[USA] Marions' ECM Application

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Active member
Aug 5, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:634563666
Discord name: zayiori
For how long have you played on CG SCP: A bit over a month
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: U.S.A
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Marion
Civilian name: Joody
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
IA Ambassador [HOLDING]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:

I am applying for Ethics Committee member. This is not necessarily because I believe I can make it in, but more so because I wanted to try to apply and be able to know what is wrong with my application and whatnot for the foreseeable future. I plan on gaining Sr. Cl4 experience, but I just want to shoot for the stars. Main reasoning aside, I have been an avid Internal Affairs player and it has been my main role since I began playing the server in its entirety. I became an Internal Affairs Ambassador a couple weeks after and have tried my best in participating within the community and helping it out as a whole. However, albeit I have no problem with my current position, I believe as an Ethics Committee member, I could use my knowledge and creativity to spark up the foundation and create a fun environment, all while being ethical which is something I would absolutely love to do. I want to ensure the credibility of departments and let it be known that they must follow a status quo or be subject to change, while not looking like an authoritarian dictator. I have always loved Human Resources/Internal Affairs types of positions and jobs, so I feel like this is something that could really suite me and something I would stick with for a very long while to come. It seems very entertaining, and in all honestly, is something I would have a lot of fun doing. I am hoping to be able to grow in the community and have a greatly positive effect that can change the course of roleplay for the better. Overall, I am doing this to garner the experience of application making and to just try it, and have fun doing so, also including the fact I just love this type of stuff and I would like to help people grow.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:

I have a few reasons why I may fit as the best candidate for the Ethics Committee. I understand the ethical aspects of the foundation and have been an avid lover of the SCP lore for years now. Although I am sure some people don't know me very well, I try my best to stand out and make friends with as many people as possible. I do not intend to let myself be known as a popular person, but someone that can be trusted and someone you can talk to and ask for a hand from. I am determined and do not give up easily, which is a staple trait of mine which has truly helped me evolve over the years as a person. Although I may lack the time within this server, I have gained knowledge quickly and coherently that has allowed me to make friends and enforce the Foundation Legal Codex to its core. I am also very experienced within the ethical range of things within other places (of which I will not name due to the rules of the application) and generally have worked with many people across the platform. I hope to grow as a person within this community and be able to conduct roleplay in a suitable and great way that enhances the experience for many other players to come. I love talking with people, and love being around others. I do tend to have a humorous side to me, but whenever conducting a duty that I must remain professional for, I ensure that I do so. I believe in representation, which is why I think that having someone who is very active and who loves to talk with people, no matter who, is great for getting a take on the experience of all players in character and solve the problems that the foundation may have. I want to assist in the creation of fun ideas and ideas that ensure the authority and legality of the foundation is kept tightknit. I am absolutely open to constructive criticism, which has helped me to be able to gather the confidence to perform and conduct duties of all kinds, even when problems are bound. I believe in growth, and the growth of departments, which is something I would love to see. I want to be their for the community, and to assist the community's needs, whatever they may be. I want to ensure ethicality within the site and be the representation of someone who treats others with respect and ensures duties are taken care of properly. Also, I love writing forms, documents, sheets, etc. and have done so for years and would have no problem doing such things daily or whenever they need to be taken care of. I love helping out peers, and would love to take weight off of the other members shoulders by doing things they need done but can't find the time to do. Since I have a decent amount of time to do whatever, I would be more than happy to use this time to assist the other members of the committee should an assistant not be able to do so. What I lack in, I make up for in all types of things. I am very balanced in terms of laws/rules and whatnot, and like to keep things fair. I am also very understanding and love to listen to other peoples problems. I am very experienced with the lore, ethical handling, problem solving, conflict apprehension, etc. Overall, I believe I'm an okay candidate due to my public relations skill, ability to handle problems, experience with lore, understanding of the ethics committee, and willingness to assist everyone within the community.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:

