[USA] Personnel File: O5-4 - "The Fanatic"

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Oct 8, 2023
Site 54
Welcome to the O5 Command Dossier.
What file would you like to access...?

> "Access File:
O5-4 "The Lobbyist" [https://civilnetworks.net/community/threads/usa-personnel-file-o5-4-“the-lobbyist”.23028/]"

Attempting to access file...
ERROR - File not found.

> "That makes no sense. Scan for file modifications."

Scan Finished. Found traces of a CK-Class Restructuring Scenario.
The circumstances leading to the existence of this file seem to have been altered.
Would you like to access the personnel file of O5-4 instead?

> "Alright, access O5-4's personnel file."

Attempting to access file:
O5-4 "The Fanatic"...

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80391156
Discord name: @drrandomk
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I've played actively without large breaks since early October 2023. My oldest achievement is from when I first joined the server in October 2022.
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: Germany
Time zone: Central European Time [CET]
Character name(s): MTF A-1 LT "Entropy" ; Special Agent "Heimdall" ; Assistant Salahudin II. ; CI-D ELCOM "Random"
Civilian name: Nil
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
(Roles which I currently hold will be in bold)
Alpha-1 Lieutenant
Dpt. Manager, Special Agent, Senior Agent
Overseer Assistant
GSD Sergeant
SCP-096, SCP-22415
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
One inactive fear-rp warn in October 2023 for me misunderstanding the rule.
I don't actually have 8 rdm warns, my kill message is misleading ;)

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am applying for the role of O5-4, same as I have done last time. Unfortunately for me, I was very narrowly unable to be given the position of Overseer during the most recent round, however, am still very much interested in the position and the roleplay that comes with it. Having spent a good amount of time as the (red) right hand of the Overseer Council since my last run for the position has reinforced my interest in the position, seeing what is possible as an O5 and already coming up with my own plans for the possibility of me obtaining the position.
The O5 Council is probably the least limited position in terms of roleplay possibilities which when paired with me being a Gamemaster would allow me to do a wide range of roleplay surrounding my own character, other characters and Site-65 and the Foundation in general.
I have specific plans in mind and a goal that my character would strive for, which is hinted at in the lore section, that I'd want to work towards over the course of several months while further developing roleplay on the server.
What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
First of all, I would like to mention that all of the points mentioned in my previous app (linked above) are still holding up (in my opinion).
This obviously isn't the first time that I am going for the position, and I have already come very close to getting it last time (based on feedback I received regarding my denial), and have been putting more time into thinking about what I could do as the position since. I have spent plenty of time observing O5 on their duties while within Alpha-1 and OSA, working very closely with them on a daily basis and knowing most of the ins and outs of what they do.
As mentioned in my previous app, I also (usually) hold above average activity in-game, allowing me to get involved in plenty of situations, but am also very active on other media related to Civil Networks (especially discord) where I am very easy to reach out to and often have time to help. Granted, my activity has gone down a bit since my last app, however, it has stabilised since then, as between now and then my university semester continued.
I'd also consider myself quite well versed in rp, having plenty of experience as a roleplay provider and gamemaster, trying to come up with interesting rp scenarios to involve myself and others in on a regular basis. During my time on CN I also believe myself to have established myself as a reliable and charismatic leader, having had plenty of positive experience associated with myself leading others in DEA, CI and A-1, while maintaining a good relation with those who I work with. Especially in CI, despite never going past Delta, I believe to have been held in very high regards by the past 2 Commanders and many of the lower ranks too.
Going back to my time as Dpt. Manager, I was often regarded as the sort of roleplay leader by other members of management and some other members of DEA, involving myself in tons of roleplay and events, often appearing as the first line of contact for most people coming into contact with the Foundation (which was also in parts due to me being assigned over GOI relations and leading the subregiment in charge of such).
Since leaving DEA, I do have to say that I have been involved a bit less in day-to-day roleplay within the facility and events, but have at times tried to create situations to involve other Foundation personnel and myself in, which I believe I could do even more as O5 (since I often tend to use current O5 as a bridge for creating those situations).
At this point, I believe myself to be plenty ready to join.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
The Overseer Council act as the highest authority within the Foundation (aside perhaps from the Administrator himself, who plays a lot less of an active role than the O5), and as such hold high responsibility within the Site. Being the heads of the Foundation means being expected to stay involved with all departments (especially Research, as it is the department they are directly over) and actively working with the department leads and Site Administration to further the goals of the foundation and keep standards high on site. While they should, as mentioned, try to stay involved with all departments and regiments on site, it is also important to remember that as the highest positions within the CoC the O5 should not involve themselves too much to the point of micromanaging or taking away from the department leads or Site Administration. O5 are here to provide roleplay, not to take it.
Furthermore, O5 hold the following responsibilities in roleplay:
- Keep the Code of Conduct up to date and work with other branches to uphold it
- Authorise certain tests such as 008 ones, and high-risk crosstests
- Work closely with Site Administration (and the Ethics Committee too depending on the case) to implement side-wide policies and updating old ones to stay relevant
- Assign orders to Overseer Assistants, Alpha-1 and other Departments when relevant in rp
- Initiate Code Blacks (though others can do this too now) and activate the Alpha Warhead

