[USA] Saturn "Redpanda" Sullivan USA Dpt. Director Intelligence Application

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Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 28, 2022
VA Fredricksburg

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:561484401
Discord name: Saturn#6768
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Based on how many times I saw the Apply for Admin Advertisement I would say 8 weeks
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s):

SCP RP Team​




Saturn "Redpanda" Sullivan​

Saturn "Redpanda" Sullivan works in Site - 56 as a Ambassador of the Intelligence Department. He has a pay raise of approximately $100/h. and is usually active.
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Race: Mostly Asian and less Black
  • Height: 5.6 ft
  • Hobby: Refused
  • Blood-type: A - positive

CI (Chaos Insurgency)​

Jupiter Sullivan​

Jupiter Sullivan doesn't really work at all in the CI facility and isn't even enrolled as a CI. He's also payed little to no money due to the lack of labor he produces. Little information is known from him but is known as the dad of Saturn "Redpanda" Sullivan.

  • Eye color: Unknown but most likely Brown
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Race: Asian
  • Height: 5.2 ft
  • Hobby: Unknown
  • Blood-type: A - positive
Civilian name:


Mars Sullivan​

Mars Sullivan lives in Pinewood, Canada. Works as a Delivery Driver earning about $19/h. Most information about Mars Sullivan is unknown but is mostly known as the brother of Saturn "RedPanda" Sullivan as he has a picture of Mars Sullivan in his pocket at all times which the reason is unknown.
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Hair color: Brown
  • Race: Mostly Asian and a little Black
  • Height: 5.8ft
  • Hobby: Watching Hockey
  • Bloody-type: AB - Positive
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes but I refuse to use it so I understand if I get denied because of I have to do a interview.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Intelligence Ambassador
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have no kicks/bans/warnings at the moment as I don't really want to look to getting in to any trouble.
Why are you applying for Director of Intelligence?
- I'm applying for Director of Intelligence because I want to help people on their journey on becoming a Dpt Director or Ambassador. I'm also joining to handle the whole of the department of Intelligence making sure that operations are going smooth, fixing mistakes that come out of Ambassadors, helping Ambassadors whenever they need it, making sure that no corruptive acts comes out of the Intelligence, and to become a role model for the Intelligence Department and everyone out of the Intelligence Department. The main reason I'm joining the Intelligence Department is so I can make it a better department.
What makes you suitable for Director of Intelligence?:
- What makes me suitable for Director of Intelligence is the multiple operatives that I pulled and get a successful run, I command the agents to success, I help them with their problems, I also help them with their journey to becoming Ambassador like telling them to write documents in order to be more successful at becoming a Intelligence Ambassador, I also fix their behavior and show a great role model of the Intelligence Department.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Intelligence in RP?:
-The responsibilities of the Director of Intelligence is to accept Ambassadors and help them. Another responsibility of the Director of Intelligence is to write documents to make the Department a better department. The most important responsibility of the Director of Intelligence in my opinion is to be a Role model to the Agents and Ambassador as the success of the Agents and Ambassadors is what the Department of Intelligence depends on.
Please give some lore about your Director of Intelligence character and what storylines they would be involved in:

[Clearance Level 4 Accepted]

A Mighty Intelligence is born​

I don't really remember what I done as a 3 years old or younger. When I was 4 years old I enrolled into math class as my dad forced me while my mom's side of the story was she wasn't ok but she couldn't do anything as she doesn't want to divorce with her own husband so she couldn't really do anything. I grew older and got in Riverdale Elementary School located in Virginia and I got great grades and did very well in Elementary School.

A Tragic Day​

I got in Faith Middle School and I got enrolled into harder classes. It was the last semester until then something happens.

