[USA] Stephen Preisler's Ambassador Application

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Active member
Jul 27, 2024
Steam ID:
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For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Over approximately one week, I've amassed nearly four days of playtime. I started playing near the middle of July.

Edit - Fri Aug 3 - Near 6 days of playtime.

In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Agent Stephen Preisler
Civilian name:
Stephen Preisler

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Hitbox A - I was in a highly stressful combat situation. I was with a fellow Agent, detaining a C.I. DC to bring them to a secure area, next thing I knew I was being fired at by another disguised C.I. DC. I was taken by surprise and entirely acted on instinct which caused me to crouch jump and return fire. I survived.

Edit - I got a FailRP A warn from quite a while ago. This warn was not performed whilst I was on Internal Affairs. I was playing as a chef, messing around, and being dumb. I gave a gun to a Class D. This conduct is intolerable and I cease from it completely. There was simply no excuse for it.

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
I am applying for I.A. Ambassador because I know that I've been extremely professional, outgoing, and rigid as an I.A. Agent. I've performed many investigations on unethical experiments and halted them in their tracks. I listen to Class D reporting violations of their rights by General Security and I take action to do my best to make the situation right. I've helped many Class D obtain permits by walking them through the process bit by bit and calling the appropriate people to authorize them. Furthermore, I've investigated and busted many undercover GOI's by remaining observant and acute through my patrols around the Foundation. I believe I've painted my department in a good light to Class D and other departments. Whenever someone calls for I.A. on the radio, I'm the first one there most of the time. I find immense joy in helping others and that's why I feel like I'd be suited for the Ambassador position.

I want to be able to help and guide the next set of I.A. Agents to act proper and excel in their duties.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
I have a comprehensive understanding of cornerstone legal documents like the Code of Ethics, the Legal Codex, and the I.A Handbook. Not only do I comprehend these cornerstone legal documents though, but I also act on them. I've spotted many unethical, wasteful, or just plain illegal experiments in the field, and I placed a halt on them. Furthermore, I have a professional and positive attitude when interacting with other players, and I do my best to help anyone to the best of my ability.

Despite how new I am to the server; I've absorbed more information in these past few days than most people most likely would. I've slid into my position as a reliable straight arrow that's determined to maintain law and order inside of the Foundation. On some occasions, I've been tasked with investigating misconduct within our own department regarding new agents. I've also helped new players of the server find their way around the Foundation.

I'm a very active player as an I.A. Agent and I find myself being the only representative for our department at certain times of the day. This puts significant strain on our department as I may not have the appropriate clearance to handle important disciplinary situations in the Foundation.

I'm an excellent representative of our department as an I.A. Agent and I'd love to take it one step further. I really enjoy the work I'm doing, and I'd like to crank it up a notch. I wish to make our department thrive.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I've written around seven documents. I've researched and perfected how to make concise and useful documentation of incidents by using the I.A. Document Grading Guidelines and I've applied them to my own documents.

1. Length is about the document being as concise as possible without taking up several pages. The ability to summarize information effectively to get your point across is vital. Documents shouldn't be too long nor too short. They should be sized appropriately to convey information to the reader without wasting their time. These documents are used as resources rather than literature. They should be treated as such.

2. Formatting is necessary to help people locate information from within your document. A table of contents is ideal to help the reader find what they're looking for without having to waste time skimming through the document.

3. Spelling and grammar are at the forefront of maintaining a professional image of our department. Nothing sends a worse impression to a reader than a document littered with spelling errors or bad grammar.

4. Possessing all of the needed information is the most obvious yet crucial piece of writing a good document. If you aren't including all of the required information inside of your document, then what was the point of writing it in the first place. It wastes time of the reader and makes our department look unprofessional.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
Training and assisting new agents are the most critical responsibility of being an Internal Affairs Ambassador. Furthermore, managing misconduct of Agents is a vital piece of helping them learn from their mistakes. Upholding professionalism and standards as an Ambassador are important to help guide Agents along and maintain a good reputation of our department.

Ambassadors are always the next level of elevation when it comes to crimes committed by CL4+ as Agents are not permitted to handle these situations.

Ambassadors are also the primary emergency contact for Agents who may not know what to do in situations they may not have ever experienced.

In certain situations, regarding classified information, Ambassadors may be needed to handle the aforementioned classified information to ensure it doesn't end up in the wrong hands.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Janitorial Crew
Stephen Preisler was hired in the Foundation as a part of its janitorial crew. He did as what would be expected, cleaning up messes, vacuuming up dirt, and maintaining the cleanliness of the site. Stephen Preisler was content with his janitor position, but he had bigger ideas than just being limited to a mop bucket. He wanted to help people. So, he'd apply to become a Medical Trainee in the Department of Medicine. After a few months of learning the ropes from regular and Senior Doctors, he'd apply to take his Medical Exam. He'd pass it. Stephen Preisler enjoyed medicine, but it wasn't exactly the thrill he was seeking. The work wasn't as blood pumping as he'd like it to be.

Internal Affairs
Stephen Preisler eventually took notice at his eligibility to be an Internal Affairs Agent. It was perfect. He'd be able to help people while getting that thrill he desperately wanted. So, he'd give his application to an Ambassador and took his first test. He'd failed by an extremely narrow margin. Tragic, but this wasn't going to stop his determination. He reread the Legal Codex, the Code of Ethics, and the I.A. Handbook. Then, he'd reapply to the position and retook his test. He passed and officially became an Internal Affairs Agent.

He enjoyed his job, every aspect of it was interesting. From tracking down wanted personnel to running undercover stings of unethical experiments, he strived to do the best he could irregardless of what it was. Something was nagging at him though, the same thing that nagged at him as a janitor, he wanted to go beyond.

Because of his nagging drive to exceed, he'd apply to the position of Internal Affairs Ambassador after a year on the job as an Agent. He'd seen a lot by this point, and he knew he was ready for it. He didn't want to stay as an Agent forever. He was ready for something bigger.

Now he awaited their response, patiently.
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Active member
Jul 27, 2024
Update: I've been experiencing a somewhat minor computer issue as of today. I'm going to try and get on by tomorrow, so you might not see me as much. Sorry!


Active member
Jul 27, 2024
Levels, playtime, and docs. as of Thurs 8/1/24

I've written 1 excellent doc and many good ones. I'd say around 10-12. I have near 5 days of playtime.1722547366742.pngEDIT- REACHED NEARLY 6 DAYS! Fri August 3rd
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Application Denied

Hello, @stephenpreisler

After a discussion with our Ambassador team we DENY your application for ambassador. Please get into contact with me if you would like to know more.

You may reapply in 1 week.

Director of Internal Affairs, Barney 'Chef'
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