(USA) mod application.

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New Member
Jun 13, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):mfore98

How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console):1day,16hours

age:15 (may 22)

In what country are you located?:united states of America.

Time zone:GMT-4

Foundation Name: sacre temp

Chaos name (include your rank): recruit mitch gime

Civilian name: tyler shime

Steam ID:76561198186709150

Do you have a mic?: Yes

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: - Yes

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:yes I have had one warning for using a soundboard and another for making one nsfw document as a joke.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?: no not at all, but I think that I need a place to start.
so I committed to playing this server and trying to get the role of moderator.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: yes I have played other servers where the roleplay is serious.

How many hours can you be on everyday?: I can play from 4:00 pm to 10:pm on weekdays and on the weekend I can do 10:00 am to 10:00 pm

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?: I wish to learn more about those who are admins, as well and help keep things in order.
(never did like minges)

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: I believe that I can bring a kind and modest response to others when it comes to rule-breakers. I try to get the whole story before is judge others and form a good opinion on both sides of the complication.

(just a side note I hope who ever reads this has a nice day.)
+/- Support

+/- Interaction. I have not interacted with you, though I have seen you in the server.
+/- Play Time. For me, 40 hours isn't enough in order to integrate with the community to the point necessary for being staff.
+/- Community Involvement. I would suggest joining a whitelisted group on the server to better involve yourself with the community.
- Application Presentation. This application is very underwhelming. It feels very rushed.
- Punishment History. Under normal circumstances, two warnings on record are fine. But with less than 2 days of activity, and with 2 warns (especially with one involving NSFW content) on record shows that you have not learned total respect of our communities rules, which is important for obvious reasons.

I recommend dedicating a lot more time and showing you're committed to the community before moving forward with a staff application.


Well-known Member
Mar 31, 2022
- Support

- Application make ~ The time you spent on this application shows absolutely no interest of wanting to join the staff team, putting 3 spaces in between each and every question makes it so hard on the eyes to read, It's overall just not a very good application.
+/- Ability to follow directions ~ I understand in the rules/guidelines it says not to write a lot, but it also states not to write too little. Also, it looks like some of the questions have just been skimmed over and a very very quick answer was given.
+/- Total playtime ~ You're above the required play time by 16hours which I believe just isn't enough.
- Personal interactions ~ I've had some personal interactions with you, but I believe they've all been negative.
- Community involvement ~ No community involvment as you've been with the server for a little less than 2 days.
- Experience ~ No staff experience.
+/- Punishment history ~ I honestly think the punishments shows immaturity just due to the nature of them.
No matter my opinion, I sincerely wish you the best of luck. Good luck!


Active member
May 1, 2022
+/-unsure of rule knowledge

+/-unsure of activity
-poor app

I recommend you try to make yourself more known in the community, and to stay out of trouble.

Hollow Larry

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 19, 2022
Hello, i will be giving -support
+/- No interactions
+/- No interactions in game
+/- low playtime
+/- no previous staff experience
-past warnings

-Rushed looking APP
-low community involvement

Michael Matthews

Well-known Member
Apr 11, 2022


+/- No interactions
+/- Low Playtime
+/- Unsure of rule knowledge

- Application looks rushed
- Minor Grammer
- Has had a couple Warns in the past/ Bans

L + Ratio + Doesn't seem like a Efficient player + Rushed app + Doesn't seem like he takes effort in things + Goodluck.-"Matthews"


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