[USA] Sledge's Third Ethics Commitee Assistant Application

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Steam ID :STEAM_0:0:135552538
Discord name: s1peter (Ambassador Sledge on CN)
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: US EST
Character name(s): Sledge, Yana "Wolf" Volkov, Peter "Smoke", Mikhail Ivanovich
Civilian name: Mikhail Ivanovich
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
GOC SGT, GSD Captain, IA Ambassador, E-11 SGT, CI-A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Last warning I got was for RDM a good 3 weeks ago, told a guy to stop moving but he was too far away to hear it, it happens.
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
-With my time as an Ambassador, I frequently shadow other departments to ensure they are doing as they should. Given that I often speak with senior members of each department regarding issue's anyway, I am no stranger to "interviewing" people. People often seek my assistance regarding issues inside of Internal Affairs, I have no doubt this will soon apply to issues regarding ethics. My time has captain has given me an insight on what it is like to be a senior member of the GSD and has allowed me to further my work in Internal Affairs as well as maintain good relationships with the other senior members of GSD. My first goal when becoming an Assistant is to answer people's grievances regarding EC or their respective departments.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
-Ethics Committee Assistants are tasked with interviewing subordinate personnel within department(s) they are assigned to by the Ethics Committee. In which the assistant will gather information on behalf of the EC so that constructive criticism, and positive feedback are relayed to them for the EC to review and potentially vote over changes regarding possible issues. Assistants also act as the face of ethics and must maintain a strict level of professionalism. When no members of SC are on-site or busy, they may authorize the use of Advanced Armory and KOS past airlock during emergency situations. Occasionally, an Assistant will be asked to review arrests made my Internal Affairs should an Ambassador or Director be busy/absent, in extremely rare situations they may organize a tribunal on behalf of 2 conflicting parties.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

After becoming a Captain, it became clearer to Sledge that his issues were taking over, and it started getting in the way of his life. His friends, colleagues, even his other half all shared their concerns with him almost throwing himself into danger for no apparent reason. After consolidating with the people, he cares for the most, Sledge offered to still train GSD personnel while setting aside his more combative duties as a Captain.

As of late, Sledge has been in a great state of mind: A lot less episodes regarding his PTSD, received a promotion to Sr. Ambassador had a great valentine's day with his other half, and an old friend, coming back to him, rescued from the clutches of the insurgency. His other goals are complete, and now all that's left is to further his career... for now.

Sledge goes into his office after his bi-weekly mandated psychological evaluation and sits down at the desk, typing up another application for an Ethics Committee Assistant position. "This time will be it, this time they'll let me in, I just know it!". Sledge has always wanted the spot and was hit hard the second time he was denied, but he'd be lying if he said his partner getting the spot before him didn't encourage him even further. He's waiting for that interview... preparing... asking himself questions, almost going insane as he is more so interrogating himself rather than interviewing:

Interviewer Sledge: "So, what makes you think you're the best for the position? What sets you apart from the rest?"

Sledge: "I've worked in Internal Affairs for years now, I have proven my worth and have worked alongside members of all departments, ensuring they know the rules and do not break them. All I do all day is conduct myself and assist others. I'm no stranger to answering people's questions and hearing out their issues/grievances."

"And, what about their issues with you? Surely not every case has been sunshine and rainbows, what do you do if someone isn't particularly fond of your decision making or overall conduct?"

"I have my limits, as does everyone else. I always try my best to remain professional and cordial, and no matter what I always highlight the option to speak with my Directors if they believe I had done something unacceptable. As for my professionalism and conduct overall, I do my best to be the face of Internal Affairs and with that I emphasize the importance to be approachable, I believe I have met that standard I set for myself. With the line of work I am currently in, I am ensured certain people to like me and others to dislike me, but neither have ever impacted my performance on the job. Personally yes, I admit some people have gotten to me, good and bad, but rest assured, despite people's outlook on me, I will get the job done to the best of my abilities."
"One last question: What would you do if we found out?"

"Excuse me? *Haha* I don't think I understand the question Assistant"

"Ahh you know, about your friend you decided to safeguard from the Insurgency. Who you allowed to assume a false identity and join Epsilon 11. Heard she wanted back into it, hard to believe after what she did last time."

*Sledge gets visibly nervous, his eyes turn to a strong yellow hue*

"I- I don't know what you're talking about! I am insulted at this accusation!"

"Don't act the fool, you're a hypocrite, the rules only apply to everyone else... but not you? Right? S e n i or A m b a s s a d o r...."

*Sledge wakes up, head against his desk, his flask emptied and set aside. The computer terminal displaying a document titled "Third ECA App", where all that is written is the entire qwerty keyboard twice, one from left to right, and one right to left*

Sledge says to himself: "Fuck off Assistant me, I'm good at my job! Ugh... I miss the vending machine; this new stuff is not... great for the long run. Damn techies got it removed."

*Sledge finishes his application and smiles* "This is it; I'm going places... feels nice."

*After printing the document and placing it in his suit jacket's inner pocket, he makes his way to Ethics Wing and gets a notification*

COMMS IA: Ambassador Junkman: "Sledge can you come to interro? There's an Assistant Rai here to see you? Something important I guess."

*Sledge says in his head:* "Ah, to hell with the application, I'll submit it later, I am... needed." *He smiles as he turns around and heads across core sector bridge back into PW*
A message has been received from the Site-65 Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee Verdict Report

REGARDING: Sledge's Ethics Committee Assistant Application.
Thank you for showing interest in the position of Ethics Committee Assistant, the Committee agrees that you are not yet suited to become an Ethics Committee Assistant. For details regarding your denial feel free to contact any Ethics Committee Member. You may reapply after two weeks.
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