[USA] Richard's Ethics Committee

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Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 1, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:116033570
Discord name: RealRichard#2556
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1+ year
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Richard Daniels
Civilian name: Richard "Footman"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: O5-7, O5-2,ECM, Executive Researcher, Site Director, CI Commander, GOC General, OA, ECA, A1 CSG, O1 CSG, NU-7 CSG, E11 CSG
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: N/A
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why: Ethics Committee Member. I'd like to be an Ethics Committee Member due to knowing the experience within Ethics has reached a better place with certain people leaving the community, so in the end I am wanting to give ethics another go around since I enjoyed my time before.
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?: I feel that I am the best candidate due to my vast experience in all sorts of departments, sorting from the combative experience in CI,GOC, and MTF, to my more passive roles such as O5,Ethics, assistants, and Site Director
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?: The role of the Foundation's Ethics Committee is to ensure the overall enforcement of the Code of Ethics, as well as the equal rights of all human beings on the site. In the worst-case events, such as ERT Failure and Uncontainable, they are also responsible for designating Code Blacks and Nuking the facility as a CL5 Member of Staff. In order to make sure that the Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics are correctly applied and updated, Ethics Members should be able to collaborate with other members of the Site Administration. You must set an example for all lower clearance foundation employees by leading by example and abiding by their rules.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?): The roles of the Ethics Committee out of RP is having to deal with application for departments such as IA, Medical, ECA ect. They are also responsible for contacting the UK site to make agreements for possible policies that could be implemented in RP.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Through Richard's Experience within the foundation and dealing with tens of ethical issues, he felt as though he was ready to take a step forward and become a full committee member. As Richard built up his confidence with to apply to the committee he witnessed another committee member take his leave from the committee while still staying true to his beliefs. This made Richard fully confident that becoming a full member would not change his beliefs in ethics or his beliefs within the foundation and his confidence sored even higher. Now with his application in full send, he awaits the response to his foundation goal with high hopes of his acceptance.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 1, 2022

Absolute G, but to come back you gotta put some time into it beforehand
ay man, it's always worth a shot, and if I get denied I can use the cooldown to get even more adjusted to the server. Appreciate ya response though
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stee ven

Well-known Member
Aug 12, 2022
-Support I think before you apply you should get some sr cl4 experience on the server again maybe a few weeks before trying for CL5 again.
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