[USA] lolojojo4's 096 Application


Well-known Member
Nov 19, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:119197684
Discord name: lolojojo4
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have been playing since November 2024
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s):
GOC: 'Broom'
CI: Zandar 'Crumb'
Foundation: Maclunki

Civilian name: Bicheal Johnson

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?:
What is your SCP level and total level? (Provide a screenshot of the level menu):Screenshot 2025-01-30 151750.png
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  • Holding CI-B
  • Holding GOC LT
  • Holding ISD Agent
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received 4 warnings in total, but I have learned from my mistakes and will never get warned again.Screenshot 2025-01-30 152104.png
What makes you suitable for SCP-096?:
I believe I am a good fit for 096 since I have watched other people play him and I find his style of play to be interesting and distinct from the other scps.
What is the usual behavior of SCP-096 when pacified?:
The usual behaviour of 096 when pacified is he sits down in place and/or wanders around for a minimum of 60 seconds
When breached, where is SCP-096 allowed to go? Can SCP-096 beeline straight to D-Block?:
SCP-096 is allowed to wander anywhere when not enraged, but the moment he gets enraged, he has to find the shortest route to his targets, and he is only allowed to run into D-Block if one of his targets is inside.
How is SCP-096 recontained? Please describe all steps of the process:
  1. Get scrambles from an armory.
  2. Find and destroy the photos that can spawn around the map of 096.
  3. Put a bucket on him so no one can look at his face and become a target.
  4. Wait for his targets to die so he is not enraged anymore.
  5. Containment beam and restrain him.
  6. Bring him back to his chamber, and if necessary, fix his doors so he can't wander out of his chamber.
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