[USA] O5-4 "The Prophet" Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:120280980
Discord name: kitoooo
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 47 Days in-game playtime, overall have been playing for over half a year.
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s):

Civilian name:
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF Nu-7 Private (Holding)
- DEA Agent (Holding)
- SCP-096 (Holding)
- United Nations GOC Lieutenant (Holding)
- Site-Administration Manager
- MTF Epsilon-11 Major
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Five total warnings;
Mic Spam Oct. 3rd, 2022(first day).
Mic Spam Oct. 3rd, 2022(first day).
I was being mingey on my first day, and got warned. I learned from it.

> FearRP[A] Oct. 30th, 2022.
> FailRP[A] Nov. 11th, 2022.
I don't remember what happened, but I believe it was in regards to getting kidnapped and shooting while under gunpoint, but I wasnt aware I was under gunpoint. My brain was fried that day, and I haven't broken this rule since.

> RDM Mon. Jun. 12th, 2023.
I called an Air-Strike in on an 8854 instances as GOC, in which I was unaware of civilian presence where it was called.

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
- O5-4; Who was recently promoted to O5-1(congrats Khan!!!)
> Applying to better the site overall. Additionally looking for a change-of-pace, similar to my initial Site-Advisor application. Obviously I enjoy RP, and would like to encourage it by continuously being active, ensuring others are doing their job, providing additional RP or OOC support, and generally assisting the site with its functions as a whole.

> Obviously this a huge position to fill, and I will try my best to fill it accordingly. I have a history of providing good, fun RP for most or all parties involved, and actively encourage RP with any and all role or position, including Class-D. I would like to press this further with proper authority, with my main goal being to increase the enjoyment and fun of playing the server, and interacting with the O5.

> I'd also love to interact with most of, if not the entire site from time to time. The only reason I resigned from Site-Administration was due to the active Site-Director, and Site-Manager essentially leaving, and my somewhat declining activity, which I have since corrected.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
> I would fill the position extremely well due to prior Senior Clearance 4 experience, with continued administrative work even in external GOIs. My reputation will precede me, and it will very likely be positive. The only current issue I can even call an issue is my current involvement with the GOC, as a Senior Clearance-4 holder, in which if I am accepted I will leave, and my activity, which I am actively correcting and taking measures to ensure it stays corrected for the future.

> Additionally, I can maintain healthy relations with most, if not all site-staff, and keep a level head even under pressure or when pushed in the wrong way. My experience within Site-Administration has taught me valuable information, and standard procedures for dealing with situations otherwise deemed sensitive. I have an additional track record of creating outstanding documents, formats, and can easily provide documentation for special occasions should the need arise.

> My views or RP, and its value to the O5, and server as a whole, also solidify me as one of if not the best candidate for this position. I take roleplay as something aimed at being fun, regardless of circumstance, and wish to offer multiple opportunities and experiences for individuals to participate in RP I am involved with, if possible. I additionally have a track record of trustworthiness, and responsibility, even when not held to a given standard.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
> Authorizing Keter-Keter Cross-Testing.
> Authorizing SCP-008 Testing, or Cross-Testing.
> Activating Code-Black Evacuation efforts.
> Activating the Alpha-Warhead when proper requirements are met(ERT failure or SCP-008-2 instances on surface).
> Authorization of Advanced Armory distribution.

> Dissemination of Orders to Overseer Assistants.
> Dissemination of Orders to the Department of External Affairs.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
> Voting on and Changing the Code-of-Conduct.
> Giving input of Changes to Site-Wide Policies(as requested).
> Giving input of Changes to the Code-of-Ethics(as requested).
> Voting on new O5 Applications(like this one!).
> Voting on, and Appointing new Overseer Assistants.
> Voting on, and Appointing new Alpha-1 Commanders.
> Voting on, and Appointing new Department of External Affairs Directors.
> Voting on, and Appointing new Site-Directors.

