[USA]LexDashs 2nd Internal affairs ambassador application

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Active member
Sep 28, 2023
Florida, USA
Steam ID: 76561198096569680
Discord name: LexDash
For how long have you played on CG SCP:https://gyazo.com/8bf0369558c8c99796b1202aff8e70e2
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Gustave "LexDash" Kateb
Civilian name: N/A
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Internal affairs Operative

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?: I have two kicks for being AFK, The reason is that I'm a Senior Mod, and the afk system doesn't work on me.

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
Internal Affairs has been my favorite department for the longest time now. Most of my time is mostly spent on Internal Affairs as an Agent/Operative. I believe that the best place for me to be is with Internal Affairs, as a lot of the people I hang out with are IA ambassadors, and I want to be like them and move up the ranks. I also wish to help out more with info breaches, as there are times when there aren't any people who can handle that. I wish to be that person who helps and leads others toward making the site safer and better.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
My overall dedication to the Department makes me suitable for the Internal Affairs Ambassador position. The legal Codex, while long and daunting, I know most of like the back of my hand. Moreover, I have recently been accepted for staff and am currently a Senior moderator. While that may not seem like much, my good qualities got me into staff and show that I am a perfect fit for the Internal Affairs Ambassador. Lastly, the role of Internal Affairs Ambassador requires someone active, and with my time, I believe that no matter the circumstance, if you choose me to be the next Internal Affairs Ambassador, I will always be the person who can give guidance to the foundation and lead us to be better.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I have written several documents and all have been properly uploaded and received excellent reviews by Executive researchers. To me what makes a document good are a few main points. 1. Is the document formatted correctly? I think that the format of a document shows at least the interest in writing the document. To me, it shows that they care about what they write and aren’t just pumping out docs just to have them graded. 2. The document is highly detailed and creative. This follows the other point in the fact of whether they care or not. I believe that if they truly believe in the RP of the server they will put in the time and effort to write the document. 3. The document is well-organized and easy to read. It uses headings, paragraphs, and formatting to present information clearly and neatly, instead of being a big jumble of text. And last but not least. 4. The document feels like it belongs in the SCP Universe. It matches the theme, tone, and style of the SCP Universe and includes the right terms, elements, and storytelling methods that you would expect to find in SCP-related content.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
Internal Affairs Ambassadors have three main responsibilities, 1. Ambassadors are entrusted with the task of supervising IA agents during an LCZ breach or when PW bulk is closed, ensuring their presence at CPC and recognizing their efforts in performing this somewhat tedious duty. 2. Ambassadors are to help new Agents who need the test done and if and when they pass they are to teach everything about AI to the new agent making sure they feel that they can do their duties as an IA Agent. 3. Make sure any documents are to be graded and uploaded to Scripnet. Make sure that the Agents know how to write a good document and one that will be uploaded with a good or excellent grade.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in: In the eerie world of the SCP Foundation, LexDash embodied the archetype of a dedicated police officer, unwavering in his commitment to upholding the right. His fateful journey commenced with a cryptic transmission from the enigmatic dispatch, summoning him to Gardner Cave, nestled within the enigmatic heart of Washington State. The initial reconnaissance revealed a perplexing tableau — the hikers, once vivid in presence, had mysteriously vanished, leaving only shreds of attire in their wake.

Undaunted, LexDash ventured further into the underground abyss, invoking the official mantra, "Washington State Police {Data Expunged}, are you there?" The silence hung in the air before being ruptured by an enigmatic male voice. The ensuing moments remained a blur in his memory as an overwhelming disorientation and amnesia shrouded his senses. Amid the bewildering haze, he managed to transmit an open comms distress call, desperately reaching out before succumbing to an inexplicable unconsciousness.

His reawakening came amidst a cacophony of unsettling voices, echoing the dire need for "VX deployment" and a somber directive to prepare for "MOPP cleanup" and "decontamination." The radio abruptly crackled with panic-stricken exclamations. Struggling to regain his bearings, LexDash's gaze met a chilling sight – his eyes locked with a colossal, crimson-hued reptilian creature, its mouth elongated in an eerie, canine-like visage. In the SCP universe, LexDash's journey had transcended the boundaries of the ordinary, plunging him into the abyss of the anomalous and the inexplicable.
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Well-known Member
Jan 17, 2023
Hello, it is with great pleasure I inform you of your acceptance to the IA Ambassador position. Please contact me either today or any day after the Christmas holiday for your training.

Signed: Lucius "Ignotus" Callum
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