[USA] "No"'s Second Special Agent Application

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Well-known Member
Jan 27, 2023
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
April 17, 2022 (40.5326389 Days of playtime)


In what country are you located?:
United States

Time zone:
EST (-4)

Character name(s):
Foundation: "No"
CI: Echo "Echo" Echo
GOC: "Shih Tzu"

Civilian name:
Frank Will

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

What are your total levels?:
Total Level: 169

Combat: 42

D-Class: 38
Research: 30
SCP: 26
Support: 33

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Nu-7: SGT (Current)
GOC: LCPL (Current)
SCP-096 (Current)

MTF E-11: SGT (Held)
MTF Nu-7: CPT (Held)
CI: Beta (Held)
GOC: 1SGT (Held)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
RDM (I stabbed someone as D-Class)
FailRP (Infobreached Alpha Warhead)

How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
Five Weeks

Why are you applying for Special Agent?
There are five reasons why I'm applying for special agent. Number one, It's the logical next step from Senior Agent. Number two, the role will allow me to better the Foundation. This is because of my leadership skills. Number three, I want to improve DEA, even though it's already pretty amazing. Reason four, I often see DEA operatives doing the wrong thing, and being a special agent will allow me to tell them better what to do. Number five, I love DEA, and having a higher position, like special agent, will allow me to spend more time within it.

What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
I have a lot of skills from my prior Cl.4 position, such as:

1. Better communication
2. Great Negotiating
3. Perfect Leadership experience

These skills allow me to perform as DEA, and if this gets accepted, a special agent.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I have written a total of 15-20 documents. A good document needs to be coherent, professional, and informational.

What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
Inside RP, special agents have 4 direct responsibilities:

1. Maintain proper relations with GOI's
2. Give, or deny, permits to MC&D's
3. Help DEA agents and Sr. Agents whenever they need it
4. Combat hostile GOI's

Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Codename: "No" was born in [REDACTED], he was raised amazingly well by his parents. After attending college for criminology, he joined the FBI's UIU division. The UIU (Unusual Incident Unit) was created to find and document anything paranormal. The UIU held no knowledge of the SCP Foundation until they noticed the lack of funding coming to their division. This led them to find other avenues of revenue. The GOC came to the UIU in good faith, hoping they could work together. "No" led the EUIU subdivision within the UIU, they work with the external paranormal threats. After a few years working for the UIU, "No' eventually ran into a few Foundation members out in the field. After further interaction, "No" decided to take a job within the Foundation.

"No" started in Nu-7, an MTF unit in the Foundation that specializes in the defence of the Foundation from GOI's. The Foundation then started a new Affairs Agency, the External Affairs Agency. "No" felt more comfortable in the DEA, this may be due to the time he spent in the UIU.


Well-known Member
Jan 27, 2023

The day I made this post, I had my wisdom teeth removed.

I will still appear in game, but I was advised by my dentist to not wear headphones. I'll have a (Deaf) tag in my name, indicating the fact that I won't be able to hear. I will be in game for about an hour to two hours so I can play my part as Senior DEA. Thanks!
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