PAC Requesting Approval
PAC Requested (Which job): Senior Doctor
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:18909364
Name: Clover Meadows
Photograph of PAC:

Clover was discovered by MTF Theta-4 in a catatonic state while she was sun-bathing in an open field, as she had already succumbed to the anomaly’s second stage, leaving her with green skin and vines growing from her body. She was captured without resistance and kept in a container devoid of light while being escorted to the nearest Foundation facility.
Researcher Astrid was given orders, alongside a medical team, to attempt to cure and monitor the condition of Clover, designated as an instance of SCP-1255-1. A team of surgeons conducted a craniotomy in an attempt to remove the seed within the subject's brain, which succeeded. However, even with the seed removed, the modifications to the subject’s body remained.
Following the surgery, the subject was comatose. After 33 days following the operation, SCP-1255-1 was eventually noted during a routine check-up to be responding to sound and touch. Analysis suggested the subject was in the process of recovering from the comatose state post-surgery. Shortly after the subject awoke, the medical team confirmed it was capable of speech and healthy enough to do so for a short time. Dr. Astrid immediately held an interview with the subject. A video log recorded their interaction. See Interview 1255-A.1 for details.
Interviewer: Dr. Astrid
Interviewed: An instance of SCP-1255-1, formerly Clover Meadows
Interviewer’s Note: It seems the subject has no recollection of the events starting with the onset of Stage 2, all the way until this moment. Interestingly, this instance of SCP-1255-1 still seems to display human-like behavior. While agitation is somewhat common among regular individuals who awaken from a coma, hostile words and agitation are unheard of coming from typical SCP-1255-1 instances. Additionally, they usually have no memories of the time before they were infected. I believe it’s possible that the surgical removal of the seed from its brain was a success, leaving its thoughts and personality intact. With time, the subject may acclimate somewhat to its situation and cease its agitation. As for the subject’s difficulty in movement, some muscle atrophy is expected due to the length of time it was comatose. The medical team will be arranging for physical therapy in the near future, once the subject has calmed down and acclimated to its environment and the changes to its body.
Interviewed: An instance of SCP-1255-1, formerly Clover Meadows
<BEGIN LOG> Dr. Astrid: Good morning, Clover. SCP-1255-1: Where am I…? My head… Sounds of shuffling can be heard as SCP-1255-1 weakly attempts to shift around on the bed. Dr. Astrid: Don’t worry about that right now. Please just stay calm and speak with me. First, can you tell me how you feel? SCP-1255-1: I feel like shit… My body won’t move how I want it. I can’t even sit up. What’s going on? Who are you? Dr. Astrid: For now, you can call me Dr. Astrid. Now, please answer my questions. What’s the last thing you remember? SCP-1255-1 falls silent for a few seconds. SCP-1255-1: I was… at home. Some kind, new neighbor left me some bunches of grapes as a gift on my doorstep. But they gave me some awful stomach ache - felt like it was on fire. The pain was unbearable, and I was about to go to a doctor, but… I don’t remember anything after that. Dr. Astrid: You have no recollection from that event until now? At this moment, SCP-1255-1 becomes audibly agitated, and struggles to shift from its position on the bed. SCP-1255-1: Yes, like I said, I don’t remember a damn thing. Where am I? How long have I been out? Why can’t I move? Dr. Astrid: Please, calm down- SCP-1255-1: Get me off this damn bed! At this point, SCP-1255-1 manages to move its body enough to see part of its skin, which is discolored by the anomaly. This makes the subject only more angered and confused. Dr. Astrid makes multiple attempts to calm the subject, but it remains agitated and uncooperative towards questioning. The medical team takes over, and Dr. Astrid ends the interview. <END LOG> |
Interviewer’s Note: It seems the subject has no recollection of the events starting with the onset of Stage 2, all the way until this moment. Interestingly, this instance of SCP-1255-1 still seems to display human-like behavior. While agitation is somewhat common among regular individuals who awaken from a coma, hostile words and agitation are unheard of coming from typical SCP-1255-1 instances. Additionally, they usually have no memories of the time before they were infected. I believe it’s possible that the surgical removal of the seed from its brain was a success, leaving its thoughts and personality intact. With time, the subject may acclimate somewhat to its situation and cease its agitation. As for the subject’s difficulty in movement, some muscle atrophy is expected due to the length of time it was comatose. The medical team will be arranging for physical therapy in the near future, once the subject has calmed down and acclimated to its environment and the changes to its body.
