[USA][SCP-RP] Polzer Antons Exec App

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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 13, 2022
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:437898627

Discord name:MegatronIMJ

For how long have you played on CG SCP: a year or two, but in active playtime, around 20 days.


In what country are you located?:USA

Time zone:EST

Character name(s):polzer " Demolisher " Anton

Civilian name:Jack Crispy

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):USA

Do you have a mic?:Yes


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Exec Researcher 2x


Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?: I think a couple for RDM years ago, I don't remember why.


Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?: That's hard to explain but there are a couple core reasons.
  1. It's fun, I play to have fun and share that experience with others
  2. SCP rp is absolutely great, its always a blast and I met new people everytime I play
  3. Why not?, I have experience as Exec research and I know what i'm doing, I have played a lot of this server and everytime ive become exec on it it's gotten better and better, and being a Exec research makes me more mature, furthers my leadership skills and makes me a better and more professional person.
  4. I really do think that the current exec and leadership team need to develop to the expectations they should hold to themselves at the level they are. And I want to shape research to what I believe it is at its core values and from what it was before, I have believe that research has focused a lot on chemistry and drugs now, that's not what research is about and I want and need to change that viewpoint.
  5. I also feel that im a lot more mature and ready for Executive Researcher than i ever was, my headspace is clearer and with the time that has come, i feel like im mature enough to act at the highest level i failed to do so before.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?: I have a lot of experience as a researcher and a lot of Administrative/Management experience that I think could be useful for the current exec team. I can help most people with research questions relating to the actual research procedure itself. I've been wildly successful in my career with my RP and general leadership skills. I have done numerous SCP interviews and advanced RP with different types of scps. I'm not trying to make this an essay, there are many more reasons why but I listed down some of the main, important ones.


How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent? A couple, what makes a document excellent relies on 3 of the following factors:

1. The Reviewer, a lot of grading is based on the perspective of the person grading it, if they don't like how you write or how it is they will give it a low grade and some others might like it and give it a higher grade.

2. The Format, there is a lot more in format that people think if it looks incredibly pretty and nice looking with its format that's a sure way to get a higher grade.

3. The Aim, I cannot ever stress this enough but the aim is the singular most important thing about the document, if it's a lousy or short aim it wont get excellent, your aim needs to be descriptive, detailed in what exactly you are looking to get out of the test and how.


What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?: A lot, I'll keep it short to not make this a absolute essay, 1. Management is the top priority of an Exec Researcher. 2. Conducting high level tests, someone gotta do it. 3. Discipling lower research for bad conduct. 4. Doing presentations and other research help sessions. 5. Keep the department stable, as we should.


Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Sure! ( hyperlink )
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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 13, 2022
If anyone has any questions related to me or my experince, or the application. Please let me know in here or my discord. You can also go to my profile to look at my past applications if you want more knowledge but ill have them both linked here.



Active member
Dec 23, 2022
Detroit, Michigan
Incoming Message: Research Directorate of Site-65


Greetings, Polzer!

I would first like to thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Executive Researcher within the Site-65 Research Department. Your time is greatly appreciated.

Upon review, your application has been denied.

Please email (Discord message) Dpt. Director Darby (thegypsybard) or Dpt. Director Kiryu (.kurgerbing) for elaboration and questions you may have.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.​
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