[USA] Sparky's Overseer Assistant Application

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Well-known Member
Jun 9, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I have been playing for roughly a month now with 377 hours clocked
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Sanger "Sparky" Rainsford
Civilian name:
Jackie Argyle
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held

E-11 [Held]
Intel Ambassador

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I do have one staff infraction. I got this today it is a minor infraction, this was due to a misconception of a rule on my end and it was entirely my fault.
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

Throughout my time on the server I have done a lot of things. I have a complete knowledge of the departments throughout the server, As an ambassador I have learned how to lead and manage assignments among people under me. I am in MTF O-1 so I know how to take orders, and complete my task in relative secrecy if need be. Throughout my time as an Ambassador and Sr. Researcher I have learned how to write documents in complete, descriptive, detail while making it easy to read. And from my time as a GENSEC SGT I have gained the skill of leading and assigning tasks this is a skill that has carried over to my time as an Ambassador. I have a complete understanding of the server's lower departments and how they work, I am always looking for more to learn and this is why i want this position. I believe if i am accepted I would be able to carry out my duties to the highest standard and I will not disappoint.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

The job of the Overseer Assistant is to be the eyes, ears, and sometimes the hands of the O5 Council. The Assistant is to do whatever the council asks with secrecy and speed, they are to watch over departments such as GENSEC or the DOR at the request of the O5 to ensure that everything is being done with adequate management and professionalism. They are also to report anything they believe could be of interest to the council that they may find when not under assignment.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:


My project (1).png

Subject: Sanger "Sparky" Rainsford

Age: 38 years old

Height: 5' 11"

Sex: M

Town of origin: ██████


Beginning collection of background information on subject: Sanger Rainsford...

Collection complete!

Formulating Document...

Document Formulated!



Sanger grew up in South America until he moved to the USA to attend Srackton School Of Computer Science and Development.
After finishing a full 4 years at Srackton he would start a career in Computer Engineering this would make Sanger move to the city of Irkutsk, Russia. Sanger was a Cuma Sum Laude and graduated at the top of his class granting him a golden resume allowing him to get a high paying job in Russia. Sanger continued to live a life of relative luxury in the city until 12/██/2018.
On this day The Church Of The Broken God attacked the city with their "God" destroying Sanger's life Sanger lost his kids, wife, house, and job. After this dreadful incident Sanger had decided he was going to find the men who combated the mechanical terror and join them, to avenge his family, and to give himself purpose in life.

Sanger had spent the next 8 years searching for The Foundation showing tenacity the entire time eventually Sanger had joined The Chaos Insurgency in an attempt to locate a Foundation site. Sanger had run with The Chaos Insurgency for half a year when he helped win a battle between The Insurgency and the GOC, After which he was promoted to the rank of gamma. After gaining Clearance level: 3 inside The Chaos Insurgency he would use the CI's file database to locate a Foundation site. The first location Sanger came across was "Site 65" positioned outside a quiet town called Pinewood. Sanger had convinced his CO to transfer him to the C.I base in the region after which he promptly defected, Sanger would give plenty of C.I documents to The SCP Foundation in an attempt to gain their trust, this would ultimately pay off, but as a test Sanger was forced to take a term as D-Class, this would prove challenging for Sanger but ultimately after many life threatening situations, Sanger was pulled aside for a conversation with the O5-Council in which he was granted admittance into The Foundation's ranks.

Loading transcript...

O5-█: You have done well Sanger, come this far and you still won't give up in the face of almost certain defeat.

Sanger: I have come this far and I am DEFINATLY NOT dying in this hellhole.

O5-█: I'm going to cut to the chase Sanger. We are going to let you out of your position as D-Class under a certain circumstance.

Sanger: And that is?....

O5-█: You are going to work for us in the shadows, we will transfer your rank and placement first to gensec and you will report on them, this is a trend that will continue as you assume many different positions, you are going to inform us of everything you find and we will need your full co-operation. If you complete this task i can promise you a position working next to us permanently, so what do you say?

Sanger: So either work for you, or stay in that hellhole of a cell block... Well I ain't gonna say no to an offer I can't refuse.

Splendid... Just don't forget who you're really working for. See you soon.

End of Document

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Well-known Member
May 24, 2022



  • No active ban history.
  • Good answers.
  • Decent activity.
  • Great in-game performance.
  • Enjoyable to talk to.
  • Great lore!
  • Experience with O-1 and Intel.


  • N/A


  • N/A

We haven't had a whole lot of in-game interactions in comparison to the other members of Foundation Leadership, but from we've talked about, you're an awesome person to hang out with. You've got good work ethic IC and OOC with your staff job and your efforts alongside Brazil. I think you'd be a fantastic addition to the Overseer Assistants.

Good luck with your application, good sir!


Well-known Member
Apr 13, 2022

From the Office of the ██████████████

Application Accepted

Thank you for taking the time to apply. Based on your experience and application, we have deemed you suitable to hold a position as ████████ Assistant.

Please get in contact with ██-1 for further details and instructions.​
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