[USA] KAP's OA Application

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Active member
Apr 4, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:526291114
Discord name: kap5643
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 5 days and 4 hours and 6,253 hours on Gmod.
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: Austria
Time zone: GMT +2
Character name(s): Victor "KAP" Tiggle
Civilian name: Kap Halter
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF E-11 SPC held
Special Agent holding
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
first was in 2023 all at once [ RDM,NLR,Metagame ] resulted in a ban.
now this year's warns are : fail RP, RDM [killed an infobreaching civie] and Fear RP [ i was held under gunpoint right by a door and i tried using that door as an escape ] all expired to my knowledge other than the fear RP warn.
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?: I'd say my expirience. I have lot's of expirience as high command before, and now having a jr CL4 role which is DEA Special Agent. which possibly the other candidates don't have. I also learn quick, spend hours and days on one task if needed [ basically im dedicated to full fill my role/task ] and my daily activity which is from 2-8 hours daily. [ more on the weekends if no exams ]
1. expirience
2. dedication to the job
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
1. they are the highest of the highest rank after Site Inpectors and Ethics lead and enforce orders on site if none of them are on site
2. they also auth AA if needed during a Code 5. [ if orderd or no one else is on-site to Authorize it. ]
3. Give out work permits.
4. uphold CoC [ Code of Conduct ] [or atleast make sure IA enforce it]
5. Command Alpha-1 if orderd by Site Command/or none or are site.
6. Authorizing Site Lockdowns.
7. Speak on the behalf of the O5 during meetings, operations etc. [ with permission ]
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Victor was a SWAT officer in Los Angeles [ California ] USA. he started at the academy at the age of 21 and joined at the age of 22. throughout the years he had served in the SWAT force he has attended multiple missions, has hosted lots of trainings and is specialized in Hostage Rescue. on his record he had 12 succesfull Hostage Rescue missions, countered 4 Bank Robberies and more outstanding missions, at the age of 31 at the rank of lieutenant, he was sent an invite to work for the Foundation in Site-65 in Canada. when we first joined he was assigned to the GENSEC branch and climbed up the ranks to Officer, then at the age of 34 he had decided to join the Department of External Affairs. after a long time he has reached the rank of "Senior Agent" and has decided to give it a try to climb up another rank in the Department called "Special Agent" as a Junior CL-4 in the Department. after being accepted he has dedicated his life for the Foundation, lead multiple Operations against CI/other GOIs and upheld the stability of the DEA when no Managers+ were on Site. his connections grew larger with other CL4's due to spending more time with them and after a month and a half of being a Special Agent his PTSD has gone worse of losing many friends on the battle field against CI and other GOIs, but his interest grew into the Site Inspection, and after losing another friend on the battle field, his PTSD has gotten worse, he has applied for a non-combative job.
[50% is from my special agent lore but it kinda fit to what I was planning to do]

Thank you for reading my Application for OSA.
Apr 20, 2023
From: vanburen@scpf.int
To: khalter@scpf.int
Subject: Application Status


| Application Denied |

Greetings Mr. Halter,

This is a message composed by the Site Inspectorate to inform you that your application for the position of Assistant has not been chosen to continue at this time. You are encouraged to submit future applications given the proclivity.

You may leave a message with my secretary (thegypysbard) should you require further details.O5_Redacted_Line_CL3.png
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