USA servers SCPRP ban apeal

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Jeff Hogarth

Well-known Member
Jun 29, 2022
Your in-game name: Jeff Hogarth
Your SteamID:
Steam ID: 76561198450105680
Your steam community link:
Date of ban: 7/13/22
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): "Toxicity [D]"
Who banned you: Dosnt show
Ban length?: 3 days
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):
What will you do to stop this from happening again:
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? Yes
Why should you be unbanned: Becase the ban was entirely false, a kid has been harassing me and abunch of other people for several days, so when i waslked into the IA room i obviously was happy to see the kid getting arrested. While in his cell i did /me Pisses on magically from across the room. He was injail for several counts of Att murder, treason and several smaller charges. When he got released i obviously went to the room and comlained as he tried to kill me several times, after his unarrest i said i would arrest him later for the max sentence once he commits another crime to the SGT he also tried to kill. Then i got brought to a sit and they said thats "harrassment". What i dont get is why he can RDM me and do all this shit, but i cant do the same thing back. Its not "harrassment" since it went both ways, Webster dictionary defines harrassment as "To irritate or torment persistently" but in no way was i persistant seeing as the incident in question was a few minutes.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: No because no one is perfect but i didnt break any rule this time.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
Its fun somtimes (Mainly when this kid isnt playing)

So to start I wasn't on yesterday to witness him harass you, nor was I on to see him RDM you and when I asked if you reported him for the harassment or the RDM you said "well no because I'd rather play then be in a sit" (something along those lines). after I kept telling you that I wasn't on to see him break these rules, you kept repeating yourself saying "well he harassing me so it should cancel out" which it doesn't and thats not how that works

I witnessed you harass him while he was arrested and after talking with bobby hill and some other agents about how they felt like the arrest was invaild I went and talked to nathan and I asked you to leave and you did for a little bit before coming back and saying "why is he getting unarrested? did he cry to his mom for him to get unarrested" after hearing this it was kinda my last straw with you and this is where I brought you to a sit and said you will recieve a warning point for toxicity, and after looking at your warning points you've had 3 toxicity warnings from the 24th of june (i think) and i told you, you would recieve a ban for toxicity [D] you start to agrue with me saying "well he's been harassing me for the past few days and staff haven't done anything about it" which I replied "well did you report it" and you said No. Also saying "/me Pisses on magically from across the room" did hurt your case in this sit as you couldn't provide a reason for saying this

I do not believe you deserve a unban with how you acted in the sit and towards nathan while he was arrested

If you have any questions please DM me | Doom Guy#2040

Thanks for reading

Jeff Hogarth

Well-known Member
Jun 29, 2022

So to start I wasn't on yesterday to witness him harass you, nor was I on to see him RDM you and when I asked if you reported him for the harassment or the RDM you said "well no because I'd rather play then be in a sit" (something along those lines). after I kept telling you that I wasn't on to see him break these rules, you kept repeating yourself saying "well he harassing me so it should cancel out" which it doesn't and thats not how that works

I witnessed you harass him while he was arrested and after talking with bobby hill and some other agents about how they felt like the arrest was invaild I went and talked to nathan and I asked you to leave and you did for a little bit before coming back and saying "why is he getting unarrested? did he cry to his mom for him to get unarrested" after hearing this it was kinda my last straw with you and this is where I brought you to a sit and said you will recieve a warning point for toxicity, and after looking at your warning points you've had 3 toxicity warnings from the 24th of june (i think) and i told you, you would recieve a ban for toxicity [D] you start to agrue with me saying "well he's been harassing me for the past few days and staff haven't done anything about it" which I replied "well did you report it" and you said No. Also saying "/me Pisses on magically from across the room" did hurt your case in this sit as you couldn't provide a reason for saying this

I do not believe you deserve a unban with how you acted in the sit and towards nathan while he was arrested

If you have any questions please DM me | Doom Guy#2040

Thanks for reading
I didnt do anything durring the sit and as i explained the definition of harrassment but obviously you didnt read the apeal so i wont bother.


Well-known Member
May 24, 2022
DISCLAIMER: I am not directly involved in this case. However, I have had extensive talks with the victim involved (Nathan Smith) and feel the need to put my two cents into this after witnessing a trend of behavior here.