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
Appointing the MTF Alpha-1 Commander
- Voting on O5 Applications
- Deciding Overseer Assistant Applications
- Deciding Director of Research Applications
- Voting on Site Director Applications
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

A Letter from Percival Darke

Marshall, Carter and Dark LLP.
MC&D Letter.png
Greetings, Nil.
I have received word that your most recent endeavour involving the S.C.P. Foundation has not been successful. I have also received the request which you have issued to me not long ago. Frankly, I want you to know that this will not be cheap for you - failure will not be an option this time, unless perhaps you plan to seek employment elsewhere in the future.
It is important for you to know that you are asking a great task of me - not impossible, of course, but not easy either. Rewriting history is not something that can be done easily without upsetting certain forces that stretch past singular realities. And if done wrong, this could also be detected by residents of this reality.
But very well. I shall do you one more favour - you are one of our most successful merchants after all (perhaps so much so that I could consider you competition - a joke, of course).
The reality restructuring event will take place on the ██th. Be prepared.
I sincerely hope that you will be successful this time.
Percival Darke
Senior Parter, Marshall, Carter & Dark LLP.

S.C.P. Foundation Anomalous Incident Report ██/██/202█

Accessing Incident Report ██/██/202█ - █████████
This file is restricted to Clearance Level 4 [TOP SECRET]
03:40 a.m. UTC - Automated Alert Received: Foundation satellites have detected an unusually high amount of humes in the planet's atmosphere.
04:00 a.m. UTC - Automated Alert Received: 2 minutes have passed twice between 03:58 a.m. UTC and 04:00 a.m. UTC. It is likely that an anomalous event occured at this timepoint.

04:15 a.m. UTC - Specialised Personnel at Site ██ have assessed the situation. Researchers have come to the conclusion that a detail about reality has been altered. It is unknown whether a current or past even has been altered.
08:20 a.m. UTC - Foundation Personnel were unable to locate the alternation. Automated programs were employed to analyse the circumstances surrounding the event instead of live personnel.
05:34 p.m. UTC - The alternation was able to be pinned down to have occured in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. Notable Foundation installments include the SCP Foundation Saskatchewan Operational Region, which includes Site-65, Site-177 and Site-AE7. Further results could not be detected.

MTF Alpha-1 Personnel File: "Entropy"

Accessing Personnel File - Codename: "Entropy"
This file is restricted to
Clearance Level 5/O5 [Thaumiel]
Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 has been alerted of your access. Unauthorised Access will result in your termination.

Note: Parts of this file are restricted to Clearance Level 5/O5-1 and can be viewed with the required Clearance Level.
Other parts of this file have been erased completely to protect the veil of secrecy surrounding operatives of the Red Right Hand.

Mobile Taskforce Alpha-1 “Red Right Hand”
"Hear no evil"

Codename: “Entropy”
Rank: Lieutenant
Civilian Name: [Data Expunged]
Age: 31
Sex: Male
Deployment: Site-56 (formerly), Site-01 , Site-65 [O5-1’s Unit]

“Entropy” is a person of European descent, specifically Germany. Having previously served Mobile Taskforce Iota-10 “Damn Feds” and the Department of External Affairs as Regional Manager for Central Europe, “Entropy” was summoned to Command Site-01 where he was inducted into the Red Right Hand and assigned to Chief Overseer O5-1’s unit at Site 65 after his training had concluded.
During his active service at Site-65, “Entropy” quickly rose through the Enlisted and NCO ranks, being designated a model member of the regiment by his then-Commander.
Eventually, “Entropy” was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and became a close adviser to the Overseers on site whenever he was on active duty, leading the lower ranking members of Alpha-1. No 008 Containment Breach has been recorded while Lieutenant “Entropy” was on active duty ever since he became a Command Sergeant.

