USA Security Captain Application

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Well-known Member
Mar 9, 2023
Steam id

Discord name

For how long have you played on CG SCP
-I have played on this server for over 2 months with a total play time of 2 weeks and 4 days


In what country are you located?

Time zone

Character name(s)
-Daniel bob

Civilian name
-Daniel Rob

What server are you applying for?

Do you have a mic?
- yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held
- I do not hold or have held any MTF or CI roles. However I do hold IA, External, RRT, heavy weapons and 096 whitelist.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?
- I have received a warning for RDM and Mic spam and I have received a 12 hour ban for leave to avoid RP however all of them have expired.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?
- I have good leadership skills and I can handle the pressure and responsibility's that comes to being captain of Security. I play as RRT Sergeant, RRT officer or Security Sergeant a lot so I have a good understanding of how those roles help keep D-block under control. I have a good experiences with combat with a combat level of 27 and a total level of 129. I also have good experience with handling code 2's. I personally try to be patient with people and correct any small mistakes people make like a cadet dose not let a D-class walk forward causing him to be crushed by the door. I also have a good understanding of the code of conduct and I know how to properly enforce it. I have a good understanding of the hierarchy in GENSEC and the roles that people play. Cadets and officers will most of the time be stationed at air lock to let D-class's back into D-block or helping taking D-class's out for testing Sergeant will sit in tower and make sure D-class's aren't hacking the airlock or vent doors open RRT will patrol around the facility in groups of two or they will be guarding HCZ cheek point with MTF team E-11.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?
- The Security Captain helps oversee all of GENSEC operations and typically will have the final say in orders given to Security personnel. Security Captains will also host tryout of license's such as Riot Response Team licenses or heavy weapons license. Captains will ensure that D-block is running efficiently, ethically and safely. Captains may also host lectures for new and old members of GENSEC to help them understand what to do under any circumstance. Captains may also auth sweeps of D-block or conduct a sweep of D-block. Finally Captain make sure that all members of GENSEC are well trained and well equipped to handle any situation's they find themselves in.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in
- Daniel Bob born 18th of January [REDACTED] in the small town kalgoorlie Australia. in [REDACTED] at the age of 18 Daniel Bob moved to the US state Colorado and started working as a prison guard at Florence ADMAX. Daniel Bob slowly but surely worked his way though the ranks and on the 12th of September [REDACTED] Daniel Bob was awarded a certificate of bravery for helping to stop the worst prison riot ADX Florence had ever seen. ADX Florence site staff took note of how Daniel Bob took charge during the riot despite the odds being against him and his team. when foundation personal came to ADX Florence to collect more D-class subjects foundation agent [REDACTED] took a keen interest in Daniel Bob and asked site staff to pull up his file agent [REDACTED] was more that just impressed so Daniel Bob was recruited into the SCP Foundation and stationed at site 65 as a GENSEC cadet however he quickly climbed through the ranks going all the way up to Riot Response Team sergeant and has shown him self to be a loyal member of the Foundation.

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