[USA] Special Agent Application - "California"

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Active member
Nov 29, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:165685533

Discord name: 2yil

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Over a month and 2 weeks1705229672463.png


In what country are you located?: Brazil

Time zone: GMT-3

Character name(s):

Civilian name: Paul Forst

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes.

What are your total levels?: 1705229833122.png

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

IA Agent
DEA Agent/Sr Agent
CI-G (Currently)
E-11 CSG (Currently)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

One mass RDM ban that was appealed, 2 hitbox abuse warnings, 1 FearRP warning and 1 RDM warning which all happened last year.

How long have you been a Senior Agent for?: Over a month.

Why are you applying for Special Agent?:
I am applying for Special Agent so that I can get more roleplay and experience within clearance 4 positions, as my first junior clearance 4 position if accepted it would be a great way to start catching the ropes around the facility and go higher. I also want to have a bigger responsibility around the site leading normal and senior agents during crisis while representing the agency in the absence of agency managers or higher.

What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
I believe that I am qualified for the Special Agent position because of my excellent communication, knowledge of the facility areas, daily activities on the surface learnt from operating around other special/senior agents and leadership skills which were honed in E-11 during breaches or raids and in CI leading members whenever the situation worsened and the current raid leaders had fallen. I am very active always playing DEA, E-11 or CI alongside the factor I can always be online during the morning due to my time-zone being different than others. I would host DEA whitelist tests and Senior Agent tryouts whenever other people would've not be able to.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I have written 1 IA incident report, 1 raid report and 2 interrogation reports. I believe that for a document to be good it needs to be clear, be short but precise as to not tire the reader and have not only good grammar but also good punctuation.

What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
As a Special Agent you are expected to:
-Give the DEA whitelist tests to newcomers who ask for on the job and aren't blacklisted
-Host Senior Agents tryouts with permission for seasoned DEA agents so they can work more efficiently
-Supervise normal and Senior Agents both in the facility and on surface and punish them for infractions if necessary
-Be the role model for agents under your current rank maintaining a high posture and standards
-Give MCnD permits so they can enter the facility to sell their wares to clearance 3 combative staff while being escorted
-Take charge of negotiations whenever a SCP or a foundation member is captured and wasn't successfully rescued
-Handle and report GOI relations/incidents to agency managers or above in their absence

Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Robert "California" Gray was born in a military family and always inspired himself into being an operative from the first-person shooters he played on his younger age. After going into boot-camp at an early age, he quickly received many field certificates and rose through the enlisted ranks of the military due to his expertise. One day, he was deployed in Afghanistan tasked with the mission of defending an FOB that allowed the US military to survey the area around certain oil fields that were constantly being attacked by insurgents. On that evening, "California" had taken down 10 insurgents who had reinforced armed vehicles and snipers using the cover and training to his advantage. Alongside many other conflicts, "California" had returned home with his war scars and morally defeated after seeing how cruel war really is, and decided to himself he would never touch a gun ever again.....
That is until something dreadful happened, his house was invaded by 2 caucasian males who had knives and tried stabbing him for some change, he quickly ran up to his bedroom and pulled out his m1911 and quickly shot 1 apple sized hole in each of the intruders head. A few weeks passes by, he needs to make a lot of money in order to pay for his gambling addiction, he gets an invite to work in a specific agency which had very high risk but a very high salary and he accepts the offer.
He worked very hard every single day for his senior agent promotion, defending one of the site advisors from multiple facility intruders, he gets a message to check his locker in the DEA bunks. There was a note left with the message "Your time has finally come, meet me in my office", he heads to the deputy's director office and the director says "heres your new level 4 make sure you make it up to your name. contact one of the agency managers for your new roles training". And his life as a DEA Special Agent starts to unfold...​
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