Name: Rajesh
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:641001111
Please state if it is for SCP-RP UK or USA: USA
Level of appeal (2 or 3): 3
Rank demoted from: CPT
Who demoted you?: ECC Recker, O-1 COM HUNK
Date of demotion?: 10/7/2024
What is the case against you?: Lying about ECM
Is this true?: No
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No
What is your side of the story?: Yesterday ECM Raixin and O-1 Spiderwitch thought it would be a good idea to start meowing and making high pitch screeching sounds in the middle of core around others. Recently we have been having a lot of issues with professionalism within the regiment so I told them to stop with the goofy stuff especially with people around, after I said something in TS ECM Pawz said something to try and justify what they just did which started a tangent amongst other O-1 and they immediately started bunching up on me. After the fact I had undeafened in a discord call with some of the o1 and Raixin and Pawz were also in this call, while I was talking I heard someone in the background mention that I had just gotten a strike for unprofessionalism and said that I shouldn't be saying anything about it. Through the whole thing there were people talking in TS and in the discord so I couldn't tell who it was and assumed it was Raixin and I couldn't tell whether it came from TS or Discord. I told HUNK that it was Raixin because I was a bit heated at them and through that anger I assumed it was him, after he was asked he denied it and the next day after I calmed down a bit and looked back at the clip it couldn't have been him because he was deafened in discord and I don't think he would say something like that in TS. I cant figure out who said it but my demotion was because I pulled Raixin into it.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:641001111
Please state if it is for SCP-RP UK or USA: USA
Level of appeal (2 or 3): 3
Rank demoted from: CPT
Who demoted you?: ECC Recker, O-1 COM HUNK
Date of demotion?: 10/7/2024
What is the case against you?: Lying about ECM
Is this true?: No
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No
What is your side of the story?: Yesterday ECM Raixin and O-1 Spiderwitch thought it would be a good idea to start meowing and making high pitch screeching sounds in the middle of core around others. Recently we have been having a lot of issues with professionalism within the regiment so I told them to stop with the goofy stuff especially with people around, after I said something in TS ECM Pawz said something to try and justify what they just did which started a tangent amongst other O-1 and they immediately started bunching up on me. After the fact I had undeafened in a discord call with some of the o1 and Raixin and Pawz were also in this call, while I was talking I heard someone in the background mention that I had just gotten a strike for unprofessionalism and said that I shouldn't be saying anything about it. Through the whole thing there were people talking in TS and in the discord so I couldn't tell who it was and assumed it was Raixin and I couldn't tell whether it came from TS or Discord. I told HUNK that it was Raixin because I was a bit heated at them and through that anger I assumed it was him, after he was asked he denied it and the next day after I calmed down a bit and looked back at the clip it couldn't have been him because he was deafened in discord and I don't think he would say something like that in TS. I cant figure out who said it but my demotion was because I pulled Raixin into it.