[USA] Requiem's Gamemaster Application

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Well-known Member
Jan 8, 2023
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Moros
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: Since the beginning of January 2023.
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: MST
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): E-11 SPC Jensen "Fuji"
Chaos name (include your rank): N/A
Civilian name: N/A - UNGOC Name: MAJ Jensen "Requiem" Marley
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60013717
Discord ID (name#0000): loudglobe
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP USA

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

- For staff/GM: yes, this is my first application.
-096 App
-SA App
-UNGOC App lost since the section of the forum was locked.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- No

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:

- Yes, I've been playing G-mod on and off since 2013 and have had various experience as GM in a number of communities.

Do you have any previous experience with serious role-play?:

- Yes. Again, I've been playing G-mod since 2013. The bulk of my playtime has consisted of serious RP servers.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:

- I can be on for approximately 2 hours per day.

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:

- I've seen the difference that a good GM can make firsthand over the years. Since I've played on CN SCP-RP I've always focused on my own game play, and on influencing and contributing to the game play of my own faction. I've decided that it's time for me to do what I can to give back to the server, and to put my experience to the test in a new environment. I'm quite creative, and I'm good at coming up with ideas on the fly. I want to create unique and interesting experiences for both new and veteran players alike.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:

My lengthy experience on G-mod is an asset. I'm also great at coming up with unique and interesting ideas. My improvisation skills are fantastic, which means that in the unfortunate instance of an event going off of the intended course, I'll know how to roll with the punches and keep things moving seamlessly. That skill will add a great depth of interaction to my events, and allow players to feel as though their choices truly matter.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

Event 1: UNGOC receives a missive from an ambassador of the NEXUS council. The missive states that a Strike Team operative gone rogue has left a manifesto. In this manifesto the operative lists several targets across the greater UNGOC chain of command. One such target is the current UNGOC General. UNGOC have limited time to find out information about this rogue operative, and to prepare for their arrival.

Event 2: An archaeological survey arrives in the town of Pinewood. The survey enlists the help of local civilians as well as reporters in order to uncover an ancient burial ground. However, upon discovery and excavation of the site there appears to be more than some bones and artifacts. Strange figures are seen lurking the hills of Pinewood, and not all is as it seems.

Event 3: Hume readings are rising in the deepest sections of the HCZ. After searching for the source, Foundation personnel discover that something strange has occurred on the train tracks beneath the HCZ. It appears as though the usual cargo train has been replaced by a 19th century steam locomotive, and is accompanied by a crew claiming to have no recollection of how they arrived.

Please List a Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

Strange disappearances have been reported among the civilians of Pinewood. And people are growing increasingly concerned. UNGOC, CI, and Foundation personnel begin to disappear as well. But before an investigation can fully unfold, strange things begin to happen. The missing people begin to reappear around the area, not far from where they were last seen. But something just isn't right. They're not acting like their usual selves, and they seem to have no recollection of ever going missing.
Furthermore, appearances of strange doorways have been reported throughout the area. Anywhere from Pinewood to the Foundation. *Knock knock* If one observes these doors long enough, they'll begin to hear a strange knocking sound. But what happens if you answer? And where will the doorway take you?

Questions may only lead to more questions. But it will be up to everyone to get to the bottom of these strange happenings. Those who enter the doors may never return. But there's only one way to find out...

List an example mission for each of the following:

O-1: An outside force has intercepted and attacked an ECA carrying documents vital to the Ethics Committee. The ECA is found alive, but the documents are nowhere to be found and no reports of the invaders have been heard. It is up to Omega-1 to investigate and ensure that these documents do not fall into the wrong hands. Secure the area, locate the attackers, and retrieve the briefcase.

A-1: In passing conversation, a group of A-1 overhear a member of Foundation staff speaking to one another about "The Wanderer's Library". They say a strange man spoke of it, and even tried to tell them how to get there. With only this small bit of information, A-1 must decide how to deal with this information, as well as the rumoured stranger on site.

Nu-7: It appears that a group of rebel civilian forces have set up roadblocks along each and every route to and from the Foundation. These roadblocks are heavily influenced by recent protests against Canadian Military forces throughout Canada. These extremists have gone much further than a simple protest, however. And rumours of CI backing lead to even greater concerns for Nu-7 forces. Deal with these roadblocks and rebels, either through diplomacy or other means. Either way, the security of this Facility rests on Nu-7's shoulders.

E-11: A researcher has barricaded himself inside of 079's containment chamber, and is holding multiple Foundation personnel hostage. The researcher is convinced that 079 holds information about a lost Foundation site, and is determined to break containment protocols in order to obtain this info. E-11 must secure the area, rescue the hostages, and ensure a catastrophic breach does not occur.

CI: The CI have been tipped off through an insider about some vital information pertaining to Foundation activities. It seems as though an executive researcher with extensive knowledge on some of the Foundation's most well-kept secrets is transferring to Site-65 temporarily for a cross test. Rumour has it that this researcher has also been authorized to carry with them a special SCP approved for use in their personal studies. Their method of travel, security detail, and exact time of arrival is unknown to the CI. However, it is of utmost urgency that they find and capture this researcher before he retreats to the depths of Site-65.

UNGOC: NEXUS has ordered the presence of a small team of Special Observers in Pinewood. A group of civilian ghost hunters loosely affiliated with the online group known as "Parawatch" have arrived to perform a seance after rumours of a haunted house being found in Pinewood was spread on their website. These Special Observers are to infiltrate the group, and monitor the seance. NEXUS doesn't anticipate anything happening, but in the event of this seance conjuring parathreats, the UNGOC must be prepared to respond.

Foundation Staff: Fantastic news for everyone on site! SA has authorized a pizza party on Floor 2! Leave all of your duties behind and enjoy the food! Don't worry about the D-Class, or the SCPs, or the alarm bells, or the blinking slices of pizza staring back at you! Just enjoy the moment and grab a bite. Just be sure it doesn't bite back! But wait... who brought this pizza here? And where are the SA? I've never seen this brand before... Are We Cool Yet? Wait... who turned off the lights?
+I physically can not give a bigger support to this man

Requiem has been the heart and soul of the UNGOC for months, has given us so much RP opportunities, and tried his best to lead a sinking ship towards our goals. He's a good guy, a good leader, a good RPer, and a good friend. The Event Team would be lucky to have someone like Requiem on it.
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