[USA] Vee's Security Captain Application

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Jul 16, 2022
Steam ID: 76561199237640287

Discord name: Chip#3227

For how long have you played on CG SCP: About of 4-5 months with 4.5 weeks in total playtime

Age: 14

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: EDT

Character name(s): Vee (Vee Is The Main Person), Manager (Manager Is the Secondary Person)

Civilian name: Manager
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
I have Held: Security Captain, Security Chief and Omega-1 Specialist.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: One [Failrp][Class A] For Teaming with 049 as ERT, 2.5 weeks ago

Why are you applying for Security Captain? I Am applying for security captain because I feel that my original home in the d class block is needing me once again. What makes me the best choice is that I am able to carry out Rp, Be assertive and carry out the duties of Securitty captain to the best of my ability.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?: What makes me suitable for Captain is that I am Assertive, Can acknowledge the Code of ethics and carry it out in d block, I have already experienced Security captain and Chief of Security and can carry out the tasks in hand of the higher rankings and what is expected of me.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?: The responsibilities of the Security Captain are to make sure that the D-Class do not riot and to make sure they are properly treated by all the GENSEC staff and anyone in D-Block, The Security Captain also has to make sure that the GENSEC are in line and not roaming out of D-Block or breaking the code of ethics, Protecting the foundation with strict loyalty and command the lower Security Units, As well as assist the Chief of security to maintain order over General Security and D block.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

VEe is 24 years old. He loves his work here at the facility as an Security Sergeant. To become a Security Sergeant Vee had once been a Soldier of the US Army. He came into contact with an SCP one day, but the MTF unit who captured the SCP saw potential in him. So, they took him into training to become a cadet at Site-19. Chip was originally a Cadet at Site-19 and progressed the ranks by being an exceptional officer. He was quick on his feet, had Mature, fast thinking, and was a well rounded man. He continued in the Gensec profession until he became A Sergeant. Once he became a Sergeant he noticed the work of the captains.. He was very much interested. He made a request to become a candidate for the Security, it got accepted and he started his work as a trainee, after he got trained he continued to happily work at Site-19. Until Site-19 had a Code Black. Most of his friends He made and fellow combative personnel at the facility were KIA or turned into 049-2 Instances. Fortunately, he made it out with his life and got transferred to Site-65, where he currently resides in and continues to work happily As a Security Sergeant. He soon sent out an application for Security Chief in which he received the role shortly after, but was removed and left Gensec Completely . He was then promoted to law enforcement and served as an Law Enforcement operative. When it was time for the service to end, He was removed and demoted to security sergeant again. When Vee returned to Gensec, HE decided to again fill an application to Security captain to again work with the forces of General Security and raise other generations of Gensec.
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+ Support

+ Warns
+ Lore
+ Previous Experience
+/- Minimum Application Effort

You have my support on becoming a captain again, but I feel like you should be more active on sergeant and learn more of the new things that have happened since your leave. Ask captains more about the recent changes in GENSEC



Active member
Sep 9, 2022

Hello there,
This is Dpt. Chief Mijur Decmuski and I want to thank you for applying for this position.

I am glad to inform you after your application has been Accepted. Please get into contact with me for more information on what to do next.

From the desk of Dpt. Mijur Decmuski and Dpt. Chief Larry Hummer
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