Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:739876911
Discord: exhausted420
Playtime: ~3 Months
Age: 16
Country: USA
Time Zone: CDT (+0)
Character Name: Teddy 'Tex' Grant
Server for Application: SCP-RP USA
Microphone?: Yes
Recieved kicked/bans/warnings?: None
Civilian Name: Theodore Jay Grant
Roles Held: GSD Sgt
Reason For Application: I am applying for GSD Cpt because I would like to progress as a member of GENSEC and become apart of the leadership team. I heavily enjoy working within the department and
think that I would do well. I have already worked well as a Sgt for the past month and believe that it is now time to move forward.
What Makes Me Suitable?: I am decently respected as a member of the foundation and inside of GENSEC and perceive becoming a Captain would allow me to orchestrate in a manner in which GSD could smoothly operate while also holding contempt and respect for a fellow personnel they know. I believe that my promotion to a Captain would, in this way, allow GSD to operate better a whole.
What Are The Responsibilities Of A Captain?: A Captain's job is to maintain order in D-Block and call for patrols and sweeps of necessary. A Captain is the main leadership figure most GENSEC will see and as such need to instruct GENSEC on how best to do their job, training their men to work better and benefit the foundation. Captains also have the responsibility of a Cl4 keycard, which allows combatives to move into HCZ in the event of a lockdown due to a breach.
Backstory: Theodore grew up in Kilgore, Texas with his mother, father, and younger brother. Teddy always dreamed of being a game warden when he was growing up, something about the wilderness and law enforcement just spoke to him. He never made it in the end...he instead found something much better. Teddy joined the army at 18 but soon impressed one of the drill sergeants, who told him to join the ranger school. Growing up in Texas, Teddy had been around guns all his life, and regularly went hunting with his dad on their range. For this reason, Teddy was a hell of a shot; he could down a Texas Star (a firearms target wheel) in just 8 seconds. He made the Rangers and spent time as a sniper in [REDACTED] and was on a scout duty when TRT Romeo-Nine was deployed to intervene in the exposure of SCP-[CLASSIFIED]. Field agents spotted him while in exfil, and detained him for amnesticization, but found that he was calm and willing to cooperate, so instead offered him an interview. They found that his combat and mental functions were of above standard, and so he was hired to the foundation. Teddy was extremely traumatized by the incident, but had been taught to not show a thing. He was left with severe anxiety and horrible nightmares of [REDACTED] 1 but continues to function normally. He now strives to work his way up through the foundation, so such an atrocious incident would never happen to people again.
1 . Incident Report can be found under EXTDOC-5495
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:739876911
Discord: exhausted420
Playtime: ~3 Months
Age: 16
Country: USA
Time Zone: CDT (+0)
Character Name: Teddy 'Tex' Grant
Server for Application: SCP-RP USA
Microphone?: Yes
Recieved kicked/bans/warnings?: None
Civilian Name: Theodore Jay Grant
Roles Held: GSD Sgt
Reason For Application: I am applying for GSD Cpt because I would like to progress as a member of GENSEC and become apart of the leadership team. I heavily enjoy working within the department and
think that I would do well. I have already worked well as a Sgt for the past month and believe that it is now time to move forward.
What Makes Me Suitable?: I am decently respected as a member of the foundation and inside of GENSEC and perceive becoming a Captain would allow me to orchestrate in a manner in which GSD could smoothly operate while also holding contempt and respect for a fellow personnel they know. I believe that my promotion to a Captain would, in this way, allow GSD to operate better a whole.
What Are The Responsibilities Of A Captain?: A Captain's job is to maintain order in D-Block and call for patrols and sweeps of necessary. A Captain is the main leadership figure most GENSEC will see and as such need to instruct GENSEC on how best to do their job, training their men to work better and benefit the foundation. Captains also have the responsibility of a Cl4 keycard, which allows combatives to move into HCZ in the event of a lockdown due to a breach.
Backstory: Theodore grew up in Kilgore, Texas with his mother, father, and younger brother. Teddy always dreamed of being a game warden when he was growing up, something about the wilderness and law enforcement just spoke to him. He never made it in the end...he instead found something much better. Teddy joined the army at 18 but soon impressed one of the drill sergeants, who told him to join the ranger school. Growing up in Texas, Teddy had been around guns all his life, and regularly went hunting with his dad on their range. For this reason, Teddy was a hell of a shot; he could down a Texas Star (a firearms target wheel) in just 8 seconds. He made the Rangers and spent time as a sniper in [REDACTED] and was on a scout duty when TRT Romeo-Nine was deployed to intervene in the exposure of SCP-[CLASSIFIED]. Field agents spotted him while in exfil, and detained him for amnesticization, but found that he was calm and willing to cooperate, so instead offered him an interview. They found that his combat and mental functions were of above standard, and so he was hired to the foundation. Teddy was extremely traumatized by the incident, but had been taught to not show a thing. He was left with severe anxiety and horrible nightmares of [REDACTED] 1 but continues to function normally. He now strives to work his way up through the foundation, so such an atrocious incident would never happen to people again.
1 . Incident Report can be found under EXTDOC-5495