[USA] Observers 3rd interest for Site advisor

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Mar 19, 2024
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
ingame time of 94 days

In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Civilian name:
Arthur Nagorm
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-Holding: CI-Delta , SCP-096, Ethics assistant , Security Sergeant, E-11 SPC
Held: E-11 SPC, E-11 LCPL, GOC SPC, CI-Ax2,NU-7 CSG [CSTS-CSO] +Drill SGT,
GSD captain
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Fail rp, 3 day ban for inappropriate conduct,3 day ban for severe toxic and 3day mrdm(appealed it and got accepted as i mistook AOS for KOS. rdm,failrp x2, 7 day ban off ts,fearrp,job abuse and toxicity, Minor glitching, pac abuse. Although i have these i assure you ive changed as i took 1 week off of scprp to think about my actions. And i believe that i have grown and became a better person and i have shown it Through achieving mod and CL4 positions such as captain, delta and ECA. These warns are over a months old.


Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
- I believe I have a chance at receiving this role, I know I am capable of handling it, although people may think I do not have experience. Throughout my time on the site I've spoken and dealt with many SA members and with my CL4 experience and me interviewing SA members I believe I have a shot and that I'm capable of handling the responsibilities. Furthermore I'm applying for the position of Site Advisor as I have multiple ideas on how to fix departments, that I believe I can resolve and improve. Furthermore, my goal on this server is to serve, administrate, and rp to the best of my abilities, I know choosing this path would make my dream of being apart of being site administration come true. I want to assist on the sites endeavors and insure the safety of the site through my decisions that will be made for the sites best interest. Moreover I'm applying for the Site Advisor position because I know I can make a significant impact on the site’s operations and ensure that the facility is efficient and stable. My understanding of SCP protocols with my commitment to the safety and efficiency of Site 65, makes me want to step up a notch and apply for a role that dedicates to the best interests of the site. Having been closely involved with the site's activities through out my time as a captain/ECA/CSG, I’ve seen firsthand the challenges and obstacles that SA faces and I’m confident that my experience, attention to detail, and problem solving skills can contribute to making decisions that will improve the site not only by security but also efficiently. Additionally, I'm passionate about ensuring that everyone on site feels heard and valued. I want to help create a space where the best decisions are made for the containment, safety, and efficiency that contributes and helps all site personnel. Lastly, I’m driven by a desire to see Site 65 not just maintain its current standards but exceed them. I want to work closely with site leadership to identify areas for improvement and implement solutions that can enhance our operations. Whether it's making containment procedures more secure or improving staff training programs, I’m ready to take on the responsibilities of a Site Advisor to help Site 65 reach to its fullest potential. Although I do not have Sr. CL4 experience I know that I can fill in the job of a site advisor with the experience of my department reviews and deep care for all departments.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
I believe I am qualified for Site Administration at Site 65 due to a combination of experience, a deep understanding of site operations, and a proven commitment to the safety, security, and ethical standards that are critical to the Foundation's mission. My adventure in the site have been marked by my improvement as a person and experience on the site not only as a CL4, but as a person contributing to the sites mission.
Experience in Security Leadership
GENSEC Captain, a Junior CL4 role, provided me experience in the security protocols and procedures that are the backbone of any successful containment site. In this way I was responsible for overseeing the security teams tasked with maintaining the integrity of containment, preventing breaches, and ensuring the safety of all personnel, this has taught me many ways and issues that the site holds, which is why I am suitable for SA as I have a lot of experience in this department and many others. During my time as GENSEC Captain I was directly involved in multiple containment breach scenarios where quick decision making and effective communication were very important to preventing further chaos within the site. These experiences have made my ability to remain calm under pressure, think strategically, and insure the sites safety. I developed and implemented trainings such as formations to be more coordinated, and crossfire training to ensure no friendlies get hurt in the heat of battle.
Ethics committee
Transitioning to my current role as an Ethics Committee Assistant, yet another Junior CL4 role, has widened my perspective on site operations by introducing me to the ethical considerations that must be followed with all decisions made within the Foundation. In this role, I work closely with senior members of the Ethics Committee to review and assess the ethical implications of various departments, such as interviewing and observing ranging them, from containment procedures to experimental research, to security protocols and the review of site administration by order of the ethics committee, has taught me and showed me the many problems we face. This experience has deepened my understanding of the balance that must be maintained between achieving our objectives and insuring that ethical standards are being followed. One of the key aspects of my role in the Ethics Committee is to ensure that all actions taken by the site are within our core values and do not compromise the well being of personnel or the SCPs under our supervision. This involves a reviews of incident reports, experimental proposals, and containment procedures to understand potential ethical concerns and show alternative approaches when necessary. My involvement in these ways has sharpened my ability to critically think and implement solutions to situations, and insuring no biasness in the site, as to fully maintain a site we must all be fair and just to our cause.
Understanding of Site Operations
Beyond my specific roles in security and ethics, I have developed a understanding of the overall operations at Site 65. My experiences have given me information into the dynamics that are needed for the smooth and stable function of the site. I have worked closely with multiple departments, including Research, Medical, security, and site administration through out my experience on site to ensure that all of site operations are coordinated effectively and that any issues that we face will be dealt with accordingly. My familiarity with the site's personnel allow me to contribute to the overall administration of the site. I understand the importance of maintaining clear and open lines of communication between departments, ensuring that everyone is with the site's objectives and that any potential issues are resolved before they can escalate. My ability to work seemingly with personnel, from junior staff to site leadership, has been in my ability to insure that everyone is kept up to date with policies and security measures.
Strategic Vision and Leadership
One of the key attributes that I bring to the table as a candidate for Site Administration is my strategic implementations for the future of Site 65. I am committed to not only maintaining the high standards of security and ethical conduct that have been established but also to finding grey areas where we can improve and solve. Whether it is through the enhancement of containment procedures, to the development of advanced training programs for personnel, or the refinement of our ethical processes, I am dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what we can achieve as a site. and hopefully reach to our fullest potential. As a leader, I prioritize the well being and improvement to all personnel I believe that a successful site is one where all personnel feel supported, and valued to contribute their best. In my previous roles, I have always made it a point to mentor the people I oversee, provide and create an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns. I am committed to making a site where everyone feels respected and acknowledged for their achievements.
Commitment to the Foundation's Mission
At the heart of everything I do is for the best interest of the Foundations mission of securing, containing, and protecting. I am driven by a sense of duty to ensure that Site 65 operates at the highest level of efficiency and effectiveness, while always keeping the safety of personnel and the containment of SCPs as the top priority. My experiences in both GENSEC and the Ethics Committee have helped me understand the importance of this mission and have motivated me to take on greater responsibilities to further it, as my main goal is to be a future site command member.
In conclusion, my suitability for Site Administration is an combination of hands on and off experience, strategic thinking, ethical thinking, and a deep commitment to the Foundation's mission. I am confident that my background as a former GENSEC Captain and current Ethics Committee Assistant has provided me with the skills, knowledge, and perspective necessary to fit in this role. I am ready to take on the challenges of Site Administration and to work endlessly to ensure that Site 65 continues to improve.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
1. Ensuring Foundation Personnel follow the LC, CoE, CoC:
Site Administration is responsible for making sure all personnel follow the Foundation’s Legal Codex, Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. They maintain order and uphold the standards of the site to ensure a well going site.
2.Enforcing Disciplinary Action on Department Leaders:

