{USA} Maz 'Gwee'’s Medical Consultant Application

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Jun 30, 2022
Oregon USA
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:621882104
Discord name: Sockomo
For how long have you played on CG SCP: around 2305.8 hours of server playtime
Age: 25
In what country are you located?: United States of America
Time zone: GMT-07:00 (PDT)
Character name(s): Maz 'Gwee'
Civilian name: Ms. Marwood
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Held: O-1 SPC, E-11 SPC, Director of Medicine, Consultant
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Expired warning for failRP when 860-2 could leave it's CC and a 2 day ban for toxicity over a year ago for calling an instigator a slur out of rage.
Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?: I know I can be doing more to help the medical department and I want to continue to help more without breaking any site policies.
What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?: I have months of medical experience and know all the existing medical practices. I drop everything I'm doing to help anyone in need when they come to me. I am professional when it comes to my field and enjoy guiding others in the right direction when they are confused on what to do. I am confident I can perform as a Medical Consultant more than I already am as a Sr. Doctor.
Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice: Many to choose from, but my personal favorite has always been fixing fractures. It was the first physical ailment that I had to treat when I first arrived here, so bringing patients with fractures into inner Medbay's Scanning Room where they can lay on the X-Ray has always been nostalgic to me. Once the X-Ray tells you which specific limb is fractured. You use the !medic command to spawn the medical supplies menu. From there you can either click "Drugs" to spawn pre-made fracture medication or create your own from scratch using the "Test Tubes" and "Entities" Tab with the correct Deposits and Test Tubes. Once you have the appropriate medication for the patient, just ask them to consume it to heal the fracture.
What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?: We teach Trainees how to preform ECT, cure fractures and illnesses, how to properly heal personnel, as well as all of the policies we are all expected to follow by hosting training lectures followed by a license test. We approve Trainees who have passed their medical license tests and reward them with their medical licenses. We also are expected to punish any medical staff by removing their licenses if they break too many foundation and medical policies. We report any information about medical personnel, medical reports, or medical tests to our higher-ups, being Site Administration and Director of Medicines if it is hazardous or requires approval. Medical consultants also train and approve Combat Medic Whitelists through hosting Combat Medic Tryouts. Another thing is keeping the chem-lab storage is stocked as well as update logs for the consultant's office's chemical storage. Consultants are encouraged to assist with RP and LARP not just with-in medical. This brings people together more and creates more interactions.
Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in: Mazarine Marwood (A.K.A Maz 'Gwee') found reliable medical work in pinewood some years back but has gone through various violent rollercoasters since then. Multiple C.I. Kidnappings, experiments and her arms amputated. Thankfully G.O.C returned her the last time with new ones. After the experiments that she wishes not to talk about. She has been developing weak reality bending powers that require a lot of mental energy such as weak telekinesis, cell repairing, and lesser object-manifestation abilities. These objects only seem to manifest in relation to Maz's current mental state. When she feels extremely threatened small energy daggers or sometimes a long sword flicker in and out of translucency in her hands. When relaxed she is rarely seen meditating while floating above the floor or seat slightly. Most of the time the objects are harmless and just recreations of easy mental pictures or anything she's seen recently if she can still remember the details. Non of these objects have been more than 6 feet in length, the largest being the long-sword and an electric guitar. On rare occasions when Maz does not have her Med-Kit, she uses her cell repairing abilities to those who are in dire need of medical aid and is as effective as a standard-issue field-kit. It is unknown if Maz is officially classified as a Type-Blue by Research and the Facility, but she proudly considers herself one.
It was a casual day within the Facility, and no tasks were to be done since Maz was caught up on her work. She decided to oversee some tests in Inanimate Object Storage and assist with medical aid if needed. She walked into the room where all the SCP objects were held and immediately noticed a Jr. Researcher doing an unauthorized test on SCP-294, The Coffee Machine. Maz rushes up to the closed door where a D-Class is finishing typing something. He hits enter before Maz can tell them to stop what they're doing. The Coffee Machine starts making crude and un-earthly groans, forcing the D-Class to step back nervously. Just as the GSD Guard opens the door to let the D-Class out. A vile, thick, red fluid spills from the dispenser and fills the cup. A small shrill, like a tiny scream, fills the containment cell. Then it starts to move. The fluid, spilling and stretching over the cup's sides, begins to spread onto the areas around the machine like fleshy roots. Growing and overtaking the cup at a rapid rate. It's expanding to the ground within seconds, and the screaming gets louder and deeper. The unfortunate Guard was too close to it when pulling the D-Class to a safe distance, and the mass shoots out, latching onto his ankle and pulling him into the CC, which is now a mess of meaty vines and spikes. He starts to scream in agonizing pain and flails as he hits the flood of gore. Maz, without thinking, throws her hands up instinctively before the mass of red flesh can consume her, the D-Class and Researcher. A blue bubble forms around all three of them, just enough to shield them from the lunging growth. The protective bubble warps and bends with the wreathing anomaly, but it holds. Maz turns to the D-Class with fear and fury in her eye.

"What did you type into that machine?!"

The D-Class looks around at the mess currently taking over the whole room and says with panic in his voice.

"A-All I did was type 'Hate'..."
Nov 16, 2024
To: Dr. Maz Gwee
From: Office of the Directors of Medicine
Subject: Consultant Application

Taking into account your prior service within the higher echelons of the medical department and after discussion with the medical leadership team, we have decided to ACCEPT your application.

Welcome home!

Warm Regards,
Director Jonny 'Bear' Hartman
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