Steam ID:
Previous Rank:
Game Master
Date of resignation?:
Why did you resign?:
I resigned because things in my life outside of the game were picking up, and just a few months prior I had resigned from SC after having been there for a year so I was getting bored of the server. After SC I went to SA, but quickly lost motivation, so I left the server.
Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?:
I resigned from GM once before and was granted a resignation appeal and reinstated as a GM.
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:
No, clean slate.
Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?:
My previous resignation marked the start of a period in my life over a number of months where I was too busy to play on the server. Now, seeing as I am entering a period in which I will have several months that my time management will permit me to return to the server, I wish to come back and make contributions again. My events were good before with the tools we had back then, I don't see how they wouldn't be even better now with the newer tools GMs have available to them.
Steam ID:
Previous Rank:
Game Master
Date of resignation?:
Why did you resign?:
I resigned because things in my life outside of the game were picking up, and just a few months prior I had resigned from SC after having been there for a year so I was getting bored of the server. After SC I went to SA, but quickly lost motivation, so I left the server.
Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?:
I resigned from GM once before and was granted a resignation appeal and reinstated as a GM.
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:
No, clean slate.
Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?:
My previous resignation marked the start of a period in my life over a number of months where I was too busy to play on the server. Now, seeing as I am entering a period in which I will have several months that my time management will permit me to return to the server, I wish to come back and make contributions again. My events were good before with the tools we had back then, I don't see how they wouldn't be even better now with the newer tools GMs have available to them.