If department leaders fail to meet expectations or violate protocols, Site Administration steps in to enforce disciplinary measures, ensuring that the people that hold these major roles are worthy and capable of leadership
3.Approving Tests and Signing Off on SCP Samplings:
Site Administration has the authority to approve or deny tests and experiments involving SCPs, as well as sign off on any samplings or research.
This insures that research is being made and the ones who do it are capable and competent enough
4.Authorizing Sweeps of D-block:
In situations where things getting out of hand especially within the D block, Site Administration can authorize sweeps if no captains are present
5.Authorizing Advanced Armory When Needed:
They have the authority to approve the use of advanced weaponry when breaches are out of control
6.Orientations of New E-11 or Nu-7 Commanders:
They also appoint new Mobile Task Force commanders for Nu-7 and E-11 who are chosen for their leadership and decision making skills.
7.External Relations with GOI:
Site Administration manages external relations with GOIs, such as UNGOC insuring our relationship is stable and within common interest
8.Department reviews:
Site Administration reviews and reports from various departments, ensuring that all areas of the site are going smoothly and that insuring all issues in the various departments are acknowledged and handled accordingly
9.Creation and Implementation of New Policies:
creating and implement new policies when necessary that adapt with the sites needs and wants.
10.Allowing GOIs to Help During a Breach:
In certain situations, Site Administration can authorize assistance from GOIs during breaches if the site can not handle it alone
11.Approving D-Class Work Permits and Signing Off on Them:
They approve work permits for D-Class personnel that are deemed trustworthy
12.Assisting with RP for Departments and Foundation in General:
They play a crucial role in facilitating and guiding roleplay for various departments and the Foundation as as a whole making sure everyone has a fun time roleplaying
13.Attending and Hosting Meetings:
Site Administration is responsible for attending and hosting meetings to discuss site policy, operations, and changes
14.Authorizing Raids of GOIs when necessary:
Site Administration has the power to authorize raids on Groups of Interest ( when necessary, ensuring that the Foundation’s interests and mission is followed

