[USA] Rui "Rudy" Mercer - Special Agent Application

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Jul 30, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41804160

Discord Name: rotarygt

For how long have you played on CG SCP: I played back in 2021 - 2022 (around a year of playtime sadly lost from the switch from vtime), and have just started playing again back in the 4th of October of this year

Age: 25

In what country are you located?: United States of America

Time zone: Pacific Time Zone
Character name(s):

- Foundation - Rui "Rudy" Mercer
- CI (Inactive and unranked) - Henry Roberts

Civilian name:
- Civilian (Inactive) - Steward Thorman

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

What are your total levels?:

Combat - 52
D-Class - 22
Research - 11
SCP - 20
Support - 24

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF Nu-7 Commander (I believe I was commander for ~2 months between October and December of 2022)
- Other MTF CO Roles (LT, CPT, MAJ, and LTCOM)
- CI-Gamma Rank (~The later half of 2022)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
None, as far as I am aware.

How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
I was promoted to Senior agent on the 11th of October; 1 week of activity (I was given permission to post early with permission from Director of External Affair Estere "Orcas").

Why are you applying for Special Agent?
I believe I can be in a much better position to help others, both inside and outside the department, if I am granted a higher rank; I hope with the higher rank to be able to help reach out more with other divisions and departments. I especially hope to collaborate more with Nu-7 so that we can improve in communicating and maintain cohesive teamwork, especially during critical moments such as conflicts with C.I. and mass SCP breaches.

What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
I understand that becoming a Special Agent will involve a lot of responsibility in handling not only those within the Department of External Affairs, but also handling and interacting others within the Foundation, the residents on the surface, and other factions when the opportunity arises. I believe with my past leadership experience I am able to use that to help provide further insight into any current and future issues that may come up.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I have written multiple documents/presentations for Weekly Nu-7 Meetings between 2022 and 2023, along with writing Nu-7 documents that go in-depth into the division's protocols and strategies. I do my best to write documents with the intention to be clear and concise in what I am trying to write in a document, but also to provide that information in a professional manner (and with proper grammar). I believe what makes a document good is if ANY reader of the document can understand the document's main points, and it can retain the reader's interest.

- Slightly related: I have helped create the first draft of the Nu-7 test forms (Google Forms) to help expedite tryouts for the division. Not sure if this counts as creating a document, but I will include it just in case.

What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
I believe Special Agents hold a higher responsibility in upholding the integrity and cohesion of the Department of External Affairs (DEA). The specifics are the following:
  • Assist with maintaining order among the Agents. May need to provide discipline if necessary.
  • Communicate with Nu-7 Officers and assist the division whenever necessary and possible.
  • Maintaining the department's personnel with training and encouraging activity.
  • Help keep the DEA documents/rosters up to date, and help inform those within the department with new information.
  • Help provide permissions for MC&D to enter the base if applicable.
  • Training new Agents that would like to join the department via tryouts.
  • (This is something all agents should do but Special agents should take the initiative) Assist the Foundation in containing/resolving issues (such as SCP Breaches, CI raids, etc.).
Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what story-lines they would be involved in:

(Pretty sure I'm not involved in any story-lines, sorry)

Rui "Rudy" Mercer joined the MTF Nu-7 Division in the year of 202X as a fresh enlisted Private. He climbed up the ranks and rose to prominence as a moderate fighter against the Chaos Foundation, and contributed to the Division (alongside the Foundation) in numerous ways with the help of many others who were in the division with him. Eventually he reaches the rank of Commander in the Winter of 202X+1, but by the time he did he believed (and still does believe) that the division has improved significantly from when he first joined, and that Nu-7 will be in better hands with fresh blood. With that, he retired after 2 months as Commander, and went to briefly retire from his work as an Operative. He transferred to a comfortable and arguably safer desk job in Site [REDACTED].

However, his new position only brought uneasement. The newlyfound quiet and peaceful life that he had acquired made the former operative frustrated and slightly anxious at the lack of progress he is making. After discussion with Foundation Therapists and Psychological professionals, he gets approval to return to Site-65 as an operative for the Department of External Affairs, hoping to help make a difference again with his past experience, and his old skills.
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Estere 'Orca'

Active member
Nov 15, 2023
From: DEA Management

To: @RotaryGT

Subject: Application Status


Hello @RotaryGT, we thank you for your interest in moving up within the Department of External Affairs. After careful consideration and discussion, we will be moving forward with this application. Please reach out to management for your training before you access your new equipment. Welcome to the team Special Agent Rudy.

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