[USA]Karl Smith’s 3rd Medical application

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Karl Smith

Active member
Nov 8, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:508864516
Discord name: jbone0002
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since early August of 2022
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): SCPF-Karl “Salesman” Smith, CI-Tom “Bluejay” Jackson, GOC-Alex Schneider
Civilian name: Father Smith
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Held: E-11 SGT, NU-7 PVT
Holding: SCP-096, CI-B
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?
I have received five RDM warnings and one NLR warning, all have expired. The first warning was because I was new to the server and tried to level up my combat as a D-Class by stabbing another D-Class. For the second warning, as foundation, someone was pointing a gun at me attempting to arrest me. I thought I could defend myself but I now know it was RDM and I can only do it if it’s a major crime. The other two RDM warnings I do not remember what I got them for. The fifth RDM warning and the NLR warning was because I had punched a D class repeatedly but did not kill them and when they had killed me I punched them repeatedly without killing them again.
Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?:
I am applying for a medical consultant position because I wish to further my career in the medical department and I enjoy playing/roleplaying as medical. I also want to guide and assist new members of the medical department as most times trainees do need help. I have seen many of them try to use defibrillators on downed people instead of using a medkit. They ask in game about how to get a medical license or where a consultant is to get one and most times there are no consultants on. I believe that being a consultant will allow me to be involved in RP that I could not get while CL3.
What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
I am active on the server most days and will be able to train trainees and help any medical personnel that require assistance. I have learned from my warnings and have been working to improve on my professionalism and RP. I have already helped a few trainees prepare for the test (How to do medical procedures) without giving them direct answers. I have known about SCP for several years now and I will be able to offer RP and information outside of what is commonly known on the server.
Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
Psychological Evaluation

Record the patient’s information such as age and name.

Record your name, the date of the evaluation, and the reason as to why the patient is being evaluated.

Ask the patient these three questions: have you experienced unreasonable fear, or restlessness in the last six months? Have you experienced a traumatic event in your lifetime that presently affects you? Have you felt down, depressed, or hopeless in the last month?

Should any of these questions be answered with yes, there is a sub-set of questions that should be asked for that specific question.

Ask the patient if there is anything else bothering them or anything they would like to say and write it down.

The patient should be asked if they have any medical records of the past.

The conclusion will be the doctor's choice on whether or not the patient is sane on a scale of one to ten and the doctor’s opinion on if the patient can continue working in a safe manner.
What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
The responsibilities of the medical consultant in RP are to
  • Watch over medical personnel to make sure they are following the CoC, CoE, and legal codex
  • Help medical personnel if they need it and answer any questions they might have
  • Train and give medical licenses to trainees that meet the level requirements
  • Act professional and be a role model for other medics
  • Preform the duties of a regular medic(heal hurt people nearby, EST, cure diseases, Etc)
  • Carry out the policies and orders of Department Directors, Site Administration, and Site Command
  • Assist in the creation of medical policies and other responsibilities outside of RP
  • Take away the medical license of those who repeatedly break the legal codex, act unprofessionally, and misuse medical equipment
  • Be involved in any kind of RP if a Consultant is needed
  • Approve SCP psychological evaluations
  • Approve/grade medical documents
  • Approve or deny D-Class assistants and receptionists.
Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

| | WARNING | |​

Karl Smith was born on April 24th, 1991. Born in Texas, Dallas, he grew up with a brother and high expectations. His parents were both doctors, his mother a neurologist and his father a pathologist. As a kid, he was always excited to learn something new and unknown. During his teens, he decided to become a doctor just as his parents did. He became interested in the human body and its complex functions. He would be able to study it and help people at the same time if he became a doctor. His parents had hoped he would become a doctor as well and were overjoyed when he told them. They offered to pay for collage so he went to the University of [REDACTED] when he graduated high school and applied for medical school.
During his medical studies, he had encounters with members of the Church of Maxwellism, a sect of the Church of the Broken God. He had found them gathered in an abandoned building on his path to university and decided to speak to them. They told him of how their God could make illnesses disappear and allow humanity to become one if Karl accepted him and assisted in rebuilding him. Karl became curious and wanted to learn more about this God. The members had given him some knowledge about their God, WAN. He was offered a chance to enhance himself, become closer to Wan, and break away from the evil know as the Flesh. These enhancements consisted of replacing body parts and organs with cybernetics. At first he was hesitant, thinking that they were lying or delusional. However, his doubts were quickly subsided when they showed their own enhancements, fully operational. They offered to pay for the first few surgeries but after that he would either need to pay for his own or help the group with their goals. He decided to go for eye, skeletal, and mind implants. Since they were mostly under the skin, he could still live his day-to-day life but significantly easier. Over the course of seven months, the group exposed him to more of the anomalous world and his faith in Wan was strengthened.
On June 19th, [REDACTED], the abandoned building was raided by the Foundation due to calls the police received about weird humming noises coming from the building and what seemed like people who had glowing eyes. Karl and the few others who hadn’t fought back were taken and interrogated. Unlike the others who were verbally hostile towards the foundation members, Karl was more complacent with the field agents and answered their questions. He thought of the Foundation as a group that was just trying to do what it thought best for humanity, just like what the Church was doing. He does disagree with some things the Foundation does but would be willing to work with them. It was decided that although it was risky to hire a member of a usually hostile GOI, his attitude towards the Foundation and experience in the medical field would be valuable. A cover story was made that he died from a mugging in an alleyway the night before. He was given his credentials and sent to Site-65.
Aug 23, 2022
From the Department of Medicine

Greetings Mr. Smith,

Thank you for putting in the time and effort to apply for the position of Medical Consultant.

After discussion with my team, we regret to inform you that your application has been Denied.
You are free to reapply after a period of two weeks has passed.

If you have any questions, please contact me via Email (Discord)​

Department Director
Jason Schlatt
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