[USA] Luke River's exec app

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luke river

Well-known Member
Mar 23, 2023
Steam ID:76561199282938504
Discord name:billy010044
For how long have you played on CG SCP: about 2k hours
In what country are you located?:USA
Time zone:EST
Character name(s):Luke River
Civilian name:Luke John
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):USA
Do you have a mic?:yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: none
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: yes many my worst one was a perma ban for a reason i was not told
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher? i have been a researcher for longer then any other job and i am like level 152 and i want to upgrade
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?: well i can be professional at times but if im not joking i can help other researchers along with making docs and helping the research team in general
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent? good grammer and following the document format with high knowledge
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?: to assist in tests and approve documents along with doing there own tests and helping the research team
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:Luke River is a 29 year old man from new brunswick canada and he originally worked as a engineer for the airforce he loved his job as a engineer it paid well and it taught him alot about modern planes and other technology but after he got injured by a explosion from a bomb that was accidentally set off by a broken wire he was forced to leave and he never wanted to but he was in horrible condition and was not able to come back so he worked as a engineer for computers along with other things then the reason he became apart of the site he discorered a new scp and with his militray history as a engineer the scp foundation they gave him a choice join the scp foundation as a researcher or have your memory wiped from ever seeing the scp and everything that happend here and he chose to join it
Jan 27, 2022
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Message Received!
From: C.Keagan.C2002@Foundation .org
To: LukeRivers2312@Foundation.org
Subject: Application Denied

Dear Luke Rivers,
Thank you for your application into the position of Executive Researcher. I am disappointed to inform you that your application has been denied, due to your low effort application and your activity. Thank you for your time you may reapply in 2 weeks.

Sincerely, Deputy Director Corgeon Keagan Cornwall.
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