[USA] Sparky's Executive researcher application [Updated]

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Well-known Member
Jun 9, 2022
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I believe it's been a month now with 338 hrs clocked


In what country are you located?:
United States Of America

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Sanger "Sparky" Rainsford

Civilian name:
"The Associate"

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Intel Ambassador (Holding)
MTF E-11 Enlisted (Held)
SCP-096 (Holding)
CI-B (Holding)
MTF O-1 (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

None, ever
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

I have two main purposes of requesting the role of Executive Researcher
My first reason is that I wish to bring some new leadership into the department and I wish to guide lower ranking researchers through 1on1 conversations and lectures.

The second is because I was playing on SCP a fair bit today, I have noticed a severe lack in tests on the SCPs that are actual players, and this makes waiting for a breach VERY BORING I wish to make it more enjoyable by authorizing tests and conducting them myself.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I have previous experience as CL: 4 personnel and I am familiar with how to lead, write clean cut, well organized documents, and remain calm in stressful situations, I wish to lead the newer members of the department and teach them how to perform their duties with dignity, and respect for themselves, and everyone around them.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

I do not count my small documents for these parts but I have not written more than 15 documents BUT every document I have written has been well organized, easy to read, and informative in every aspect of the topic I seem to receive nothing but positive feedback whenever I write documents or presentations.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

The executive researcher has quite a few responsibilities of their day-to-day job, The executive researcher is to handle any severe misbehavior inside The Department Of Research below them, they review documents submitted to SCiPNET by lower personnel, they also shadow tests preformed by lower ranking research personnel, and Executive Researchers conduct tests of their own that require high level clearance. Another duty of Executive Researchers is to train all lower ranking personnel in a professional manner rather than peer-to-peer, Executive Researchers are expected to act professional at all times and are subject to demotion upon abuse of their position or misbehavior.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:





Subject: Sanger "Sparky" Rainsford

Age: 38 years old

Height: 5' 11"

Sex: M

Town of origin: ██████


Beginning collection of background information on subject: Sanger Rainsford...

Collection complete!

Compiling Document...

Document Formulated!



Sanger grew up in southern America until he moved to the USA to attend ██████ School of █████.
After finishing a full 4 years at ██████ he would start a career in ██████ ████████████ this would make Sanger move to the city of Irkutsk, Russia. Sanger was a Cuma Sum Laude and graduated at the top of his class granting him a golden resume allowing him to get a high paying job in Russia. Sanger continued to live a life of relative luxury in the city until 12/██/2018.
On this day The █████ ██ ███ ██████ ███ attacked the city with their "███" destroying Sanger's life Sanger lost his kids, wife, house, and job. After this dreadful incident Sanger had decided he was going to find the men who combated the ████████ ███████ and join them, to avenge his family and give himself purpose in life.

Sanger had spent the next 8 years searching for The Foundation showing tenacity the entire time eventually Sanger had joined The Chaos Insurgency in an attempt to locate a Foundation site and enter. Sanger had run with The Chaos Insurgency for half a year when he helped win a battle between The Insurgency and the G.O.C to which he was promoted to the rank of gamma. After gaining Clearance level: 3 inside The Chaos Insurgency he would use this to locate a Foundation site VIA The Chaos Insurgency's file database. The first location Sanger came across was "Site 65" positioned outside a quiet town called Pinewood. Sanger had convinced his CO to transfer him to the C.I base in the region after which he promptly defected Sanger would give plenty of C.I documents to The SCP Foundation in an attempt to gain their trust, this would ultimately pay off, but as a test Sanger was forced to take a term as D-Class, this would prove challenging for Sanger but ultimately after many life threatening situations, Sanger was pulled aside for a conversation with the ██-███████ in which he was granted admittance into The Foundation's ranks.

Sanger would go onto serve in many departments including a brief period in a Mobile Task Force.
Sanger prevailed in the Department of research writing plenty documents to prove his worth to his peers when he was pulled aside into the Department Director's office, the following conversation took place:





Director of Research: Now Sanger I have pulled you into my office for a reason, I wish to offer you a position, this position is not to be taken lightly or as a joke as I am putting trust into you with offering this to you in the first place

Sanger Rainsford: Okay... Shoot!

Director of Research: I wish to offer you the position of Executive Researcher, your work and brilliant mind have impressed me, as an Executive Researcher you will be doing many things, you will manage lower ranking research staff, you will make presentations to orient new staff, and you are expected to act professional at all times... this means no more leaving pizzas in my office, I know it was you

Sanger Rainsford: Hey! I was just being thoughtful.. someone told me you liked a good pizza, that's all.

Director of Research: We are getting off topic.

Sanger Rainsford: Right.

Director of Research: This position is one I expect to be taken with the utmost respect if you are to take it I expect you to adhere to my requests, but you've proven yourself thus far I don't see why I must say this.

Director of Research: So, do you accept? If so I will orient you in further detail later.

Sanger Rainsford: I do accept Director, thank you, sir.

Director of Research: Splendid! Meet me tomorrow at 13:00 and we'll get you set up.

==========================END OF DOCUMENT==========================



Note: The redacted stuff was related to the church of the broken god (except like the school and such)
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