The Ethics Committee has a wide variety of responsibilities, hence why is it highly regarded. First off, they ensure that the foundation and its staff are upholding the FLC and following the ethical regulations. They audit departments such as medical, internal affairs, research, and so on, to ensure that the departments are being handled accordingly and are not misrepresented by a false leader. Should it be needed, they may authorize AA to ensure containment breaches are dealt with accordingly. They also utilize Omega-1 to ensure their safety and ability to continue conducting Ethics Committee duties. Should a test require ECM approval, they will also do so. Ethics Committee members also conduct major RP situations and can end up starting many fun roleplay situations. They also authorize Code Blacks, if evacuation is needed. They also host tribunals to investigate/trial Clearance Level 4 Personnel that may be abusing their authority or going against what they stand for as a trusted member of the foundation. They also authorize Kill-On-Sights for D-class if it is truly ever needed. They also improve the Foundations' Legal Codex and keep everything ethical and proper. Finally, they represent the foundation as a whole as the ethical people that ensure Class-D are not needlessly killed, and that it is a 'safe' environment for us all. Overall, they act as the community's pillars and ensure that the foundation is not a lawless wasteland.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
The Ethics Committee, although being very based with roleplay, have great duties outside of it. They choose the next Director of Internal Affairs, future Ethics Committee Assistants, and even vote on the Ethics Committee member that joins them. They handle announcements regarding changes in the Legal Codex and whatnot, and can heavily influence roleplay and what might be changed (should it be approved by the entirety of the Ethics Committee). They also attend meetings to discuss the future of the Ethics Committee and the servers site. Finally, they handle concerns and inquiries to ensure that the public face of the Ethics Committee is upheld to a great standard that the people can look up to.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Born in Ottawa, Canada - Marion was the top of his class and renowned for being intelligent. He was always good at every subject he came across, and was able to solve any problem that came his way fairly quickly. Yes, he did have a few hiccups, but they were no more than bumps in the road. After growing up, Marion had a dream of joining law enforcement. However, he wasn't wanting someone basic like a patrolling officer, nor something like the RCMP. He wanted something to do with the military. As such, he joined the military, and after years of hard work, he finally was able to work in the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service for Canadian Forces Military Police Group, and was highly successful in all ways, having a succeeded case rate of 98%. Meaning, he was very good at his job in investigation and was always on top of those that may bring harm to the country, or just people being troublemakers. As a Military Police officer, he had the pleasure of working with many highly esteemed professionals and was regarded highly by his peers. Eventually, all of that came down when he was investigating a case involving a government official who was heavily influencing the actions of commanders within the military by threats of blackmail. During a face-to-face conversation, the government official pretended to pull out a gun in an attempt to make Marion scared, and as a result, Marion shot and killed someone he believed at the time posed a threat to him during an investigation. However, many people who disliked Marion because of his success rate and overall popularity among his peers, went against him and testified that Marion had no plausible reason to shoot the man. As such, Marion was relieved of duty and imprisoned, where he would eventually be facing life for murder of a government official. Eventually, something odd happened. Two prisoner guards came to Marion and brought him into a room where he would eventually be given a choice. Join a highly-esteemed foundation with some of the best of the best, or rot in a cell. Naturally, Marion chose the first option. He was set to become a Security Cadet, where he eventually was invited to become an Agent within Internal Affairs due to his past experience in the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service. After his acceptance, he worked hard and didn't falter in improving himself and assisting the Internal Affairs Department. He made a slipup, however he would ensure that he fixed it and made up for it by ten fold. He did what he could, and eventually applied for Ambassador in an attempt to further his career within the Foundation as a whole. He succeeded in this, and went on to present himself accordingly and assist both Agents and Operatives, even bringing in new ones. Eventually, he realized that he could be doing more and not just as an Internal Affairs Ambassador, but also as an Ethics Committee Assistant. He looked up to them, and believed they were the sole reason why he was there. As such, he applied in an attempt to be able to contribute more, once again, to the foundation, and hopefully make an even bigger name for himself. However, a former Director of Internal Affairs, and now Ethics Committee member was gone. To Marions dissatisfaction, he decided to apply. Sure, he may have only been an Internal Affairs Ambassador, but his mother always taught him to shoot his shot, even if the target is tiny. I mean, what did he have to lose anyway? As such, he decided to apply. Mainly to see what he could do better in his application in the future, but also because he truly did wish to join the Ethics Committee. It was his whole purpose of working for Internal Affairs; serving the Ethics Committees interests and enforcing the legal codex. That's what he wanted to do, and he had hoped to take it further.
From the Ethics Committee of Site-65
Ethics over all.png

The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: "Marion's" Ethics Committee Member Application.

Thank you for showing interest in the position of Ethics Committee Member, the committee is in agreement that you are not yet suited to be an Ethics Member. Please get in contact with us for your reason for denial.
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