[USA] Tobias "Teddy" Schmid's Ethics Assistant Application

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Active member
Dec 19, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:140273805

Discord name: h4b1t

For how long have you played on CG SCP: around 464 hours since November 2023

Age: 19

In what country are you located?: Germany

Time zone: CET

Character name(s): Tobias “Teddy” Schmid

Civilian name: Toby Schmidt

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Consultant (holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: none

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:

I spend a good amount of time on the server and I love roleplaying as a consultant. With that experience, I would be good as an Ethics Committee Assistant as I’m used to hearing people out and getting every side when it comes to problems and overall being professional and understanding. I have a good grasp of CoE and the Legal Codex as dealing with people, especially in Medbay, is a common occurrence, as well as de-escalating situations.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:

  • Give an open ear to D-Class Personnel when it comes to unethical behavior towards them, as well as providing D-Class Personnel the ability to get work permits.
  • Helping enforce the CoE and Legal Codex with the help of the Department of Internal Affairs.
  • Listen to orders of the Ethics Committee such as: making documents, Sampling SCP, interviewing different departments when it comes to ethics
  • Being able to authorize Advanced Armory if no higher-ups are on-site, who could authorize it. Also, who it is authorized to heavily depends on the gravity of the Containment Breach, but usually either NCO+ or all MTF units.
  • Authorize KOS past airlock in D-Block (same situation if no higher-ups are on-site) during a Code 2.
  • Overall being an approachable person when it comes to problems and making everyone’s roleplay experience the best.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Despite feeling content with his job as a consultant, Tobias feels like he can achieve much more, not only wanting to help people who come to Medbay, but also outside of it. Despite knowing that most, if not all, D-Class Personnel who come to the Foundation are criminals, he can’t help but feel disheartened when people treat them worse than some of the SCP they contain. He tries his best to make Medbay a comfortable place for D-Class Personnel, who came back from testing. Feeling horrified by the conditions they’re in just for the sake of experiments, he wants to help enforce more safety procedures, not wanting anyone to see any human as disposable.
+/- Support (Leaning towards +support)
Great Consultant/CL 4
Professional, and approachable
An eccentric conversationalist
Has a good understanding of the job
Trust me, he will be the first to do work permits for D-Class waiting.

Short app, man I know you got way more lore than that!

Get Assistant Tobias, I know how long you've been waiting for it, this is my honest opinion. You've always looked out for the D-Class needing permits and I've seen you constantly express desire in wanting to help them and uphold the CoE. I've seen you take interest in Internal Affairs and I taught you what we enforce, I know you're a good candidate. My only grievance is you have all this lore you've told me and you didn't put it here! Cmon man! Anyway.. I know you've been asking about the job and shadowing people trying to get an idea of what it's like, that alone makes your dedication apparent.

He's been a consultant forever, he is ready for a step up. (Don't get kidnapped Tobias, you'll be even more important now ;) ).

Brewer 2.0 / Celtic

Blacklisted Player
Dec 18, 2023
Tobias is heavily involved in Medical RP. I know of this as Tobias was involved in basically all my mental episodes.

Furthermore, Tobias has been round long enough to know all Foundation Policies. I am confident that Tobias would be able to fulfil the roles of the Ethics Assistant position.

Overall, Tobias is active, acknowledged and great at RP.

+ Support
A message has been received from the Site-65 Ethics Committee

To: Tobias "Teddy" Schmid

Hello Consultant, the Committee has evaluated your application and deemed you a suitable representative for the Committee. As such, we are happy to announce your acceptance into our ranks as an Ethics Assistant.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact any member of the Committee for any information.

-From Ethics Committee Member, Espeon "Eeveelution" Vastila

Application Accepted
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