[USA] Skippa's Exec. Researcher Application

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Well-known Member
Dec 27, 2022
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Dec 20, 2022.


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Skippa - SCP Foundation.
Daniel Mayhard - Civilian.
Loran "Culturalist" Haselby - UNGOC.

Civilian name:
Daniel Mayhard

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

What is your SCP level and total level? (Provide a screenshot of the level menu):

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

UNGOC Enlisted (Specialist, EX)
Nu-7 CO (Lieutenant, EX)
I was an Nu-7 CO when the logging system for people that resign from Nu-7 wasn't implanted, so I'm not listed on there.
SCP-096 Whitelist
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I want to enhance this server's experience and assist the research department, so I'm applying for the position of executive researcher. Even before the US server was officially open, I was on the UK server and enjoyed playing as the gray man. I usually stuck to my own roleplays and didn't bother talking to many people outside of them. I then realized at the beginning of this month that I'm finally ready to begin working my way further up the ladder, so I made a vow to improve my reputation on the server going forward and start applying for whitelisted positions. I really do enjoy the experience this community offers, and everyone seems really friendly. The research department is by far the most interesting and engaging department. I enjoy helping new faces within the Research department and showing them the ropes. Although whenever I lend a helping hand, it's usually met with a "I'm good". As a Senior researcher, people come up to me from time to time, asking questions and for directions. I'm always happy to help new Junior Researchers out. Although with this position comes great responsibility, I think I'm finally ready to push onward in my attempts to assist the Research department in their goals and finally begin my journey for real.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

In most scenarios, I always try to stay attentive and on task. I consider myself to be a capable leader, and I really want to exercise my capabilities and lead a department as a level-4 personnel. In stressful or otherwise unruly situations, I make an effort to maintain my composure so that my professionalism doesn't overwhelm my other emotions. In the majority of circumstances, I usually think ahead and weigh all possible outcomes prior to reaching a final decision and taking action. My professionalism and decision-making are aided by this. I'm ready to devote a lot of time to this server and the community overall. I'm really interested in this position, and I firmly believe I can make a difference.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

I've produced about nine excellent documents. You have to incorporate an index on the first page of your document in order to create an excellent document, given that it directs the reader to particular portions of the document. A brief introduction is also not a bad idea. Typically, you'll greet the reader and thank them for their time before introducing yourself, stating your name and rank along with some in-game personal information. Usually, after that, you proceed on to the document's main sections, which include the SCP Information, your findings, and your hypothesis. A conclusion page for the last page of your document is essential because it can serve as a summary for readers who might just want the jist of your document or generally don't want to spend too much time reading the entire document. There are some optional edits you can make to your research document, such as displaying the name of the site on page 1 above the index, which is totally unnecessary but adds character and professionalism to your document.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

The primary responsibility of an Executive Researcher is to devote their time to assisting newer junior researchers. An Executive Researcher must remain focused, calm, and collected at all times since they are representing the research department and are looked up to by every single researcher due to their accomplishments and high rank status, which comes with responsibility and professionalism. Their responsibilities also include applying their leadership capabilities to every aspect of the job. They are to take responsibility for their fellow researchers if one gets into trouble, since that shows true compassion and talent.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Executive Researcher "Skippa" is an American, 29-year-old Caucasian male, weighing 180 lbs. and 6'2 in height. Skippa was studying for a parapsychology doctorate at [REDACTED] college before some unforeseen events occurred, and Skippa had an interaction with an anomaly on the college campus. The SCP Foundation was already en route to contain the unknown anomaly after sensing it on their anomaly radar an hour ago, later found out to be an SCP-153 instance in Skippa's bathroom dorm on campus. Skippa, being unaware, the Mobile Task Force made force entry, exterminating the anomaly on site as per procedures for this specific anomaly and detaining Skippa for further amnestic treatment. Before amnestic treatment took place by a DEA field Agent, they found out that he is studying and has almost completed a doctorate in parapsychology. They proceeded to rummage around his dorm, looking for his work written on paper, and upon finding his work, the DEA agent saw that he may have value after all. Without second thought, the DEA agent forced the Mobile Task Force Operatives to kidnap Skippa along in restraints, which they did. Upon reaching a classified facility, Skippa was forced to wear a bag over his head to prevent him from seeing anything classified, such as SCPs or anything similar. Upon reaching an Intelligence Agency interrogation room, Skippa was informed of everything. Their slogan, their motives, and what they stand for. He was offered a position as a Junior Researcher, which he accepted after a long pause. Skippa then proceeded to do all kinds of work. From studying SCPs to getting to know his co-workers. After eight long years, and a few promotions later, Skippa was offered an Executive Researcher position, which he accepted with bliss and excitement.​
Apr 20, 2023
From: cdarby@scpf.int
To: skippa@scpf.int
Subject: Application Status


| Application Elevated |

Greetings Skippa,

This is a message composed by the Research Directorate to inform you that your application for the position of Executive Researcher
has been elevated to the next step. We thank you for taking the time to apply for this position; please contact a member of the Research Directorate to schedule your interview.

You may contact either myself (thegypysbard) or Dpt. Director Kylie Ringer (dontforgethawaii) to progress your application.

This application has been denied at the interview stage. The Research Directorate appreciates your interest and encourages you to apply again once a two-week waiting period has passed. If you wish to inquire as to the reason, please contact myself (thegypsybard) when convenient.​
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