[USA] Slipstream's Gamemaster Application

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Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): sparkquick

For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: Two Years ( but about 20 days playtime. )

Age: 22

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: PST

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Slipstream MTF E-11 CSG

Chaos name (include your rank): Blackjack unranked

Civilian name: Zyn

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:83648292

Discord ID (name#0000): dara_ashrafi

Do you have a mic?: Yes

What server are you applying for?: SCP RP USA

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is my first gamemaster application.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Only warnings, however I regret my decisions to warrant those and I am actively working on improving my RP to prevent any warnings from happening again.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
I was an admin / event manager on UberMinecraft back in 2013-2014. My team and I hosted many tournaments and events for players to win prizes such as ranks and In game money. The server saw around 200-600 players on a daily basis until the server died down.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Yes, most of my roleplay experience comes from my activity on SCP RP.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
Regularly, 2-8+ hours. But 2 at the minimum.
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
I enjoy creating RP scenarios with everyone and participating in the events the GM's create. I feel I have many great ideas to contribute to the GM team for events. I want to also give players things to do when there is not much going on. Some motives to RP or do things is crucial for player retention.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I'm confident that my creativity makes me a great fit for the Game Master team. As a Game Master, I plan to make role-playing more interesting. I've noticed that the research department, subregiments etc.. are tired of repeating the same tests, and I want to make these tests more exciting. My goal is to introduce new, lesser-known SCPs ( as events ) to refresh the role-playing experience. With over 20 days of playtime on the server, I feel my knowledge on these matters is strong. I also will assist anyone who requires a Gamemaster for RP scenarios (props etc.. within reason.)

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

Foundation Event : The Foundation organizes a transfer of SCP-1224-J to site 65, the sentient D-Class Ducks, integrating them with the regular d-class in d-block. 1224-J is also accompanied by Dr. Jack Bright, who is overseeing the transfer and will be stationed at site 65 for the duration of their containment there. Researchers are permitted to use 1224-J instances for testing.
Begin Log.
<Transmission Starting: Audio Log 6/12/2024>......................
<Audio Log Encoded>.....................
<Begin Replay>......................
> O5-4: "Hello Director, I have a bit of a problem I need you to handle."
> Site Director Skyfire: "What seems to be the problem Inspector?"
> O5-4: "You see, Site-173 has had a bit of a population problem with their SCP-1224-J instances. The site director over there needs to transfer some of them to 65."

> Site Director Skyfire: "Okay... I guess I don't have much of a choice. You do know we have no extra containment areas for them..."

> O5-4: "I know... just throw them into D-Block, if anything gets out of hand we'll get the MTF's to help out."

> Site Director Skyfire: "Christ... Copy that Inspector..."
> O5-4: "By the way, Bright is overseeing their transfer."
>Site Director Skyfire: "Oh for f...." *static is heard on the line as O5-4 hangs up the phone.*

<End Log>..................

GOC Event : After a serious containment breach involving 8 SCP's at Site 65 occurred, the GOC were called into Site 65 to help contain the breach. However, during their mission to help the foundation, the GOC found documents within Floor 3 which described the involvement of Site 65, Site 17, and Site 19, in the future destruction of the GOC. After finding out this news, the GOC begins massacring all foundation personnel within Site 65 and they call in GOC backup from their embassies in Washington State, Wyoming, and Montana. Will the GOC take over site 65? Or will they be snuffed out by the overwhelming force of the foundation.

<Transmission Starting: Audio Log 8/25/2024>......................
<Audio Log Encoded>.....................
<Begin Replay>......................
> GOC Soldier: "Commander... You should take a look at this."
< The GOC Soldier shows his commander the document he found on the floor of F3. >
> GOC Commander: "WHAT THE FUCK?"
< The GOC Commander radios out to the basic level comms of the foundation.>
> GOC Commander: "Hey O5, you stuck up ass hats, did you think you can really get rid of us just because we want to destroy your precious little creatures? Well guess what, we're gonna fucking destroy you all instead."
< Static ensues on the radio as GOC cut comms with the foundation. >
<End Log>..................

Chaos Insurgency Event : The Insurgency has infiltrated Site-65 successfully using the vents to get to SCP-914 to disguise themselves. They proceed to kidnap a napping Cadet on duty outside 914's CC. They proceed to go down secondary elevator, reaching HCZ, then sneaking past E-11 getting to SCP-4150's (SCP-4150 is an auditory cognitohazard affecting all intelligent life possessing them and making them hostile). Beings considered clinically deaf or blind are unaffected.) containment chamber. The Insurgency successfully hacks into the CC, They retrieve the cassette SCP-4150 is contained in and proceed playing it through the HCZ intercoms. All of Epsilon 11 becomes immediately hostile to all unaffected individuals.

<Transmission Starting: Audio Log 3/2/2024>......................
<Audio Log Encoded>.....................
<Begin Replay>......................
> E-11 Commander "Bloodshed": *Gunfire Is heard in the background* "Hello?! If anyone can hear me in the Light Containment Zone please respond!"
> Cadet Trunz: "Uhh who is this? What's going on down there?"
> E-11 Commander "Bloodshed": "This is Commander Bloodshed, get word to everyone quickly! My boys have gone absolutely ape shit! I think somebody broke into 4150, I'm wearing audio scramblers as I was on my way to the containment area before shit went FUBAR! Get word out. NOW!
< Cadet Trunz runs to where A-1, O-1, and Site Administration is >
> Cadet Trunz: "Hello... sirs and ma'ams... so I was just walking when I heard the Rockhall phone ring... The E11 Commander said 4150 was breached to everyone in HCZ."

