(USA) Special Agent Application Jeffrey nut 3rd

Out Of Character-Red

In Character-Blue

Added/Renewed something-Green

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:419374103

Discord name: actully_gamer

For how long have you played on CG SCP: like 2 years now

Age: 15

In what country are you located?: Germany

Time zone: GMT +1

Character name(s):

Foundation:Jeffrey nut / "Eagle" (A1)

Chaos Insurgency: Andreas "Bacon"

Civilian name:Jermey "Tree"

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): I am applying for SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes, i have an fully working Microphone.

What are your total levels?:
Total 228
Combat 62
Dclass 57
Research 30
Support 50
SCP 29

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

I am currently holding the Rank of Alpha 1 PVT, OSA and Senior Agent

I Held Nu7 Pvt/Lcpl, A-1 SGT, OSA, CI Delta, E11 LCPL

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Yes, i have got 2 FailRP warns but they are both expired also i have gotten an fearrp warn when i rejoined the server and forgot some simple rules

How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
- 1 year now

Why are you applying for Special Agent?
-I have been an Special Agent before and i wanna return to DEA, i had a lot of fun when i was Special Agent and only resigned due me leaving civil for a while also i liked training new people, explain dea to new people etc etc. i just want to get back into dea a little bit and have fun on Special/Field Agent whitelist and ofc help people.

What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
-I think im suitable for Special Agent because i know i schould open doors for example an Tech expert,close bulkheads,enable teslas etc.
-Im good at leading Raids and good at training New Dea Agents/Operatives and i have dealt with a lot of infobreaches on surface too.
-I'm always trying to stay professional and respectfull.
-Also i have been an Special Agent before for about an year before resinging.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
-Ive written a lot of Document due me being an Overseer Assistant, what makes an document good is Grammer, Organization and Detail

What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in :[Added Last Point]
To Hand out Tests to new Agents/Operatives.
Approve the Entry of MC&D and GOC.
Try to Hold up Relationship with GOIs.
Give out (Armoured)-Vehicles license to DEA.
Handel Surface Infobreaches.
Host Senior Agent tryouts (Agency Manager approvel/ 2 Special Agents on).
Gather Intel against CI.
Blacklist DEA/Mc&d if being minge or not following Protocall.
Negotiate for Kidnaped Foundation staff/Scps.

Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:

On the 17th of May in 1981, Jeffrey nut was born in the country of United Kingdom. It was hard growing up
because he lived in poor lifestyle and it all became worse when hes parents divorces when he was 17 years old
after turning 18, he got an good paying job and after a few years of working that single Job Jeffrey finally bought
an Plane Ticket and an House in the USA, but one day he saw an poster of the United Staates Army and he decided to
take the risk and apply for the Job after around 1 month he got an respond, and it got ACCEPTED! After a hard and
long training he made it in the Army and got deployed to Iraq everything went well and nothing really happend in the first deployment.

However in the second deployment they got diffrent kind of Objectives then before and they were pretty "unusual".
and on the 26th of November 2007 they got an Search and Destroy mission, working close with even the FBI and CIA
we were sended into an little village near the capital of Iraq not many people lived there but it was an very good
city to trade guns and stuff to terrorist in the capital, the mission was clear Find some Documents and destroy them at all cost.
After a long gunfight we finally made it to the documents but because Jeffrey was under stress he couldt read any document
so it wasant really clear for what we actully fighted for but everbody just brushed it off as it was just an mission.

After retiring from the Army in 2012 he got an normal job again, it wasant paying him much but enough to live, but one day
an strange Letter was found in his mailbox on the outside of the letter it said "Invite to [REDACTED]" it was strange and
he put the letter asside thinking it was an spam letter. Two months later tho when he was looking though all the letters he got,
Jeffrey found the letter again about the invite, now he was intrested again, after reading the letter he couldt belive he's eyes
it was another invite to the military but this time in Canada and after looking though all of the letter he sended it back after a
few days he got another letter and an plane ticket was inside, he got all his stuff and took the flight to canada,Jeffrey landed
in the late evening and needed an home to stay so he asked the local's for an shelter for just tonight and one guy accepted the offer
for a few bucks,next day he thanked the Person and left the local village after walking a few hundert meters he finally made it to the
Gate of the foundation and a Few Mtf-[REDACTED] let him inside. After a while sitting in the lobby an Site manager came up to him
and gave him an contract an contracts to not say ANYTHING that he saw or heared in public, then an Agent was walking him around the site
and he got an good look, then Jeffrey and the Agent went to core sector and waited for somebody to
hand him an list of all the Jobs he could currently do, after looking around the list he asked Agent what his job was and the Agent simply answered "DEA"
after signing the letter and handing it to the Site Manager he got an interview with an Special Agent and he was giving an exam,
learing from the DEA Agent he knew all the answers and after the Test Jeffrey got his
Uniform, Card and his Gun but what Jeffrey didnt realise was what was inside the facility yet...