Notably, “Entropy” currently serves as the keeper of multiple anomalous objects for the O5 Council, mainly being books which need to be studied further. One such object is the so-called “Book of Stone” as well as other dangerous books that have potential uses for the Foundation or against its enemies.

Note by the Chief Overseer:
“Entropy” seems to behave different to most Alpha-1 personnel, his indoctrination seemingly not being as thorough as for other Alpha-1 operatives, though his unwavering loyalty to the Council seems unquestionable at this point of time.
This ‘fault’ or quality as some could view it as makes “Entropy” a potential candidate for ascension to the O5 Council.

A Letter to Percival Darke

Marshall, Carter and Dark LLP.
MC&D Letter2.png
Greetings, Mr. Darke.
I would like to thank you once more for taking my request into consideration and acting on it. Based on what I was able to find out, the Foundation was unable to find out what this alternation was, and any and all past communications between me and the Foundation regarding the position of Overseer and the fallout following my denial have been erased from history.
Thanks to your help, all seems to be going smoothly. A target for possession has already been acquired, and I believe it to not take long until I have control over this individual, forcing my mind to dominate his.
While recently conversing with their O5-4, I was able to sneak a mask into their Internal Security’s bunks - now it is just a question of time.
This may very well be the last time that I write to you under this name, but this does not mean that I have forgotten my debt to you.
All will be repaid when I ascend to another level of existence. When I become The Divine.
Until then, farewell.

- ‘Nil’

A Letter from Percival Darke

Marshall, Carter and Dark LLP.
MC&D Letter3.pngGreetings, Nil.
For the both of us, I hope that you can deliver on your promises.
And one more thing. Would you really call yourself divine? This obsession with godhood makes you seem more like a Fanatic.

- Percival Darke
Senior Parter, Marshall, Carter & Dark LLP.

Marshall, Carter & Dark Item Listing

Anomalous Item Listing​
Author: 'Jackal' | Date: 03/15/2024 | Value: [Not for sale] | Item Identifier: 'Mask of a dead God' | Current Holder: 'Nil'

Item is a golden comedy mask recovered from an underground temple of Ἅιδης [Hades] in Greece.
Currently, not much is known about the exact properties of this mask, however, it is believed that it holds some of the power that had initially belonged to a local deity.
After the initial discovery by local archeologists, the item went into possession of Marshall, Carter & Dark LLP. and was claimed by one of it's shareholders and delisted from an upcoming auction. Whether or not 'Nil' will return the item into the shared inventory of Marshall, Carter & Dark LLP. remains to be seen.

The current use of the item is unknown.
Marshall, Carter and Dark LLP.

Excerpt from the Administrator's Notes

I have only met the man known as "The Fanatic" once thus far. It was quite the peculiar experience, and his character was hard to judge. He seemed unlike the man that
[O5-1's real name] had described to me.
"The Fanatic" wore a golden mask at all times, and I was unable to see his face underneath it, but I felt as though he was smiling at me. Perhaps, he adored me and what I represent - I cannot tell, but it is what it felt like.
During my time on site, I noticed that he talked about godly beings a lot, as though he was obsessed by the topic, ironically enough, he seemed like a fanatic in that regard.
After my official visit, I decided to stay at the site for a bit longer, watching the man via cams. He had intrigued me.
What I saw was, as mentioned earlier, quite odd. "The Fanatic" seemed to change moods quite quickly when interacting with site personnel, as though there was more than just one person behind this mask.
He changed from calm to upset in an instant, before switching to a weirdly-friendly attitude, all within one conversation. I am not sure if this is the man that was initially selected by
[O5-1's real name], as he seemed quite different to what I found in the file of that Alpha-1 Officer. Either way, this is a topic that has indulged my interest.
Extra: If you read all of that lore, you get a cookie (or so I've been told - might be bait)
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Well-known Member
Oct 8, 2023

Has filled out his positions well throughout the months.
Great leader and more than fit for the position.
  • Love
Reactions: Dr Random K.
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