[USA] "Peasant's" Site Advisor Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:187923313

Discord name: bogitos#4656

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Started in July of 2022 with roughly a month of playtime

unknown_2023.04.24-17.12 (2).png

Age: 17

In what country are you located?: United States

Time zone: EST

Character name(s): Foundation: "Peasant", UNGOC: Jacob "Diablo" Taylor

Civilian name: Frank Balacheti

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-Ethics Committee Assistant (Current)
Security Captain (Current)
Internal Affairs Ambassador (Current)
MTF E-11 CSG (Former) [Resigned]
MTF E-11 CPL (Current)
UNGOC CPL (Current)
CI-B (Former) [Resigned]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-Yes, I received 2 warnings in July of 2022 due to it being my first day on the server and misinterpreting server rules. Then in January I received an RDM warning for another misinterpretation of server rules. I have not received any warnings since.

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

-The reason I'm applying for the position of Site Advisor is simply to gain experience and to help keep the Foundations day-to-day operations running as smoothly as possible. Not only that but I also like the personnel found within Site Administration. I have spoken with a lot of the individuals within Site Administration, and they seem like a great group of people to work alongside. Additionally, I enjoy helping people and being a Site Advisor will help me do that on larger scales. After being an Ethics Committee Assistant for some time it made me realize that helping people on and off-site is what I want to do. I will always try my best to answer questions that people may have while maintaining a professional standard the entire time. What I'm searching for within this position is a team with excellent chemistry, helping to maintain the high standard of Site Administration and helping to better Site Administration as a whole in any way I can. Furthermore, I'm applying for this position because I truly believe the role that Site Administration plays is extremely important to the Foundation, and I would like to be a part of it. Site Administration does a ton of work for the Foundation, and I would very much like to help with a lot of that work. I see myself as somebody that is hard-working and always looking for ways to keep busy. If anyone ever needed help with a heavy workload, I'm almost always available to help lessen the load.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

-There are numerous reasons why I am suitable for the position of Site Advisor. Something I do that many people don't is networking. Before applying for any position, I speak with the people that are currently holding the position that I'm applying for. In this case, I have spoken with numerous members of Site Administration to better understand their jobs and responsibilities. I want to make sure that my chances of being accepted into a position are as high as can be before applying. Secondly, I have been around MTF E-11 and the GSD for many months. This has given me a lot of time to perfect my ability to give/receive orders. I try to carryout tasks flawlessly while always maintaining the utmost professionalism. Additionally, I'm somebody that is always open to feedback and constructive criticism. I appreciate feedback from anyone whether the feedback may be positive or negative. I'm constantly striving to be the best possible version of myself and do the best I can in a position I'm holding. I will never lash out at somebody for having a differing opinion then me and instead I will try to understand their opinion rather than call them incorrect. I only want the best for the Foundation and being accepted into the position of Site Advisor will help me improve the Foundation where improvement is needed. Furthermore, my ability to hold 3 Jr. CL4 positions alongside E-11 and UNGOC shows that I'm competent enough to balance a heavy workload and remain active while doing so. In every case scenario I'm always focused on benefitting my team rather than myself and will do my best to make sure morale is always high. Lastly, my leadership skills within all of my Jr. CL4 positions make me suitable for the position of Site Advisor. I know what it takes to lead combative personnel through my experience dealing with Code 2's and conducting sweeps as a Security Captain. Next, my experience as an Internal Affairs Ambassador has helped me to lead new agents within the DIA and learn the Legal Codex along with the CoE and CoC. Finally, my experience as an Ethics Committee Assistant has taught me how to give orders to one of the most elite MTF units in the Foundation, MTF Omega-1 and how to complete assignments in an efficient and timely manner.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

-Authorize AA to MTF units when necessary
-Follow orders given by the Site Managers and Site Director
-Authorize mass terminations when necessary
-Authorize testing between a Euclid and Keter class SCP
-Write up department reports which can be used to improve the standing of a department
-Allow GOI's to enter the Foundation such as the UNGOC to conduct testing or to have a meeting
-Abide by the Chain of Command
-Oversee various departments within the Site such as the GSD, DIA, DEA etc

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:


