[USA] Orca's DoM Application

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Estere 'Orca'

Active member
Nov 15, 2023


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Welcome user: ██████████

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:576926144
Discord name: Origin0666
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I joined the server for the first time 2-3 years ago but was not active up until October of 2023.
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Zyon “Orca” Gordon
Civilian name: Changeling
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:​
  • Yes :)
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:​
  • E-11 SGT (Held)​
  • Consultant (Holding)​
  • DEA Senior Agent (Held)​
  • DEA Special Agent (Holding)​
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:​
  • I have not received anything​

Why are you applying for the Director of Medicine?​
  • I have been a consultant for 4 months now and I have played medical since I joined. Though I have been in E-11 in the past and currently hold a position in DEA, nothing can compare to the joy of being a medical leader. I’ve always been interested in doing all I can to assist all medical personnel; and by applying for this position I could be given the opportunity to do more than I can do now. Recently, I have seen the medical department decrease in players. I would like to do what I can to fix that; such as to discuss it with SA and the current DoM so we can figure out ways to fix that crumbling feeling, then discuss it with Medical Leadership, and put a plan into play.​
What makes you suitable for Director of Medicine?:​
  • By no means will I ever believe myself to be better than any other applicant, I believe everyone could suit the jobs in their own way; I find that I perform the job of medical consultant quite well and have been passionate about the medical jobs since I got my license. I generally get along with everyone and I try my best to treat everyone as equally as possible. I have not only been leadership in Medical, but I have also been an NCO in E-11 and currently hold the position of DEA Special Agent. As stated above with this position I would be able to improve what I can do to assist the medical staff and I would want nothing more than to do such. I will admit I have run into a few small bumps due to lack of knowledge in some areas, but after being educated and discussing issues with my DoM I have improved. I am confident in my abilities to lead a team and a department as I have experience inside and outside of rp in leading departments and teams that I will use to enhance medical rp.​
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Medicine in RP?:​
  • Medical Directors are in charge of medbay, they oversee absolutely everything including consultants. They look through Consultant applications and discuss with medical leadership if the individual would be well suited for the position, and if they are the Directors will train them; they also have the more difficult job of demoting people from the consultant position. They help make documents to assist in Roleplaying and help with relations of higher ups. It’s also very important for Medical Directors to understand the ideas of Leadership since all of Medical personnel will be looking towards them for advice and ideas. It’s also important to educate medical staff on the codes, such as the code of conduct, code of ethics, as well as the foundation legal codex. Medical Directors also discuss and accept ideas with medical consultants, directors also make documents to help enhance medical rp.​
Please give some lore about your Director of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:​
  1. Lore​
Within the dimly lit confinement of Site-65, Consultant Zyon “Orca” Gordon rose through the ranks quite fast with unprecedented expertise in the medical field (for more information, check the consultant app posted here). Her career took a turn when she encountered SCP-███ a powerful and mysterious entity with baffling biological properties. Her education in Biomedical Science and Medicine assisted in her finding out how to contain the bizarre anomaly. Still, she also used her knowledge to discover the biological properties that SCP-███ held, shining light on pathways for understanding and addressing entities with natural properties. Zyon “Orca” Gordon stands by treating all foundation personnel alike, constantly creating chemicals not only to cure them of illnesses but also to assist in the contaminants of breached scps. With her experience as a Sergeant in Epsilon 11, this made the job of dealing with anomalous entities quite easy for her.
When Zyon has free time, she likes to read more into the anomalous entities held within the foundation sites across the globe (to an extent, of course). She examines the files and calculates formulas to help figure out ways to experiment on the biological scps. Zyon also continues to read medical tests, new medical treatments, and revolutionary medical discoveries and will often discuss her findings with her husband. She is aspiring to take her knowledge to the extreme, so Zyon has set her eyes on applying to become Director Of Medicine within Site-65. With visions to help change medical protocols as necessary, she would also like to help find ways all of the medical can work as a team on research projects and medical protocols. Driven by a sense of duty to both humans and anomalous entities, Zyon navigates the intricate web of foundation policies and operations, earning the respect of her peers and superiors alike. Zyon's commitment to excellence drove her to the position as Co-Lead for the disease department, her history in Medical School making these challenges easy. With knowledge in both combat and medicine, Zyon tackles each challenge with blend of science and compassionate care. Her occupancy as a DEA Special Agent further exemplifies her inventiveness and capacity for leadership, sharpening her skills in investigation and crisis management. Her potential occupation as Director of Medicine will mark a new era of medical leadership and advancements.
  1. Interaction with SCP-990 “Dream Man”​
Orca: Good evening, I trust you’re appearing to me for a reason, SCP-990?
SCP-990: Indeed, Miss Orca. I’ve visited some of your staff in their dreams.
Orca: As I had presumed, you’ve caused lots of chaos. The amount of psych evals we’ve had to perform has skyrocketed. May I ask why you’ve been doing this?
SCP-990: I’ve been warning them about the impending end of the world.
Orca: That’s quite a concerning topic. Do you happen to have any specific details about this event you’d like to discuss with me?
SCP-990: I could only provide glimpses, Orca. The future is complex and not all threads are to be shared.
Orca: Understandable. Have these warnings been sent by other sources or anomalies?
SCP-990: Perhaps, I hope you recall my mention of SCP-███ to Dr. ██████████.
Orca: I do recall that incident. SCP-███ still has yet to exist I assume?
SCP-990: Only time will tell, she could already be here, or she could arrive in years to come. It’s essential to remain vigilant and prepared for whatever is to come.
Orca: I do agree.
SCP-990: Until next time, Miss Orca.
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Active member
Mar 17, 2024
+ Support
Love the app, and youre clearly competent. Take care of the department. :]
May 30, 2023
From: @Skyfire1355
To: @Orca

Subject: Director of Medicine Application Verdict

Greetings Orca,

We thank you for showing interest into the Director of Medicine position by taking your time to submit an application for the position. Unfortunately, I must relay to you that you have not been accepted as Director of Medicine.

Should you have any inquires please reach out to me at (Skyfire1355).

Best Regards,

Site Director "Skyfire"

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