[USA] Volkswagen 'Driver' Special Agent application

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:530693319
Discord name: sstff
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Almost 2 years now.
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: Romania
Time zone: GMT+2
Character name(s): Volkswagen 'Driver' | 'Porsche'
Civilian name: Bob Sell
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What are your total levels?:1729421938929.png

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: [HELD] MTF E-11 LT, MTF Nu-7 CSG, MTF A-1 CPL, MTF A-1 CSG, CI-G, DEA Special Agent, OSA, GSD Captain, MTF O-1 PVT, MTF Nu-7 LCPL [HOLDING] MTF A-1 PVT
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have received a warning for NLR, one for FearRP and one for FailRP, all of them are very old and I didn't know the rules that well.
How long have you been a Senior Agent for? I've been a Senior Agent for around 6-8 months in the last 2 years and recently came back.
Why are you applying for Special Agent? I am applying for Special Agent because I would like to play more on surface and advance on this by going for DEA lead. I will guide and prepare this department by doing tryouts, trainings and activities with members of DEA. I also found out that the members and lead of this department are very serious and professional and I would like to take part in the RP here.
What makes you suitable for Special Agent?: What makes me suitable for Special Agent is the amount of experience I already have from Nu-7 with interrogations, negotiations, combat, etc. and the leadership potential from E-11. I also have dedication for DEA and the server. No matter what order is given to me, I'll try my hardest to complete it without any questions. Serious Roleplay is another thing I'm pretty good at, as being a Special Agent doesn't only mean you have to be a god at combat but also decent at roleplay.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?: I have written around 4-5 research and IA reports, what makes a document good is the attention to detail, grammar and of course, the readability, you need to make the reader interested in your document.
What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
The responsibilities of a Special Agent in RP are:
1. Recruiting new DEA members (Tryouts);
2. Leading the department;
3. Trainings/Wargames between DEA and/or other MTF units;
4. Being a good example or guide to other lower ranking DEA agents;
5. Give out permits to MC&D members if needed;
6. Holding up the relations with GOI's
Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in: In his "past" life, 'Driver' was a detective part of the drug squad, dealing with all types of cases related to drugs, from addicts to distributors, to even sellers. One day he got a letter in his mailbox from ███████ telling him to meet at the local park. 'Driver' was very confused, but decided to take the offer. He doesn't remember what happened at that time, but he was now a member of the SCP Foundation. He became an MTF Nu-7 PVT, doing the tasks given to him. He defended the site many times from the Chaos Insurgency, SCPs and even rogue personnel until he hit the rank of CSG, when he decided that Nu-7 was too much for him. He just wanted to go back to his past job, being a detective. There were many choices, but he chose DEA, and decided to give it a try. First days were a bit rough for 'Driver' but he got through them. After some time, he really liked this department and has gone for its lead, going first for Sr. Agent, getting some experience and then for Special Agent, where he is to this day, still climbing up the ranks of DEA, and training new DEA members.