█████████ better known as "Peasant" was born on 01/02/████. "Peasant" joined the US Army right out of high school and had a bright future ahead of him. He had gotten straight A's in high school, graduating with a 4.0 GPA and was planning on going to medical school after serving his time in the military. "Peasant" had prepared himself for the harsh and demanding physical and mental standards of the US Army and after completing basic training, he joined the 75th Ranger Regiment with flying colors. Now that "Peasant" had become an Army Ranger, he picked his MOS and became an Infantryman. After being deployed in Iraq "Peasant" watched some of his best friends get killed around him. Bullets whizzed past his head so frequently he got accustomed to it and it became second nature and was just a "part of the job" as he put it. The constant barrage of bullets, bombs and screaming was driving him crazy. Despite all of these challenges "Peasant" stood tall and saved many lives while deployed. After completing his first tour of Iraq "Peasant" decided to go on a second. This time he knew what to expect and wasn't considered some rookie kid. "Peasant" had just turned 21 but had seen more combat than some people far older than he was. His hands were scarred and his face expression blank as he sat in his barracks alone with his thoughts. All of his friends were KIA and he had nobody left. But despite all the pain and suffering that he had witnessed "Peasant" pushed on. One bright and sunny morning "Peasant" was on a routine patrol with his squad. He had made some new friends and it seemed as if things weren't so bad. As the soldiers patrol moved through the Al-Hajarah desert, "Peasant" was struck with a buried IED (improvised explosive device). "Peasant" was sent flying 6 feet into the air landing face down in the crater that the explosive had left. His ears were ringing and his vision was blurry as he tried to make sense of what had just happened. As his hearing started to come back, he heard gunfire, explosions, men screaming and RPG's being launched from close proximity. He scrambled to grab his MK18-SOPMOD that was a few feet away from him. Unfortunately for "Peasant", he couldn't move due to right leg being completely broken and having numerous broken ribs. "Peasant" was just lucky to be alive. "Peasant" then reached for his radio to call in an airstrike after one of his squad members had said they were ambushed. "Peasant" quicky radioed his coordinates to command and an A-10 Warthog was dispatched to his location with an ETA of approximately 5 minutes. "Peasant" could do nothing but lay in his crater. He didn't realize how much blood he was losing due to being in a state of shock from the pain he had endured. As he passed in an out of consciousness he saw an enemy peering down at him from the top of the crater. The enemy then aimed his AK-47 at "Peasant" as he shut his eyes and waited for death. However, "Peasant" was not greeted with death instead "Peasant" was greeted with a "brrrtttt". The A-10 Warthog had arrived just in time to save "Peasant's" life. He was found unconscious a little while later and was airlifted back to the base. He underwent emergency surgery to save his life and ended up making a full recovery 3 months later. "Peasant" was then honorably discharged from the military and received a Purple Heart medal. As for his squad they were all unfortunately KIA.

A couple of years later "Peasant" was now 28 years old and had just graduated medical school to pursue his career as an anesthesiologist. He worked at a large hospital located in Downtown Manhattan New York. He enjoyed working there and helping his patients recover from surgery. One day however he saw a man in a suit and tie looking at him from a nearby office, a man of which he had never seen before. "Peasant" didn't think much of it until he was requested to be seen by that man. "Peasant" walked into the office and in the corner of the room stood two more men dressed in all black, wearing suits. "Peasant" shut the door behind him and took a seat. The man slid a paper across the desk for "Peasant" to read. On the front page was a logo and three words that read "Secure. Contain. Protect". He flipped through the pages and soon discovered it was a contract to work for a place called the SCP Foundation. He chatted with the man that had handed him the contract for roughly an hour until "Peasant" eagerly signed the contract as he was promised to start working with some of the best medical minds on planet Earth. The man then held the door for "Peasant" as they went to the roof of the hospital and took a helicopter ride to a plane. "Peasant" wasn't told where he was going but the man assured him he would be safe. Once they had arrived at the Foundation "Peasant" was amazed at all the high-tech medical equipment inside of the Medical Center. He acquainted himself with other Doctors and surgeons and fit right in. A couple of months went by, and "Peasant" was fully aware of what the SCP Foundation was. He had enjoyed his time working at the Foundation and was promoted to Medical Consultant at age 29. By the time he had turned 30 he was the Director of Medicine for the Foundation. However, "Peasant's" interests began to shift. He felt as if he had a bigger role to play in the Foundation. He scheduled a meeting with the Site Director and asked questions about possibly applying for the position of Site Advisor. The Site Director answered his questions and quickly sent "Peasant" on his way. "Peasant" felt embarrassed and as if he had just made a mistake. Regardless, "Peasant" still sent in an application. About 2 weeks later, "Peasant" was surprised to see a letter sitting on his desk. Curious, "Peasant" opened the letter. At the top of the paper, it read "From the Office of Site Administration Your application has been accepted."
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-High Ego
-Low Work Ethic
Hello Filip. I don’t really understand where this is coming from as I’ve helped you numerous times with IA complaints while you were playing as a D-class. Additionally, I’ve even went out of my way to view your clips in a discord voice channel. Sorry if I come off as immature or rude because I try to be friendly towards everyone. If you would like to talk more regarding my reply please message me on discord @bogitos#4656
+ Massive Support

Peasant has been around since I started here around a year ago, and he has been a huge asset to the community. His time in E-11 at the start of his CN career eventually led him to Security Captain, then to IA, where he has been a fantastic Ambassador, and a downright solid individual to work with. Good Luck!
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Well-known Member
May 17, 2022

From the Office of Site Administration

Regarding the Site Advisor Application for - ["Peasant"]

Application Denied

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Site Advisor.
Your application has been Denied. You may reapply in two weeks on 5/14/23.

Please contact Site Administration with any questions regarding your denial.

Best regards,

Site Manager "Penumbra"​
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