The following is a Phone Call. Any information told to Saturn Sullivan in person and on the internet is forbidden.​

[Finger Scanning]


"Ringing" AI
"Line Accepted" AI
"Who is this?" Jupiter Sullivan (Saturn Sullivan)
"May you put your dad on the line little kid?" Unknown Number
"Yes." Jupiter Sullivan (Saturn Sullivan)
"Who is this?" Jupiter Sullivan
"You know who I am" Unknown Number
"Look I don't want to work for you people. I just want to help my family. I will call the police if you do anything to my family." Jupiter Sullivan
"Line hanged up" AI

I don't know why it's so important since I should know about it. All I know is it's about a call regarding taxes or something. I didn't understand why it was so important but I don't think I should question it. A day after the so important call it was midnight and I was studying for a upcoming exam. I then heard what seemed to be a gun. I ran down the stairs and I see my dad being tortured to death. There seemed to be beating from a bat, gun shots in his arm, and more that I can't explain due to how gruesome it is. Tears came down my face and I ran at him. I was also beat up and it wasn't as bad as the beating that my father got. The mental pain started to become unbearable. I was begging my dad to keep his eyes open. I went for the phone to call my Mother but I then got tripped by one of the team mate. I saw my Father and it looked like he was a ghost. It seemed to me he was dead. My tears crawled down my skin and I couldn't bear the amount of pain this caused.

A Failure​

I lost all my friends. No one talked to me I was just a loner. I couldn't even talk anymore. My Father was dead. I attended his funeral and all but I couldn't take this anymore. I started to get bad grades in High School and Middle school. The only fun I had was throwing a ball at the wall and catching it. My Mother was struggling and we couldn't find anyone to help us. We were stranded.


I dropped out of high school and lived in my Mother's Basement. I tried to make money as a lock keeper but I couldn't forget about it. I then got a phone call.

The following is a Phone call with a Fake Company called Power Windows​

"Call from Power Windows" AI
"Accepted" AI
"Hi would you like to apply to become a Power Washer?" Power Windows
"I would like to know how much they pay me and how much hours of work do I have to do." Saturn Sullivan
"First duty is at [REDACTED BY AUTHOR]" Power Windows
"Alright When?"

We met up at the place I got knocked out it seems and really it was a scam. A good scam.

The following is a Recorded Interview with [REDACTED BY AUTHOR]​

"Hello." [REDACTED]
"This doesn't seem to be a Power Washer Company" Saturn Sullivan
"It isn't. Really I just wanna ask you. Do you want to be part of this Secret Facility." [REDACTED]
"Depends. If I get more money then being a Lock Keeper then yes I'll help." Saturn Sullivan
"You will earn approximately $50/h." [REDACTED]
"Accepted" Saturn Sullivan
"Your flight is at [REDACTED BY AUTHOR]" [REDACTED]

The rest of the Interview is all rules​

A Mighty Journey to Intelligence​

I got a job as a GENSEC Cadet. Not the best job but not the worst. D-Block is the worst. My Co workers aren't doing a really good job as they keep getting pulled by people part of the Internal Affairs who arrest people who do law breaking stuff. I then got promoted to GENSEC officer by the GENSEC Seargent. It wasn't the best but I could see more test come in to play for the future of the SCP foundation. I then got promoted to GENSEC Seargent. It was great. I commanded the GENSEC into success. Not really, all of the GENSEC never listened to me and it was a annoying job as I always have to deal with Cadets or Officers that got in trouble. It's been such a long time since I visited the outside.

I then got pulled for a interview.

Following is a Log of a Interview​

"Would you like to be a part of the Intelligence?" Unknown
"May I get a description of the Intelligence?" Saturn Sullivan
"The Intelligence is what keeps the Facility Secret" Unknown
"Crazy. Like I wanna do that." Saturn Sullivan
"I heard you wanna visit outside of the facility in a recent Interview." Unknown
"Yes! I would like to! I accept the job!" Saturn Sullivan

[End of log]

I became a Intelligence Agent. I also found out the people that beat up my father were called CI. It climbed back up to my mind. I could finally avenge my Father. They beat up my Father I beat up them. I then did several Recons, Documents, Intruder Interrogation. I then got promoted to Ambassador which is where I'm at right now. Writing up this Diary.

"May the Might Of Intelligence spread across the Foundation!"
-Saturn "Redpanda" Sullivan



Chris Henderson+

Active member
Mar 29, 2022

From the Office of the ██████████████

Application Denied

Thank you for taking the time to apply for DOI Dpt. Director. The ███████ is in agreement that you are not suited for the position at the moment. Please get in contact with ██-2 for further details.​
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