[USA] Unit's Site Advisor Application

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Well-known Member
Dec 28, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:526750456
Discord name:unit768gaudy
For how long have you played on CG SCP: around a year
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): "Unit", Gaudy unit
Civilian name: Ritz
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Executive Researcher [Holding]
ECA [Holding]
Nu7 SGT [Holding]
Consultant [Held]
E-11 CPL [Held]
CI-B [Held]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I am applying for the role of site advisor because of my love for the site, as well as my dedication to it. Throughout my time on the server, I have held many positions throughout the site ranging from combative to administrative. However, my roles in non-combative/administrative fields always have a special place for me and I thoroughly enjoy the responsibilities these roles provide. Furthermore, I have an unwavering devotion to working for the entire site and I would love to expand my ability to make the site the best it can be. Finally, I enjoy working with SA in my other roles and would love to work alongside them in the position.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
I believe what makes me suitable for the position of Site Advisor can be divided into multiple different categories. Firstly, my dedication, throughout my time on the site I have remained focused and dedicated to the improvement of the server as a whole. I've strived for things and done things that required months of work and dedication. Throughout all of this, my loyalty and dedication never wavered. Next my love for documentation and writing. My previous administrative roles have allowed me to hone my writing skills into what they are today. And I can wholeheartedly say out of all the things I have had the pleasure to do on the server, documentation, and writing has always been my favorite responsibility and with this role, I can turn these skills into amazing changes and improvements of the entire site. Finally, my prior experience has built me up for this role. My time as an executive researcher has helped me sharpen my skills in documentation leadership and overall assistance of others. My time as my consultant built my RP skills along with my executive as well as my documentation skills. My roles in MTF built my confidence and overall leadership skills while also teaching me policies and procedures throughout the site. Finally, my time as ECA while short has given me unparalleled levels of experience of leadership of the entire site along with documentation skills. I do understand that to some, having a Senior clearance 4 roll is needed for a role such as a site advisor. However, I believe my dedication, work ethic, desire for improvement, and overall love for the site make me the perfect candidate for the role of site advisor.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
-Perform audits/ reviews of departments
- Authorize AA for MTF
-Creation and implementation of new policies that affect either specific departments or the entire site
- Vote on new Department Directors and MTF commanders (Excluding- IA, 0-1, A-1, and DEA)
-Assist any personnel with any concerns
- Handle any issues brought to the SA team

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
The following lore is a continuation of my Executive Researcher as they are the same people,
It's a cold winter's night and Unit is playing under the window with his microscope looking at samples he collected before the trees, grass, and hedges in his estate die due to the immense and unrelenting Canadian winter. Unit was always fascinated with samples and creatures on a more in-depth level than his other classmates. As a result, he was often on the tail-end of scrutiny from both teachers and students for not paying attention or speaking to them as if they were infants just learning the words ``papa’ and ‘mama”. Due to this, Unit grew closer to these objects and his research and loved the long breaks where he could avoid everyone and just conduct tests on small lifeforms. It was day three of the 10-day winter break and Unit was crushed knowing that in just 7 short days he would have to not only abandon his work but also return to that wretched school. However, this would not occur as the light in his room began to flicker and gave Unit an ominous almost frightening feeling, enough for him to call it quits and begin preparations for bed. But upon laying down and closing his eyes he doesn't realize the chemicals he stole from the local laboratory in his quiet Canadian town mixed with a large rat found within his cellar could create an abomination such as it did. unit usually wasn't a clumsy or forgetful individual however on this night the stress of his parents, classmates heckling him, and teachers reprimanding him caused him to misstep. Once he awoke to screaming and horrifying screams he was frightened into a daze as he heard his name being called. Once Unit shook his confusion and slight sleepiness he began down the hall hearing crunching sounds and mind-bending squeals as if a small rodent had been poked with a sizzling fire-poker and he reached the end of the hallway where he could see his family, on the ground, in a puddle of blood while an enormous rat-like creature with a putrid smell was devouring his younger sister while she held a blank emotionless stare straight at him. At the sight of this, he began to whimper, not loud but enough for a keen-eared rodent to turn and begin tumbling towards him on 7 different-sized legs equipped with claws the size of his mother's butcher's knife. Unit ran faster and harder than he had ever in his entire life tripping over his pajamas and turning over China as he sprinted to his parent's master bedroom. There he ran towards their closet where he began searching through a box marked “CONFISCATED ITEMS” his parents had a habit, much to the dismay of unit, of taking his inventions and creations and hiding them away one in particular was a device no bigger than gallon of milk and shaped almost like a rifle. whether his invention would work after years of collecting dust, after gathering the last of his courage and the creature bolting towards him at unknown speeds, he pulled the trigger, and beams of light woven into one giant light, bright enough to light the house down to the cellar flew out and attached to the creature stopping it dead in its tracks. He held the trigger with all the strength a 16-year-old could muster until the creature squealed and appeared to fall over. Not sure whether the creature was finished he retrieved his father's long rifle and put 7 shots into the cranium of the creature and watched it draw its last breath. Confused but now unlike his whole life he wasn't scared rather intrigued with his creation he packed his research equipment and the rifle he left his town where he began work in a new town under the current alias “Unit” winning awards and promotion galore before approached by a man in a dark suit inviting him to a foundation where he conducts any test his intelligent mind could create. Unit eager for this chance took it where he began working at the SCP foundation. Once inside the foundation, he began his test with absolute precision and caution yet eager for the results of these bizarre creatures and anomalies. Higher-ups began taking notes and Unit began receiving recognition for this work. However,
highly classified research studies on the other side of the globe. Unit being the ambitious one, of course, took the opportunity and the halls of Site-65 fell quiet
That is until his return, with a new attitude toward the site. No longer was his focus the research of anomalies, nor the discovery of new ones. Rather he moved towards the site as a whole listing problems department by department to his colleagues and vowing to change them. His opportunity came soon thereafter he was offered the position to help run the site from a higher vantage rather than just two singular departments. So, donning a new suit and with a new set of responsibilities he set his sights on site advisor.


Active member
Oct 23, 2022
From: lunaro@scp.fnd.ca
To: "Unit"
Subject: Application Verdict


Greetings "Unit,"

Thank you for having the interest & taking the time to apply for Site Advisor. This message is to inform you that your application for the position has been unfortunately denied. After much deliberation, Site Administration has decided to deny your application and move forward in another direction.

If you would like to discuss manners further, you may reach out to me over email (Discord: bumblebees_).

You may reapply in 2 weeks after this message is posted.

Kind regards,
Site Director “Lunaro”
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