[USA] Monica 'Virtue' Avidan | Security Captain Application

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May 4, 2024
Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:189665509

Discord Name : mediummiles [Miles !!]

For how long have you played on CG SCP : Roughly 8 months

Age : 20

In what country are you located? : United States

Time Zone : Eastern-Standard Time [EST]

Character name : Monica 'Virtue' Avidan

Civilian name : Arin Hanson

What server are you applying for? : SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic? : Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held :
- Sergeant [Holding]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? And why? :
- I think i may have a mic-spam warning ; I was just playing silly songs to pass the time but it was too loud so I got a warn for it

Why are you applying for Security Captain? :
- Because I want to be a leader in GENSEC. I want to teach people how to do things and I want to inspire others to be great. With the odd hours I manage to get online, there's usually little to no Captains or even Sergeants online, so I want to be there to keep D-Block stable and I want to keep the Foundation as safe as possible with the GENSEC that I will lead.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain? :
- I believe that I'm suitable for the Captain position because of how I can stand my ground and show leadership where it needs to be shown. If there's something that needs to be done or a situation to be handled, I can get it done then and there without any hesitation. I can confidently say that I can be a great Captain who can lead GENSEC to a better light and help those who need our help to keep the Foundation safe.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP? :
- Captains are leaders who keep all of GENSEC and D-Block in check. They make sure things are going smoothly in D-Block and that GENSEC personnel are doing their jobs correctly, like making sure D-Class are swiftly given to Researchers for testing and ensuring that they possess no weapons/contraband to harm any staff. They also make sure that LCZ is a safe place for all personnel by administering active and frequent patrols to check and keep the place safe from SCP's and intruders alike. During the events of a Code being active, Captains are to send corresponding GENSEC personnel to assist with said codes to help the Foundation in any way possible.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storyline they would be involved in :
- During her first couple months in General Security, Monica was very shy and timid. She kept to herself a lot and always did what she was asked of without questioning. Her climb to become an Officer wasn't easy, but she prevailed through the hard-ships and got a very stable position as one for months. Because of this, she started to become more vocal and started to take her role more seriously, helping out new Cadets/Guards and trying to keep the peace within D-Block Checkpoint. Despite this, people took her a bit less seriously, constantly being mistaken for being a younger person who doesn't know any better instead of a fully grown woman. This caused her to become sterner and started to become more serious about her active role as an Officer. The days she was promoted to Sergeant, then Captain were the highlights of her time spend at the Foundation. Nowadays, Monica can be seen in D-Block ordering GENSEC to swiftly and efficiently do their jobs correctly and helping newcomers do their jobs right. Although a stern and serious leader, she has a kind heart and is willing to help those in need, leading them and showing them the correct path to become a better person in the General Security regime.
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