(USA) Joris Bohnson's 2nd Exec Researcher Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:148320326

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Over 351 hours

Age: 17

In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s): Joris "Brexit" Bohnson

Civilian name: Chet Brown

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA)

Do you have a mic?

-Yes I do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held

-I currently hold the rank of e11 CSG while also holding the rank of HellDiver-2 (an e11 Squadron). And I have previously held a CI-B role

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?

-I have received 1 RDM(B) Warning. It was received when I was messing around as Techie during a 106 CB and I killed 2 Dclass. One who tried to enter the watchtower after another Dclass hacked it open. And later when I escaped the pocket dimension onto the vent spawn and killed a Dclass who was hiding up there.It was back when I had just started playing on the server again and I was still getting used to the vibe. I now act more professionally than I was before. And when I do goof around I try to do it in a way which does not reduce others enjoyment of the server, and try to only do it with players I'm already friendly with. As well as only when no Rp situations are happening around us

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

-I am applying for the role of exec researcher as I believe I have the skills to safely perform Cl4 tests and the ability to help in mentoring the other researchers to help them gain interest in remaining as part of the research department. I also believe that I have the skill required to write excellent research studies and make my voice heard in the research department, and become a respected Exec.
I also am sure that it'd be a great experience to be able to work with the pre existing Execs to gain important knowledge of SCPs

What makes you suitable for an Executive Researcher position?

-I believe that I am suitable for the role of Exec researcher as I have a clear understanding of all the Scp objects contained in site 65, this is due partially to my role in E11 where I have gained hands-on experience with how SCPs react during tests and have practical experience with Cross tests. I also believe that I am suitable as I have a fair judgment on how well documents were made, which means I can grade uploaded research studies fairly. As well as having enough knowledge of the research department to be able to properly help with Lower level researchers who are having issues. Such as guiding them through how to use SCIPNET, even having made a lecture on how to do so which received positive feedback. I have had some experience of Exec duties due to me sometimes shadowing some of our acting Execs. Such as Duma, Daniel Bob, Saint, Wertz and Caesar. This has given me some idea of what an Exec does and how they should ideally interact with foundation staff.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

-I have written 5 excellent documents. In my opinion a document is made excellent when the writer is able to clearly demonstrate that they have a good understanding of the SCP(s) involved, have a logical research proposal, and have made a clear understanding of the outcome of their experiment. It is helped greatly by good spelling and grammar. As well as appropriate use of relevant scientific terms or extra additions which are lore relevant.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?

-The Main responsibility of an executive researcher is to help oversee the research department. This includes such things as mentoring lower level researchers to give them advice on how to best perform at their job in the SCP foundation. They would also be in charge of signing off on experiments (such as cross tests) which they believe are beneficial to the foundation. They would also be the primary ones in charge of uploading experiment/interview logs of SCPs onto SCIPNET and assigning them a relevant grade

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in

-He was interested in science from a young age, always pestering his parents to purchase science sets for him. As he grew older his interest continued as he rapidly excelled in science classes at school, gaining an interest in biology and wildlife sciences. He graduated with honors from Ulster university and chose to move to [REDACTED] to pursue his career. Although his first job was not what he intended, but he enjoyed it nevertheless
He became a biologist for a local zoo where he would help create meal plans and improve the habitats of the wildlife, and would even give some hands-on help with the animals.

After his first few years there and the publishing of several notable Biological research papers, he was approached by a representative of [REDACTED] who gave the proposal to allow him to trial working at the SCP Foundation.

He excelled at the Jr researcher trial period and was quickly promoted to a Cl2 researcher.

It was notable that he still had his interest in wildlife, as he decorated his bedside with images of animals, mainly predator animals

After his promotion to Sr researcher he rapidly developed an interest in the Scp-939 instances contained here. He would spend time studying their samples, as well as observing their behavior in their CC.

He also seemed to develop an interest in the 939 instance designated "Ketchup" spending time down by HCZ primary CP in order to interact with Ketchup, noting that his behavior was akin to a younger animal, seeking shelter if there were perceived threats

He has also submitted a proposal to revamp the Scp-939 CC, remarking that "it is essentially just a barren room with no access to stimulants"

There has also been dismay on his part due to the inability to perform safe cross tests on Scp 860-2 as he also shows interest in that Scp

Finally, he has been spending time with Executive Researchers and asking around for advice on how to pursue an executive researcher career path


Active member
Dec 23, 2022
Detroit, Michigan
Incoming Message: Research Directorate of Site-65


Greetings, Joris!

I would first like to thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Executive Researcher within the Site-65 Research Department. Your time is greatly appreciated.

Upon review, your application has been elevated to an interview!

Please email (Discord message) Dpt. Director Darby (thegypsybard) or Dpt. Director Kiryu (.kurgerbing) to receive your interview!​
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