PAC Request [USA] "Mark" PAC Request

Tagging threads containing character bios which request approval for in-game PAC designs relating to the description of the character.
PAC Requesting Approval

PAC Requested (Which job): MTF E-11

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:512927330

Photograph of PAC:

image_2024-04-01_213414428.png image_2024-04-01_213558076.pngimage_2024-04-01_213532346.png

Character Bio

Foundation Personnel File: [REDACTED]

Full Name: Mark [REDACTED]

- Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox") Containment Specialist
- Security Clearance Level: Level 3


Mark, aka E-11, is a soldier for the SCP Foundation. When freaky things get out at Site-██, Mark leads his team into the danger zone. They face some twisted horrors and an unstoppable beast. But Mark and his team don't give up. They come out on top, saving humanity from the threat. Mark is a true hero, always defending the Foundation and risking his life to keep us safe from the scary stuff.


Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 21, 2021
Your PAC Doesnt need approval, your gear and what not fits in the criteria of "Clothes and material that fit the character in RP"

Though i will say it looks quite nice.

Cheetah / RustyOsprey2

SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Nov 24, 2023


Hey @DarkSoldier

Your PAC3 Request has been put as pending due to the following reason.

Currently previously posted pictures are bugged, if you could please upload a picture of your pac on a website like, and re-attach it down below so we can move forward with your request that would be wonderful.

Kind regards, Cheetah​