> O-1 CSG "Crush": "Shit, Inspector, call in B-1. We could have a CI infiltration down there."
> O5-1: "Right boys, make sure nobody leaves HCZ until B-1 gets here. If 4150 makes it's way out and someone plays that on the intercom, we're fucked."
<End Log>............

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

SCP - 001 : "When Day Breaks"

On July 19th, 2024, The sun became hateful. Life as we know it ceases to be unique. All will become one. Step into the light. Freedom is here. The Foundation has sealed itself off from the outside world after rescuing all remaining human beings in Pinewood. Now, their task is to defend Site-65 with their lives.

< The scene is a dimly lit room at site 65 >
< The clock reads 5:00 am, and the calendar next to it displays July 26th, 2024 >

< 7 Men step into the room, all but 1 take a seat at a round marble table in the middle of the room >

< Four of the men are accompanied by heavily armed soldiers sporting "ISD" on their plate carriers >

< The other two men who have sat down are seen to wear a blue camouflaged army jumper, and the other wears dark earth colored fatigues >

"Shall we begin gentlemen"
"As you know, I am -1, my colleagues here -2,-3, and -4."

< The man in the blue camo looks at the man in the earth colored fatigues >
< The man in the dark fatigues speaks >

"Why did you decide to rescue us -1? After everything we have done to you..."
"Because I... We had to. We may be enemies, but we are united in our humanity."

< -1 continues >

"Gentlemen, I'm afraid the worst is yet to come. We've completely sealed off Site-65 after rescuing you and your men, but, those things... They've taken over everything... Every fucking thing."

< -4 follows up >

"For the last week, we were receiving hourly updates from Site 17, where our Administrator is. However, we stopped receiving anything after last night."
"But then...an hour ago...we heard something... so inhuman... so... terrifying."

< A man in the shadows steps into the dim light hanging from the ceiling. He is wearing a silver suit and a hand stitched eye patch on his right eye. He speaks with a chilling undertone.>

"We know where you are."

List an example mission for each of the following:
An Ethics Committee member has been committing treason by sending emails containing classified information to the Chaos Insurgency. The Insurgency attempts to infiltrate Site 65 and disguise themselves as O-1 to secretly take the Ethics Member to their base. O-1's objective is to investigate who the Member is, and what information the Chaos Insurgency agents who have infiltrated have to use against them.

A-1: During a routine inspection of HCZ, an O5 member is taken by SCP-035 who kills all the A-1 escorting them. Using the knowledge the O5 member has, SCP-O35 breaches several SCP's. A-1's task is to find and destroy SCP-035 as the knowledge an O5 member has is incredibly dangerous. If SCP-035 manages to escape, it could mean the end of the Foundation as we know it.

The MC&D have been working with the Parawatch to sell weapons and anomalous items to the citizens of Pinewood. Things have gotten so out of hand, that several civilians have begun sneaking into Site 65 and attacking any personnel. Nu-7's objective is to retrieve these anomalous objects from the Civilians and restore order in Pinewood.

E-11: After a major containment breach destroyed Site 17, the surviving members of MTF E-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" , MTF B-7 "Maz Hatterz", and MTF Lambda-12 "Pest Control" were moved to Site 65. Their main goal is to keep Site 65 running smoothly and help with any breaches using the combined expertise of both Site 17 and Site 65 teams until Site 17 is rebuilt. While at site 65, a mass CI raid causes SCP-008 to breach. Will the MTF's be able to work in unison to contain the breach? Or will 008 be too much to handle.

CI: "The Engineer" has been kidnapped by the Foundation and Amnesticized to remove memory of defection. The Chaos Insurgency must do everything in it's power to save their leader. Failing this missions could mean the dissolution of the Insurgency.

UNGOC: SCP-682 (Given 100,000 health) escapes and wreaks havoc on Pinewood. The Global Occult Coalition steps in with heavy weapons to contain and neutralize the hard to kill beast. This event features high-intensity ordinance (airstrikes to make it fun for the GOC) to defeat SCP-682.

Foundation Staff: A new shipment of safe SCP's has arrived at Site-65. One of the SCP's is 1762. After several weeks, foundation staff have been seen to pray to SCP-1762, mourn at it's containment chamber, and set flowers down on occasion. Foundation staff state SCP-1762 gives them hope, hope for happiness, hope for life, in this dark world. These actions have been promptly punished by the Foundation's leadership, causing a souring of relations between foundation staff and leadership.


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Nov 26, 2022

I would like to see more non-combative event ideas personally, and events that are a little more unique. However, the application is good.

Also yes, as Bloodshed said, there are a plethora of events that aren't allowed including 001 events, Dr. Bright, etc.


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
May 31, 2023
Application Denied

Hello @slipstream
Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.
After thought, we have decided to deny your application.

Please contact Myself (worldsguard) or grizzly (icygrizzly) on discord if you wish to know the reason this was denied.

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