> Assisting Site-Administration, Overseer Assistants, Department of External Affairs, and Alpha-1 as required.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

I've stated this in my prior applications, but I feel as through backstory is much better gained through server-based RP. However I have character lore that I have been writing slowly over the course of my time playing. You can find it [HERE] in google-doc form, but I refuse to use BB Forums Code for writing proper documents. It is just AWFUL to use for any kind of formatting on BB Forums Code.

That being said, here is a synopsis of Josephine K. "Kito";


  • Full Name: .... Josephine K██████
  • Designation: .. “Kito
  • Occ. Spec.: ... [ CLASSIFIED ]
  • Cur. Rank: .... [ N/A ]
  • Op. Status: ... ACTIVE SERVICE
  • Dep. Region: .. CA, ██, S-██

[ 12/29/2022 - 01/11/2023 ]
Josephine K███████ was a Central Intelligence Agency field operative, primarily working with the FBI’s Unusual Incidents Unit. She eventually caught the attention of several Foundation agents as a potential hire for MTF; Continued investigations of her led to a CDE-Class Scenario.

Josephine was promptly designated as a Kilo-Level information hazard, & several MTF-███ operatives were dispatched in order to terminate her. During the mobilization efforts, Josephine evaded 3 Foundation agents & expunged most data collected of her, before completely vanishing from Foundation surveillance for a number of months.

Several sightings & leads into her whereabouts were discovered, but ultimately all led to nothing. The next confirmed sighting of her was a breach into Site-19.

She took Senior Researcher Ben█████ O. Walker hostage, but later stated that a rogue PMC unit, now within the GOC, managed to terminate Walker, and injure her during an experiment with the Spiral Gestalt.

After numerous encounters with her from MTF & Foundation personnel, & several negotiations later, the Overseer’s Council authorized her to work within Site-██ as an MTF-██████████ operative.

Josephine was given the designation “Kito” after an incident led to the mis-pronunciation of the word “Kilo”.

[ 12/29/2022 - 01/11/2023 ]
During an incident regarding the use of a reality anchor, Kito was injured to such an extent further MTF service was deemed unacceptable by both the on-site Medical teams, and Ethics Committee.

She was placed as a Site-Advisor due to these injuries. Initially her placement was questioned by several individuals, but she proved herself to be a valued asset to Site-██.

She was later promoted to Site-Manager, instating a few different policies and procedures for the UN GOC, as well as standardized Sample Collection Procedures.

She resigned from Site-Administration on 04/12/2023, taking an extended vacation for mental health issues. Therapy was offered by the acting Site-Director, however it is unclear if this was accepted.

[ 12/29/2022 - 01/11/2023 ]
After her resignation from Site-Administration, she was placed as a Senior Researcher within the Nano-Robotics field. She was the lead of Project: Kinesin-6, a Nano/Micro-Robotics Research & Development project.

The Project was a success, and usage of Nano-Robotics has since developed. Josephine’s involvement has shifted somewhat over time, but eventually a version of Project: Kinesin-6 was deployed to repair doors over-time within Site-██.

Once she was fully recovered, she was temporarily assigned to MTF Nu-7 “Hammer Down”. Currently she assists with termination of Chaos Insurgency raiding parties, and as of 07/12/2023 she was awarded the Foundation Defense Medal for successfully defending Site-██ from a Chaos Insurgency assault.
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Apr 27, 2023
Why do I need an active Foundation Senior Clearance 4? I held a Major position in E-11, and Site-Manager for a very long time. I still provide the same type of work as a UN GOC Lieutenant.
That shit was 5-6 months ago. Ex O5 have even gotten denied because they weren't Sr CL4+


Active member
Jan 9, 2023

Records and Information Security Administration

From the Office of ████████

Regarding ████████ Applicant - "JOSEPHINE K."

Application Denied
Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of ████████

After much deliberation, your application has been denied for the appointment to the position of ██-4. Although your work for the Foundation is duly noted and appreciated, we cannot accept you at this time. Please wait two weeks to reapply.

For more information or questions, you may contact an ████████.​
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