Dr. Astrid, alongside the medical team, continued to monitor SCP-1255-1 for several weeks after its awakening, and recorded no notable changes in the appearance of the anomaly affecting the subject. Meanwhile, the medical team assisted it in physical therapy to recover from the atrophy its body experienced while immobile. During these weeks of recovery, the anomalous effect on the subject’s appearance never diminished or changed. However, it was noted that the subject displayed far less need for food than a typical human. When confronted, the subject corroborated the observation by adding it has experienced hunger far less often than before its first interaction with SCP-1255. Dr. Astrid believes it may be possible that the subject’s body is capable of photosynthesis despite the anomaly’s transformation being halted. This is likely due to the chlorophyll remaining in SCP-1255-1’s body, which causes the skin to remain green in color across its whole body, with a deepening darker green surrounding its veins. Occasional vines remain growing out of the subject’s body, which wind around its torso and limbs. The subject’s mind and personality also remained intact, free of the influence of the anomaly. Because of this unique outcome, Dr. Astrid requested changing the subject’s designation to SCP-1255-A.
After several weeks, the physical therapy was complete and SCP-1255-A was able to move freely once more. Furthermore, the subject had shown marked improvements with regard to its opinion towards Foundation staff. Whereas before they were treated coldly and with suspicion, the subject now acts as friendly with them as the staffs' duties permit. With the subject feeling healthy, as well as exhibiting a far friendlier temperament, Dr. Astrid decided it was time to run some experiments on the anomaly affecting the subject. They began with an attempt to gather a small sample of the vines growing from the subject’s body. A video log recorded the sampling test. See Interview 1255-A.2.
Interviewer: Dr. Astrid
Interviewed: SCP-1255-A
Interviewer’s Note: Quite the surprising result. Perhaps the anomaly had a deeper effect on the subject’s mind than I previously thought. Even if the subject’s personality was not overwritten, it seems some lingering effects may still remain. I’ll need to run a different test that takes these anomalous fears into account.
Interviewed: SCP-1255-A
Preface: Dr. Astrid and SCP-1255-A both sit in two simple metal fold-out chairs spaced a few feet apart facing each other. Next to Dr. Astrid’s seat is a small table containing a box filled with a couple items, including an empty container for samples and a pair of pruning shears. A syringe for applying local anesthetic is also included, as it has been noted by the medical team that the subject’s vines share a similar level of physical feeling as typical skin, and severing it may cause immense pain. Security and medical staff are on standby in the room as per protocol. The subject has been informed that the goal of the test is to sample the anomaly infecting it, but has not been informed of the contents of the box. <BEGIN LOG> Dr. Astrid: Good evening, SCP-1255-A. Are you feeling well today? SCP-1255-A: I’m feeling fantastic today, Astrid, thank you for asking. Dr. Astrid: Great. So, as I told you before, the goal of this experiment is primarily to gather a sample of the vines growing from your body. We’ll be cutting off a small section of a vine for analysis. Does that sound alright? SCP-1255-A had noticeably become apprehensive at the mention of the word “cutting”. It responded with a tone of uncertainty. SCP-1255-A: Uhm, yeah. I’m… ready whenever. Dr. Astrid took note of