[USA] Mexi's Moderator Application.

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Jay "Corvid"

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jun 5, 2024
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): My first ever name was Yaylolman (This was made when i was a Child (13) and i am embarrased about it. I much prefer to go by Mexi and/or Papa Crust.)
How many hours of playtime do you have?: 162.24 Hours Active and 25 Inactive (Afk) Hours (Mostly due to me having a shit pc and sitting on the log in screen, waiting and doing something else.).

Age: 23 years young.
In what country are you located?: Australia
Time zone: GMT +10 OR AEST (Australia eastern standard time)
Foundation Name: "Mexi"
Chaos name: MexCI (no rank)
Civilian name: MexCIV
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:77430527
Discord ID: Mexiimex
Do you have a mic?: Yes, and a fairly decent one at that.
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP USA

Is this the first application you made?:
- Yes this is my first application for staff.
Seeing the constant reminder every time logging onto the server has given me time to think about it.
I never closed it for the 7 days incase there was one day I was confident enough in the rules to apply. And today is that day.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 0 warns and 0 bans.
I have done my very best to abide by all the rules that are provided and try to uphold the best I can do for Server Quality.
Reading the rules from day 1 and just using the "Yes and" roleplaying style.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
- Yes I have held quite a few different positions of GM or Gamemaster, Event Staff, and all the way from Trial Mod to Enforcer (Senior admin+) over multiple different RP based servers.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- I spend hours daily writing up storylines for DnD, I spent time crafting lots of RP events, Participating in a number of roleplay experiences, Spending hundreds of hours creating characters, being a creator of roleplaying experiences.
I do my very best to play every role in the server I can and uphold a character on each different job.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- It depends on my work hours but I can average about a 4-7 hour daily. Can be more on weekends or days off and can be less depending on how busy I get.

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
- I truely believe that there are plenty of decent people willing to roleplay if they were given enough information about how to start. When you join the server it gives you a quite minimal cutscene and without any prior experience they would just either A. Leave the server or B. Minge/RDM.
I wish to change this by helping people intend to roleplay, the amount of people who fail to find a good reason to simply play their character and just do their own thing ignoring everyone else is quite sad to see.

Sits should be a place to learn from your mistakes if you are willing to roleplay well and to teach those who don't know the rules. Not to simply ban and move on like they weren't trying to experience the game.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
- I've always put in 110% effort in every action I take, spending time with as many player interactions my job allows, writing full length essay equivelent research reports, Cooking enough food to feed a small country, making suggestions to improve the server quality / improving job roles, and treating every player with respect no matter what they want to do.

My goals looking towards becoming staff is to ensure the quality of roleplaying is not interrupted by those who 1 in 100 players that simply don't wish to take the time out of their day to improve or improvise, they who simply shoot without warning and those who want to ruin roleplayers days.
Reading the handbooks provided me with the rules knowledge over multiple days and so I feel confident in my ability to uphold and enforce the rules for the community.

While I may have joined the server a short time ago considered by many, only a month roughly, It is important that fresh eyes are on the scene and I am willing to prove that being new does not mean inexperienced or an amateur.

This application may fail but I am ready and willing to accept that fact due to the short nature of my time on this server but that will not dissuade my perseverance at applying. I simply will need to wait for my next opportunity and then hopefully I will have the acceptable amount of time played.

Thank you for reading, I understand it may be a little more wordy then the application format suggested but I hope you understand my point of view and requiring a larger explanation due to my shorter time on the server.

-Regards and Best Wishes.
Oct 7, 2023
Application Accepted

Hello, @Mexiimex
Thanks for taking the time to make an application!

I am delighted to inform you that, following a thorough review by The Resources Team, your application has been accepted!

We invite you to join our Team Speak at your earliest convenience, wait in the interview waiting room, and put "Waiting for Interview" in your name so we can proceed with the next stage of the process. An interviewer will be with you as soon as possible to guide you through the next stage of the process.​
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