[USA] Martinez Internal Affairs Ambassador Application

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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 26, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:520934849
Discord name: ejmartinez04
For how long have you played on CG SCP: For over a year now since march
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: United States of America
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): "Waterfall" Martinez
Civilian name: E Martinez
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
SCP-096 [Hold], MTF Nu-7 LT [Held], MTF E-11 SPC [Held], Security Captain [Held]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
I believe that I have contributed a good amount of work and effort as an agent that when I do become an Internal Affairs Ambassador, I'll be able to contribute even more. That one day I might be able to even be considered for the Departmental Director of Internal Affairs one day as well and be able to remember as one that showed enthusiasm and hard-working leadership. Able to have Internal Affairs is viewed as the prime example of the best operational department on-site, making it a department that all wish to join to have their name inscribed within it.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
As I have stated in a previous question, I was tasked with managing others and helping contribute hard work in order to ensure that those areas were well maintained. As an Internal Affairs Ambassador, I will be able to apply the skills and knowledge that I learned from those previous experiences and be able to apply them directly to the department myself. Those skills included me required to be able to manage multiple personal while ensuring that they are not only working at peak efficiency but that are also following protocols and staying on task all while on duty. With additional duties such as performing training for other personnel such as licenses training or routine exercises such as running kill house or being authorized for war games.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I have written many wide varied documents, ranging from incident reports that occurred to PowerPoint presentations for meetings. These documents were good because they needed everything that they would only need. Containing crucial information only rather than being filled with unnecessary useless information takes up large amounts of space that aren't needed. Proper grammar and correct spelling ALWAYS being something that is required when creating a document, and something that should always be double-checked if a person believes that it is ready to be submitted.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
Internal Affairs Ambassadors are given the crucial task of ensuring that all fellow Internal Affairs Operatives and Agents are operating with top effort and are ensuring that all protocols are always being met while they are on duty. Ensuring this by performing routine checks and follow-ups on Agents and operatives on their current duties that they are performing. Taking over any sensitive situation that they may need assistance in such as arrest involving Mobile Task Force or Clearance Level 4. As well as having the Honor to train Internal Affairs Agents, allowing Internal Affairs to grow and expand its growing number of active agents.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in: Born in a small town in the deep south, I was a well-known troublemaker when I was young. Always being found performing some sort of devious prank or trying to start trouble with no good ending towards it hoping to get that rush of adrenaline from it. It wasn't until I was caught drinking underage behind the house by my old man did I realize what I was doing to the place around me. In which he sat me and himself on the front porch that night did we have a one-on-one conversation about what he did to get to the hard-working respectable man I knew him as that day. Telling me how he would always get mixed into the wrong groups and would be looking for the next thing in life that would always give him that rush from life, no matter how risky it was for him or how dangerous. Until he witnessed firsthand how fast the world was ready to give them that kick they needed to get back on track. That night was the night that I understood I needed to get myself back on track and turn my life around by getting a job, choosing an internship at the local station would be the best place for me. Years later I became a decorated sheriff and was known throughout town as the right hand of the law. Which this outstanding performance would eventually grab the attention of a certain organization, leading me to where I am now in the foundation.
IA Logo.png

Application Denied
Hello Agent Martinez,

Me and my team have decided you are not fit for the role of Ambassador at this time. We do not believe you have enough experience or reputation within Internal Affairs at this time. Look into reaching out to the IA Leadership team and communicating with us more about your job. Please reapply when you have interacted more with me and my leadership team after the 2 week waiting period. Please contact me personally for further information in regards to your application. We hope to see you around more!

Highest Regards,

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