[USA] Newsom's Overseer Assistant Application


Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Apr 27, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
In what country are you located?:
United States of America
Time zone:
Pacific Standard Time zone
Character name(s):
'Newsom' Richman, Jake 'Horrigan', 'Twilight' Richman
Civilian name:
Jacob Newsom
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
Yes, I do.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Holding: E-11 CPT 'Newsom' Richman, SCP-096, Trial GameMaster
Held: GOC CPL, O-1 LCPL, Nu-7 CPL, Nu-7 SPC, E-11 CSG x2, CI-C DELCOM, CI Gamma, Trial GM
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received a few warning from two years ago they are Fear RP | Combat Cuffing, Pac Abuse, RDM, and Fear RP. Firstly, I don't necessarily remember all the details from these warnings because they're from two years ago, but what I can say is for the first warning 'Fear RP | Combat Cuffing' was when I was on the IA job for the first time & this was my first time within a Gmod RP server I cuffed a person RDMing everyone to jail not knowing it was against the rules. Secondly, the Pac Abuse was when I first got Pac because I thought it would be cool & I become a spartan from Halo which covered my whole body not allowing people to see what job I was on, additionally, I also did not know this rule till I was warned by an admin. Furthermore, the RDM warning I really don't have any memory on, but what I can say it was most likely when I was fully getting transferred and starting to understand the rules of the game, then unfortunately I most likely slipped up and got a warning. Finally, the Fear RP was when I was on Deep Cover sitting in interrogation without my weapons stripped and I decided when I thought they didn't have their guns on me I was going to turn around & shoot them which didn't work out...
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
Firstly I am not the best candidate for becoming a Overseer Assistant, but I can say there are many aspects to look at when deciding whether a person is a good fit for the position of Overseer Assistant, whether it's personality, professionalism, dedication, ability to meet deadlines, etc... I believe I fit this description as a person being able to deliver high quality professional and fun RP. One example of this is my current & past experience as a Trial Game Master, where I am tasked with creating interesting, developed RP which would make the people involved feel included and ensuring they enjoy their time. I created a large amount of RP Enhancements, events and participated in some larger story lines adding my own ideas to them and improving RP quality in the server during my time. Other things that may make a good candidate for Overseer Assistant is my ability to move on & improve off each mistake I make, to be fair everyone makes mistakes whether it's small or large we need to move on and improve off of it. Lastly I believe that I have the ability to lead RP, and create high quality documents, which I can do confidently.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
- Approve Permits for D Class
- Approve Documents
- Follow O5 Orders
- Enforce the Code of Conduct
- Do monthly reports on departments / regiments
- Authorize Advanced Armory
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

FILE SELECTED : "████████"
PROGRESSION 37% ■■■□□□□
PROGRESSION 78% ■■■■■□□

FILE ACCESSED : Overseer Assistant 'Cardinal'



Army Major Jacob Newsom Codenamed 'Lance' was a outstanding member of the Army, a decorated war hero. When he began his career within the Army he started within the Officer Candidate School for his knowledge & past education, during OCS he passed with the remark from his instructor "One of the best damn candidates we ever had." After passing OCS he began to be deployed to multiple different areas around the world, during his deployments he would almost always receive a medal for his hard work. His leadership & combat skills kept himself & his team alive during every deployment, soon after these deployment he would be quickly promoted Lieutenant Colonel. Eventually he caught the attention of █████ ██████ who later on sent ███████ to retrieve and interview him for a potential... position.


Army Major 'Lance' was retrieved by ██████ and was taken to a hidden site, which he was put in a interviewing room with full black walls & a one way mirror. Furthermore, 'Lance' who was alarmed by this kept his tension & caution up around the stranger ██████, during the interview ██████ began to ask him multiple question to which he answered. Additionally, during the interview 'Lance' was trying to constantly pry into where he was, who the person in front of him was, and why he was here getting interviewed. After the completion of the Interview ██████ deemed that he was ready for employment, 'Lance' was requested to join the "SCP Foundation" as a Mobile Task Force Recruit for Epsilion-11.


Codenamed 'Newsom' Epsilion-11 Private was recruited into the Mobile Task Force, which as expected by ██████ he brought great success to every operation, breach, and more. As quickly as in the Army he was promoted to Captain of Epsilion-11, then 'Newsom' viewing Sciptnet found a notice that he was hand picked to become a ████████ █████████ and the "interviewing" phase would soon happen...

*End of File*

