pulls out his knife last second, 1 ban for leaving my headset on my arrow key and getting banned for AFK abuse?, 1 warn for the containment beam going through the airlock of D-Block which 049 was salty and wasn't even my fault I was waiting for it to open and it beamed. (All old warnings)
How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
- N/A I have never been a Senior agent because I was told that I didn't have to be SNR agent, just had to be dedicated. (If it helps Nu-7 CPL is practically the same thing they are equivalent. Ive been CPL for 10 days, ik I am gonna get called out for this but I really am dedicated to become a SP agent and I will do stuff to help us out. I was also told that I was recommended by 3 or 4 people to be SNR agent I just never got trained.
Why are you applying for Special Agent?
- Because I love dealing with surface operations and I like to work alongside DEA/Nu7 when I am on the appropriate job, I like to tryout people and host trainings for us DEA to have fun and get better at certain things, I want to give out perfect orders to DEA so that we don't get captured by the CI, and make sure that we don't be only 1 person on surface so that we are eligible to be captured easily by the CI. I want to give out advice that I have learned, and experienced on my own and Nu-7 to DEA.
What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
- I am active, I have good leadership, I show professionalism ingame when it is appropriate, I am pretty swagolishes at aiming and I overall am good at team work and calling out stuff. I put lots of effort towards DEA/Nu-7 to make sure we are doing 110% good and never selling.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
- Too many documents for me to remember, what makes a good document is having good format, title, description, and summary of an event (or what will happen). What makes it good is your grammar and how you write your message, usually go with the flow with writing document like if you study your topic or just know what to write it will come out really well, and generally will be standing out.
What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?: I'd say, Giving out tests to trainee's and recruiting them. Giving out permits to MC&D to be in foundation. Helping DEA be organized and assisting them at all times, make sure our comms are good with Nu-7 so our SOP will be at peak. Telling DEA where they should be at during codes etc... Helping DEA with mistakes that they make. Giving out punishments to DEA who minge, break ethics etc...
Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Biographical information:
Joe Lifts was a regular kid growing up being very smart and wanting to be strong that is why he got his name as Joe Lifts he worked out a lot of as a kid and always was interested in being a SWAT member. Once Joe Lifts became a SWAT member that he perused to become, he wanted more. He then decided to go into the military in Army regiment at first. He was eventually promoted to 2nd Lieutenant and tried out for Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2) in the Canadian military. It was a success and Joe Lifts became an operative within JTF2. He was then asked to give a nickname, he designated himself "Money". Joe "Money" Lifts. Few years later he resigned from JTF2 and was given a letter to join the SCP Foundation. He accepted it and continued his journey up to GSD Captain. After he believed to fulfil his duty as CPT, Joe "Money" Lifts decided to gain some surface knowledge and join the DEA, he spent many hours but no Agency manager+ was there to see him succeed, so he joined the MTF Nu-7 "Hammer down" which is currently a CPL and is striving to maximize his performance within the Nu-7. Within his meantime he sees lots of DEA activity, and sees that not much Sp agent+ are there to guide them, so he decides to put an application out for Sp. Agent, and his journey with DEA will be unimaginable...
-Police Technology
-Computer Science
-Highschool diploma

-Great shot
-Good at doing tasks under pressure
-Good at investigations
-Good at interrogations
-Amazing at keeping redacted information secretive and no info breaches
-Great leadership
-Best at working with teammates or squad members
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