[USA] Sledge's GSD Captain Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:135552538
Discord name: s1peter (Ambassador Sledge on CN)
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3,678,540 seconds (1021 hours)
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: US EST
Character name(s): Sledge (Foundation), Mikhail Ivanovich (Civi), Yana "Wolf" Volkov (GOC), Peter "Smoke" (CI)
Civilian name: Mikhail Ivanovich
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF E-11 CPL, IA Ambassador, CI-A, GOC CPL
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Latest warn was today for RDM. Unfortunate situation just didn't have bodycam to prove my side, it happens.
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
- I am applying for GSD Captain because before I was invested in Internal Affairs, I was a GSD main. I am coming back to GSD now because I want GSD to be a better department as a whole. After speaking with an Assistant, it became clear to me that the security department was lacking in both training and discipline. I plan on bringing both if accepted.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
- Lots of GSD Experience, Knowledge of GSD policies and procedures due to GSD and IA experience, I have experience in giving tryouts being in HH-3 and testing multiple people at once. I also give lots of tests, log infractions, & pass/train people on IA so I can easily adapt to the GSD requirements.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
- Security Captains are responsible for training GSD personnel, maintaining the integrity of D-Block, organizing sweeps during code 2's, working closely with MTF and other departments, hosting training opportunities for subordinate personnel to get licenses, etc.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Sledge was at his desk writing an arrest report when he got a knock on his office's door, he saw a folder slide underneath and picked it up. He opened the file and saw his application for Ethics Committee Assistant had been rejected. Devastated, he went into his closet and saw a picture of him as a cadet, with the rest of his GSD buddies before he left for IA. He got up and ran over to Security Sector and asked for his old GSD Officer gear back and started working in GSD.

*Sledge is approached by a surprised agent outside D-Block Entrance*

"I thought you loved your job at IA Sledge!? Why leave?" said an agent who spotted him entering D-Block.

"I do, of course I do! I just... want to go back to GSD for now. I've been an ambassador for a long time, lost it, got it back... but I still feel as if I am not important enough... I hear some people instead of getting a really high up job, they get multiple semi-important jobs... and GSD was my life before IA."

"So... you're coming back?"

"Of course, just... not now... you think I'm a good Ambassador... right?"

*The Agent hesitates and doesn't respond immediately*

"Ye-Yeah! Obviously, you're good at your job. I- I don't know why you'd want to be a
Captain though."

"I'll answer it simply, Agent. During my time in IA, the most issues I've had from a department other than Maintenance, was GSD. I want to fix that."

"Didn't your friends want you to take a safer job though? I mean, even as an Ambassador you were talking about wanting a calmer job... this is a step in the complete opposite direction! Are you... ok? I don't think you're mentally prepared for this."

"Pfff, I'll be fine Agent, I appreciate the concerns, and yes I did... feel that way. I realized that in order to fix something the way you want it to, you have to do it yourself. And the truth is... I miss the action as much as I know it is bad for me."

*The agent looks concerned, knowing Sledge is not in the right state of mind*

"Do what you want Sledge, I won't stop you, but I think this is a huge mistake. Why don't you get a psychological examination?
Marvin is on site! I cou-"

*Sledge starts walking away, as he yells back*

"I am fine
agent! I'll see you in D-Block!" *Sledge waves, his orange eyes fading away as he turns his head towards the door*

Inside D-Block, he sees his combat medic friends, tending to wounded cadets and D-Class alike. The very same Captain who had trained him years ago is long gone, replaced by his precursor, a good friend of Sledge as well: Captain Thordan.

Of course,
Thordan was surprised to see him in an officer's uniform, a CL 3 card, ready to go, just like everyone else was.

"Sledge... what the hell are you doing?" Thordan says in the most "I had enough goofy shit to deal with today" tone

"I uhm, want my old job back ^^, that cool?"

"What th- NO!? That ain't how it works! How did you even get a CL 3 card with your name on it!?"

"uhh... ok look, just let me do this... let me prove myself and treat me like the others ok?"

*Thordan sighs* "Fine, line up on 2nd floor of D-Block, you're just in time for the sweep. You remember what to do?"

*Sledge scuffs* "Of course I do! I know pretty much every department's job and their policies, let's go."

*Captain Thordan gives his long ass speech, some cadets are goofing around and talking over him*

"Alright! Do me proud boys! Detain those D-Boys!" Thordan shouts

*Sledge's fiancé, Assistant Rai Fenmore enters D-Block, she sees his glowing orange eyes through his visor as he turns his head, oblivious to her presence, and runs into watchtower*

She yells "SLEDGE!? NO!"

Yeah no, Sledge has already touched the floor of D-Block, no regard for his own life anymore. Rai is concerned, probably yelling at him in CL 3 comms... something along the lines of: CL 3: [Rai>Sledge] "How could you not tell me!? You could be killed! You ever think about that! You Goober!?" but you already know he's yelling and screaming at the D-Class to "STOP MOVING! GET ON THE WALL!" and his dumbass isn't paying attention to CL 3 comms. He said it himself, he misses the action, and he also knows it's slowly turning him insane.

Brewer 2.0 / Celtic

Blacklisted Player
Dec 18, 2023
I don't see you on Gen-Sec, at all. Furthermore, I am not confident in regards to your characters combative leadership skills.

- Support

From: Chief of Security "Speff"

To: Captain Applicant "Sledge"

Hello Sledge, your application has been ACCEPTED

Please contact me on discord for the next step - speff.
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