[USA] OA Johnathan Macson

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Resistance Doggo#8278

Active member
May 6, 2023
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:93262339
Discord name: Resistance Doggo#8278
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 105 Hours, But I been apart of the community for around 2ish months
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): (F) Johnathan Macson, (CI) Johnny Mikeson
Civilian name: Johnny J. Johnson
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF Nu-7 CPL and CI-A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have only received one warning for fearRP and it was because it was for running away from Ranger as a IA agent while also detaining another Ranger.
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
I believe I am the best candidate out of other applicants because I am firstly a very mature person which I believe is very essential for a job that contains a lot of confidental informantion, alongside that being mature is good because in a position that contains any power it is advisable that this power effective and smartly uses this power which i promise to do. Another reason why I believe I could be a great Candidate for Overseer's Assistant is because I am very active, I can put up to two hours or more on a consistent basis which would be great for the Foundation so that the job is consistently being active and avaliable. I believe I would be a great candidate for Overseer Assistant because of my attribute's I listed above, such as my maturity which I believe to be intergal to this job and alongside that I listed activity which is another key factor to making sure the facility to running effectively.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
The responsibilities of an Overseer Assistant in RP are to, of course, assist the Overseers council but what I mean by this is that they can help represent them if none are on-site and help keep them updated on the state of the site if they ever get on-site during a situation. Another responsibility of the Overseer Assistant is to help assistant A-1 whenever requested and they can use a few tools such as the CCTV system on Floor 3 to help track down intruders, info breachers and any other persons of interest. Overall I believe the responsibilities of a Overseers Assistant are to firstly, assist the Overseers Council with any task they request, alongside that they can help A-1, if requested by utilizing tools on Floor 3 to help monitor the site and search for persons of interest.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

-= Accessing file =-

-=Clearance Level 4 Authorized=-

-= Opening file =-

Name: Jonathan Macson
Occupation: Senior Researcher
Height: 6’3
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Hazel

Early Life/Pre-Foundation:

Jonathan Macson grew up in Syracuse, NY and went to school at ██████ High School and graduated with a 3.7 GPA and began to attend a local college by the name of SUNY ███████ and began studying for work as a biologist, during his time at the college he gain a reputation as a very excellent biologist and was a TA in his biology class. Early Foundation recruiting agent’s reports said that he had a bad temper and was likely to have disciplinary issues if recruited. Macson continued his education eventually getting a Bachelors, after his graduation Foundation Recruitment agents meet with him to discuss a new job opportunity in a “government” facility.

Foundation life:

When Macson was recruited to the Foundation he was given training on Research policy and procedures, after his training he was granted Clearance 1 as per standard procedure, he was then transferred to Site-65 to begin his career. After multiple tests and supervision by Research Department executives he was promoted to Researcher and granted Clearance 2 where he continued gaining understanding of the site and the foundation as a whole. After years of Researching the Research Department promoted him to Senior Researcher and was granted the Clearance level 3 because of this he began testing with new chemicals, such as Y-Blocker and because of previous done by other researchers he began to research more about the effects of the drug, his main work he did as a Sr. Researcher began to revolve around the drug, he conducted numerous testings with SCP-096 and the drug, sadly all of them failing. With all of the testing he conducted the Eye of the overseers council started to watch and eventually they offered him a position he could not refuse.

-= Closing File =-


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 8, 2022


- Active in game, good interactions
- Roleplay is good.



Well-known Member
Jul 13, 2022
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Records and Information Security Administration

From the Office of ████████

Regarding ████████ Assistant Applicant - Johnathan Macson

Application Denied
Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of ████████ Assistant

Foundation Command has reviewed your application, and we have decided that you are unfit for this position at this time so as such this application will be Denied. You may reapply in 2 weeks.

On behalf of █-2
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