We're going to start with the obvious first point: two wrongs do not make a right. Harassment is not like a double negative in sentences. If someone calls you a name, it is not your mission to call them one back, especially if it hurts your feelings. If someone harasses you, it is not your mission to harass them back. What this does is it creates a much more tense situation to eventually be dealt with. I do not know where you got it in your head that harassment can cancel out if you just do it back to someone who does it to you, but you need to unlearn those thoughts immediately. It's wrong. Full stop.

After reading your appeal word for word, it brings me to my second point: no, you shouldn't be 'harassing back' at a player harassing you. I've spoken with Nathan about this in detail and I'm going to do the same with you, Jeff. You're a player in a video game. You're here to have fun, I assume. Therefore, when it comes to disagreements in the game where someone is actively trying to kill you and harass you, there's a very easy solution to all of your problems: recording evidence and calling a sit. I know that calling a sit may be detrimental to you in that it solves your problems without having the opportunity to scream at a child and that it will take roughly five minutes to hash everything out, but I firmly believe you can handle these things.

To tack onto this second point, splitting hairs with a Webster's definition of a word is the epitome of someone who is trying to reframe a situation. This is not a good look for you, so I would grow out of this habit as well. It will not end well with individuals who are trying to educate you on acting like a well behaved human being.

Which leads to my third point: pissing on another player is not the way to handle your issues. I do not know what your issue is with calling sits, but I promise you. If you have evidence against a player, all you need to do is call a sit, hand that in and let staff handle the rest. Everything you did in this situation, top to bottom, shows that not only are you as immature as the person who has been harassing you, but I have a distinct belief that you don't actually desire an outcome where only he is punished. In fact, part of me believes you don't even want the direct punishment for him. You want to bully him and push him again and again due to circumstances I will not repeat on a public forum.

I've observed your behavior on-site and it resembles that of a bully that has issues that he needs to deal with at home, which manifests itself into this mentality of trying to hurt someone you view as lesser than you. Unless you can grow out of that nasty habit and learn to play the game and utilize staff for what they're there for (hint: it's to stop harassment like this from occurring), then I fully expect to see you here again with another disgusting ban appeal like this.

Your ban should not be lifted, and quite frankly, it needs to be extended as you clearly show no regrets for the way you acted and you're actively attempting to justify your horrible behavior despite your attitude toward the utilization of staff.

But I leave this to the capable staff. Just understand that the behavior you exercised is unacceptable and will not be tolerated going forward, nor should it have been up until this point.
Jun 12, 2022
I didnt do anything durring the sit and as i explained the definition of harrassment but obviously you didnt read the apeal so i wont bother.
I was there cloaked during the sit in its stage at Intero. You did do all of the things that Doom listed, and I was witness to it. I also had to tell you multiple times to leave the room after being told to leave already.

Jeff Hogarth

Well-known Member
Jun 29, 2022

Id like to add on to this ban appeal for a deciding Server leadership, Jeff had gone onto the UK server after getting banned and said "US staff are pedophiles". as well as saying before he got banned "See yall later courupt staff lmfao" Which to me shows you didnt learn from it.
neither of those are true but whatever

Jeff Hogarth

Well-known Member
Jun 29, 2022
I was there cloaked during the sit in its stage at Intero. You did do all of the things that Doom listed, and I was witness to it. I also had to tell you multiple times to leave the room after being told to leave already.
i did leave the room after being asked, then later when told the guy was getting let go for no reason i went back in, but you obviouly are gonna leave that out and just say i stayed in which is a blatant lie. And as i said in the appeal (that you obviously didnt read) what i didnt didnt fall under harrassment as doom claimed, which is why the ban was false.
Jun 12, 2022
i did leave the room after being asked, then later when told the guy was getting let go for no reason i went back in, but you obviouly are gonna leave that out and just say i stayed in which is a blatant lie. And as i said in the appeal (that you obviously didnt read) what i didnt didnt fall under harrassment as doom claimed, which is why the ban was false.
I did not say you stayed in, but I was not clear that you had left. I am sorry for that. I will try to be more clear next time. Have a good day.
Appeal Denied

Hi Jeff Hogarth,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

You should not act in a toxic manner to another even if they themselves apparently did so to you, You should report such incidents to staff instead of taking it into your own hands, Two wrongs dont make a right.

You may re-appeal in 2 weeks​
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