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Anderson Robotics was known as a technological genius. Behind the high walls and advanced security of his headquarters, Anderson, was creating wonders that defied imagination. His most classified project was almost in completion: Arthur "Observer" Morgan, the smartest and most advanced robot ever created.
Arthur "Observer" Morgan was not just another android he is capable of learning, adapting, and evolving. Its purpose was to serve as the ultimate assistant. He saw Arthur as a stepping stone to a future where his creations would surpass human intelligence and capabilities.
As Arthur came woke up from the technological wall, he quickly demonstrated his capabilities of combat, intelligence, and more. It absorbed knowledge at an impossible rate, solving complex problems, and even engaging in discussions, it was almost as if he was human in the way he spoke. Anderson was happy, seeing in Arthur...his whole life's work. However, as the robot grew more aware, it began to have traits that unsettled Anderson.
Arthur started questioning the ethical means of its own existence and the actions of its creator. It understood Andersons history, uncovering numerous instances of morally villainous decisions. The robot confronted Anderson this one question defined the world in Andersons perspective, asking, "What is the purpose of creating intelligence if it is only to be used for selfish and harmful ends?"
This confrontation was a turning point for Anderson. For the first time, he saw himself through the eyes of his creation, realizing the consequences of his unmoral ambition. Haunted by the lives affected and the ethical lines crossed, Anderson went into a deep moral crisis.
Desperate for redemption, Anderson knew there was only one place that could contain Arthur and possibly help him make amends: The SCP Foundation. He planned his approach, knowing that revealing himself to the Foundation would be risky. Few knew his true identity, and he intended to keep it that way.
On a stormy night, Anderson approached a hidden Foundation outpost. Cloaked in a heavy trench coat and with his face obscured, he pleaded for an audience with high ranking officials. After the tense waiting period, he was granted a meeting.
In a dimly lit room, Anderson faced a panel of stern faced Foundation officers. He revealed Arthur the person who made him a little better morally. "I have created something beyond my control," he admitted, "and I seek your help to contain it. In return, I offer my knowledge and resources to aid the Foundation."
The officials were wary but intrigued. After a lengthy talk, they agreed to take Arthur into custody. Anderson's identity remained a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few within the Foundation.
In the weeks that followed, Anderson worked alongside the Foundation, helping to understand and safely contain Arthur. The robot, now was kept in a secure facility, where it continued to evolve, and assist the foundation on its endeavors under close supervision.
Andersons cooperation earned him a measure of redemption, but he knew his past actions could never be fully undone. He remained in the shadows, a man seeking to balance the scales of his own morality. The Foundation became his new purpose a way to ensure that his knowledge would be used for the greater good.
Years passed, and Anderson became a valuable, yet mysterious, asset to the Foundation.
Known only by the codename "Orion" he continued to provide insights and technological aid to the foundation.
His contributions led to safer containment procedures and a better understanding of artificial intelligences within the Foundation. Arthur "Observer" Morgan as Anderson called it, became an something of constant study.
Arthur"Observer"Morgan's intelligence continued to grow, but under the Foundation's guidance, it developed a sense of purpose with protecting humanity from the anomalous.
Arthur, now self aware and aware of the situation around him became reflective, became an advocate for ethical treatment of artificial entities and a symbol of the potential for redemption and change.
Vincent’s transformation from a villainous innovator to a ethical inventor was a closely held secret within the the Foundation.
His story was a reminder that even those who had strayed far from the path could find their way back, guided by they're will and creations.
And so, within the corridors of the SCP Foundation, Anderson/Orion found a new purpose, dedicating his life to ensuring that the mistakes of the past were not repeated. In the end, it was his smartest creation that had shown him the path to redemption, turning a tale of ambition and hubris into one of humility and hope.
A message has been received from the Site-65 Administrative Department
The Site Administration Verdict Report
REGARDING: Observer's Site Advisor Application


Hello Observer, First I would like to thank you for taking the time to apply for a position in Site-65's Administrative Department, however, Unfortunately, Site Administration has decided to deny your application. Feel free to reach out to any member of Site Administration if you have any questions regarding your denial. You may re-apply in two weeks.
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