the subject’s apprehension with a silent nod, but proceeded with the test and pulled out the pruning shears. As soon as the subject laid eyes on the tool, a crash could be heard as the subject toppled backwards over their seat, knocking it over in the process. The subject scrambled away from Dr. Astrid for a few feet, crawling backward while keeping its fearful eyes locked on the pruning shears. Security started to move closer to restrain SCP-1255-A, but Dr. Astrid stopped them. After the tool was put back inside the box, the subject returned to being docile, and was successfully calmed down by the medical personnel in the room. The thrown chair was set upright, and Dr. Astrid returned to their seat, as did SCP-1255-A. Dr. Astrid: Are you feeling alright now? What happened? SCP-1255-A: Yes… Sorry about that. I don’t know what came over me. As soon as I saw that… thing… my body moved on its own. I was terrified. Dr. Astrid: Have you always had a fear of bladed objects? SCP-1255-A: N-No, in the past I used tools like that all the time, living out on the farm. I shouldn’t have a reason to be afraid. Dr. Astrid: Then perhaps we can conclude it’s a result of the anomaly affecting your body. If you’re afraid of things that a plant might fear, then… What do you think of “fire”? At the mention of the word, SCP-1255-A’s stance visibly stiffens once again, and goes silent. Dr. Astrid gives an understanding nod. Dr. Astrid: I don’t believe the experiment can continue at this rate. We’ll try again another time. Try to get some rest. <END LOG> |
Interviewer’s Note: Quite the surprising result. Perhaps the anomaly had a deeper effect on the subject’s mind than I previously thought. Even if the subject’s personality was not overwritten, it seems some lingering effects may still remain. I’ll need to run a different test that takes these anomalous fears into account.
After taking some time to consider possible precautions for the obstacles presented by the previous attempt, Dr. Astrid formulated new test methodologies to retrieve a sample of SCP-1255-A’s vines. Two different methodologies were available, which were presented to the subject. The first was a test where a blindfold was applied to the subject in order to prevent viewing material sensitive to its fears. A local anesthetic would be applied to the sampling area for retrieval of the sample. The second option would have the subject be put to sleep with general anesthesia for the duration of the sampling. SCP-1255-A chose the former option, and the sampling test proceeded. A video log recorded the event. See Interview 1255-A.3 for details.
Interviewer: Dr. Astrid
Interviewed: SCP-1255-A
Interviewer’s Note: The sampling test was a resounding success. As I expected, the fears brought about by the anomaly can be avoided if the subject is not aware of the object’s presence. What is far more interesting is that not only did the sampled vine grow back, but it did so within mere hours. However, it seems that regrowing these vines places substantial strain on the subject, and preferably it should be avoided. Meanwhile, I have confirmed the sample that was taken is the same type of vines as ones present on typical instances of SCP-1255-1. What’s strange is that SCP-1255-A’s vines never flower nor bear fruit. It seems possible that removing SCP-1255 from the brain completely halts the transformation, leaving only lingering effects. The expected life-span of SCP-1255-1 instances is only one year after infection. If SCP-1255-A lives significantly longer than that, then this may be a treatment method applicable to other victims whose progress is interrupted before Stage 3 of the infection is reached.
