[USA] Rajesh Lvl 3 Demotion appeal

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Well-known Member
Nov 25, 2023
Name: Rajesh
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:641001111
Please state if it is for SCP-RP UK or USA: USA
Level of appeal (2 or 3): 3
Rank demoted from: CPT
Who demoted you?: ECC Recker, O-1 COM HUNK
Date of demotion?: 10/7/2024
What is the case against you?: Lying about ECM
Is this true?: No
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No
What is your side of the story?: Yesterday ECM Raixin and O-1 Spiderwitch thought it would be a good idea to start meowing and making high pitch screeching sounds in the middle of core around others. Recently we have been having a lot of issues with professionalism within the regiment so I told them to stop with the goofy stuff especially with people around, after I said something in TS ECM Pawz said something to try and justify what they just did which started a tangent amongst other O-1 and they immediately started bunching up on me. After the fact I had undeafened in a discord call with some of the o1 and Raixin and Pawz were also in this call, while I was talking I heard someone in the background mention that I had just gotten a strike for unprofessionalism and said that I shouldn't be saying anything about it. Through the whole thing there were people talking in TS and in the discord so I couldn't tell who it was and assumed it was Raixin and I couldn't tell whether it came from TS or Discord. I told HUNK that it was Raixin because I was a bit heated at them and through that anger I assumed it was him, after he was asked he denied it and the next day after I calmed down a bit and looked back at the clip it couldn't have been him because he was deafened in discord and I don't think he would say something like that in TS. I cant figure out who said it but my demotion was because I pulled Raixin into it.
Mar 12, 2023
Appeal Denied

Hey @Kill_Sliick

After speaking with all involved parties, I've come to the conclusion that the demotion was justified. Looking over the clips and messages, I can see that you had tried to implicate the ECMs as having tried to bully you after calling them out for unprofessionalism despite them not having said anything of the sort towards you. Whether it was your anger or something else that caused you to go this route, the demotion was justified due to you lying about this along with your actions after the fact when speaking with REGCOM and the ECC.

Since this is a level 3 appeal you may not appeal it further.

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