Interviewed: SCP-1255-A
Preface: Dr. Astrid and SCP-1255-A both sit in two simple metal fold-out chairs spaced a few feet apart facing each other. Next to Dr. Astrid’s seat is a small table containing a box filled with multiple items, including an empty container for samples, a pair of pruning shears, a syringe for administering local anesthetic, and a blindfold. Security and medical staff are on standby as per protocol. The subject has been informed that the goal of the test is to sample the vines from the anomaly infecting it. The subject has been informed that it will be both blindfolded (with its consent), and that it will have local anesthetic applied to the sampling area. <BEGIN LOG> Dr. Astrid: Good evening, SCP-1255-A. How are you feeling today? SCP-1255-A: I’m feeling great as usual, Astrid. I’m ready to finally get this test going. Dr. Astrid: Right. Like you were informed before, the goal of this test is to sample a portion of one of your vines. I’ve set up conditions that should ideally help with your newfound fears. I’ve brought a blindfold that will prevent you from seeing any item used in sampling that may cause you alarm. If you consent to wearing this blindfold, I request that you put it on yourself. If you do not consent, there will be no penalty or punishment, and the test will end. Once the blindfold is on, I will apply local anesthetic to the area I will be sampling so that you don’t feel any pain. Additionally, when speaking I will avoid using terms that may cause you alarm due to the anomaly affecting you. As long as you’re ready, we can begin. SCP-1255-A: Sounds good, let’s get started. After receiving confirmation from the subject, Dr. Astrid removes a blindfold from the box and places it in the hands of the subject. SCP-1255-A puts on the blindfold of its own volition. A member of medical personnel prepares the local anesthetic and applies it to the subject. After the sampling area is prepared, Dr. Astrid approaches with the empty sample container and a set of pruning shears. Dr. Astrid: Stay very still now - I’m about to take the sample. SCP-1255-A gives a small nod in acknowledgement. A vine is cleanly cut through near its end with no reaction from the subject, and the sample is placed inside the sample container. Medical personnel inspect the sampling site for any issues, before giving Dr. Astrid the all-clear to finish the test. Dr. Astrid puts away all of the testing items safely inside the box. Dr. Astrid: You may take off the blindfold, now. The sampling is complete. SCP-1255-A: Wow, already? That was fast. Dr. Astrid: Is any part of you uncomfortable? How do you feel? SCP-1255-A looks over for itself for a moment in silence before responding. SCP-1255-A: I feel fine, I think. Although… I’m kinda getting sleepy. And hungry. Dr. Astrid: Understood. We’ll continue to monitor your condition. Go ahead and get yourself some food and rest. <END LOG> Afterword: After being monitored throughout the rest of the day, the subject displayed an increase in hunger and lethargy. Subject noted an increased urge to move to an area with direct sunlight, which SCP-1255-1 instances are known to prefer. Subject was granted a temporary increase in its food intake, but was denied access to direct sunlight. The section of vine removed for sampling measured 4cm. Over the course of six hours, the vine on the subject regrew to its original size and shape. The subject’s behavior returned to typical trends after the first day, and further monitoring of the subject over the next three days observed no other changes. |
Interviewer’s Note: The sampling test was a resounding success. As I expected, the fears brought about by the anomaly can be avoided if the subject is not aware of the object’s presence. What is far more interesting is that not only did the sampled vine grow back, but it did so within mere hours. However, it seems that regrowing these vines places substantial strain on the subject, and preferably it should be avoided. Meanwhile, I have confirmed the sample that was taken is the same type of vines as ones present on typical instances of SCP-1255-1. What’s strange is that SCP-1255-A’s vines never flower nor bear fruit. It seems possible that removing SCP-1255 from the brain completely halts the transformation, leaving only lingering effects. The expected life-span of SCP-1255-1 instances is only one year after infection. If SCP-1255-A lives significantly longer than that, then this may be a treatment method applicable to other victims whose progress is interrupted before Stage 3 of the infection is reached.
Each time Dr. Astrid was transferred between Sites for their work, SCP-1255-A was transferred alongside them, upon request, to further continue their research into SCP-1255 and monitor the stability of the subject. After being monitored for over a year without any apparent anomalous changes, and considering the subject’s near-flawless record of compliance during its time in Foundation custody, SCP-1255-A was allowed the option to work at a Foundation facility as a low-level worker. The subject accepted, and began its position as a medical trainee at Site-65.
As SCP-1255-A survived well past the typical lifespan of an instance of SCP-1255-1 without any health issues, craniotomy to remove SCP-1255 seeds was approved as a method of saving early-stage victims of the anomaly. As Dr. Astrid completed their duty of finding a treatment for SCP-1255, they eventually became occupied with other responsibilities. SCP-1255-A was assigned a new overseeing researcher from Site-65. Dr. Athena was chosen, and currently provides regular check-ups on SCP-1255-A’s condition, with occasional check-ups from Dr. Astrid. Some time has passed since the subject’s transfer, and it has since made strides in its field. SCP-1255-A, a.k.a. Clover Meadows, currently holds a position as Senior Doctor.