[USA] Weebe's Consultant App

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Weebe San

Active member
Aug 10, 2024
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP: For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I’ve been playing on the server on and off since July 21st 2023. In total I have 3,028,680 seconds in game or 841.7 hours with my Time for the month being 14D and 23H as of writing this.


In what country are you located?:
USA, Texas

Time zone:
CST (Central Standard Time)

Character name(s):
Will ‘Weebe’ San (Foundation)
Wilhelmina 'Weebe' Johnson (Foundation W.I.P)
Weeber ‘Citizen’ San (Citizen)
Weeber 'Chaos'

Civilian name:
Wilhelmina ‘Citizen’ San

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Executive Researcher
Medical License
Lawyer License

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?
Love for medical and the people in it: I've always enjoyed interacting with and roleplaying with medical personnel during my tests. I find their presence during my tests is always a welcoming sign because of the medical knowledge they can provide. Secondly, the roleplay aspect of medical is something I enjoy deeply because of how much knowledge you can learn and express during certain activities like psych evaluations and surgeries. Last but not least is the people within medical. I've made so many friends within medical throughout my time on the server that it makes medical feel like a second home for me.

Medical's need for more people: With announcements and efforts by medical leadership, there's a campaign to recruit more consultants to help fill the ranks of medical. As someone with a lot of time on the server, there's a great opportunity to help medical with their shortage with the talents and skills I possess. Therefore during their time of need, I wish to put my part into helping medical.

Having something to do: As seen with my vtime I spend a lot of time on the server and with an influx of executive researchers into RSD I have more opportunities to hop off and roleplay as other positions. In this case medical which is a roleplay I've played on different servers is something I want to delve back into. The ability to go from exec researcher to consultant to mix it up the RP I can do is a very appealing option for why I want to join.

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
My CL4 & Medical Experience: While Research and Medical aren't identical they share many similarities. They're both heavily roleplay-oriented when it comes to their day-to-day operations. Therefore when looking at my suitability you should take into account how I've done in a CL4 position and my medical experience. When looking at Research I've made it to the rank of Senior Executive Research due to my contributions, experience, and role within RSD. I would not be in that position today if my superiors didn't see me fit or capable of that position. Likewise, my director's superiors who at times come to me for test ideas have also at times entrusted me to handle tests or projects they wish to conduct because of my efforts. When looking at the other side that being medical I've done a variety of things from observing and redoing medical license and combat medic tryouts to understanding them better. I had a psych eval and two surgeries alongside attending a Welfare check with plans to do one in the near future myself. Therefore when taking into account my suitability I believe the point made above goes a long way in showcasing my credibility for applying for consultants.

In-depth roleplayer: Medical is a far more intensive rp department since there's far more use of /me whenever you're doing something RP-related. Whether it be a check-up or a surgery it's important to put in the right amount of detail into your actions to convey the meaning behind them. Secondly with such opportunities also comes the need for having help from others, especially during surgeries and being able to coordinate and lead them. This is something I've had experience in as I led two surgeries both of which I worked and guided a team during the operation. These were on a Site Manger and a member of Nu-7

Server Activity: As seen with my Vtime I'm on daily either on medical or research with an emphasis placed on medical this week specifically on Combat medic or Sr. Doctor. Having another active consultant helps lessen the burden on other consultants by spreading the load out amongst the team which provides for a more relaxed and efficient running in the department. Having me on the consultant team means that there'll be another active consultant in the afternoon and evening to provide leadership, medical license training, and more in-depth role play.


Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:

Two in-game procedures I've done is a tooth replacement for a Nu-7 member and a skin graft after 3rd-degree burns for Site Manager Don.

Molar Replacement

  1. Have patient inform me of their current physical & mental state, medical history, and any allergies before moving forward to ensure viability of the operation.
  2. Have the patient go to the X-ray machine we have in the back of the medbay to get an X-ray to determine the level of damage and suitability for a molar replacement.
  3. If the X-rays show viability for the operation and if there's time available, I'd start preparing the surgery room and getting a team with at the very least a fellow SR Doctor to assist me during the operation.
  4. I’d start the operation by cleaning the patient’s mouth of all contaminants both with mouthwash and light cleaning. Afterwards, I’d inform the patient that we’ll be starting by putting a mask on them that’ll have them go under as I’d administer general anesthesia through the mask. Then afterward I’d inject regional anesthesia into the gums specifically the molar or tooth that’s being replaced to ensure the comfort of the patient.
  5. I’d begin by using a drill and forceps to remove any loose tooth fragments and remnants left over by the previous tooth. I'd then surgically implant a titanium implant into the jawbone to build upon. I'd apply a certain solution to the implant that'll cause osseointegration to speed up the process.
  6. After applying the solution I'd move on to another tooth unless it's just one so I'd have my team take a 1-2 minute break for the solution to do its job in integrating the implant.
  7. I'd move on to the next step and attach an abutment or connector piece to the implant and place a crown that matches the patient's tooth tone. Secondly, I'd install a dental bridge that'll take the form of their tooth or a pontic that connects the new tooth to the others for stability.
  8. This will conclude the operation and after double checking that all/the necessary tooth was replaced we'd stop anesthesia from being pumped and slowly let the patient wake up in recovery with a new smile : )

What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
Medical licenses: Hosting medical license presentations and tests is vital to ensure that people can progress within medical. I have a great passion for presentations.

Combat Medic Tryouts: I'm aware that after a trial period consultants can host combat medic tryouts. While I won't be starting off the bat with this I'm well versed both from experience here and other servers on hosting a combat-oriented tryout.

Training doctors in making medicine: Teaching training and Doctors in the production of medicine is vital given the sickness and chemical system the server has. Given my history in training researchers on this, I'm certain I'll do great in this aspect.

Training Sr.Doctors in Pysch Evals and SCP welfare checkups: These are vital given the opportunity that it has for individuals who wish to develop the lore and medical history of their characters. Alongside that with SCP welfare checks there's another method apart from testing for SCPs to roleplay.

Acting as a medical liaison when requested by other departments: Helping other departments with medical matters, fulfilling a bulk medicine order, or assisting on high-level tests is vital for consultants. As CL4 they're representatives of their departments and entrusted to keep up the image of their department.

Disciplinary issues and job bans: Whether it's giving someone a talk, revoking a license, or issuing a job ban it's important to have great mediation skills and the ability to help someone learn from their mistakes. This ensures a standard is upheld within the department alongside showcasing the seriousness that the department has. This is something I have a plethora of experience in as a CL4 in Research.

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

For my lore, I've talked it over with some individuals and sought clarification from an admin. Still, if my application is accepted I'll be going under a new name under medical simulating a transfer from another site. While I'll still be an Executive Researcher who goes by the name of Will, whenever I hope on medical I'll be changing my name to "Wilhelmina Johnson". I already asked a staff member by the name of Prometheus who said I could have another player be my brother or sister and if you've been around medical you'll most likely know who said brother will be. This will provide an opportunity to remember everyone but also to develop a story for my new character since most of the work I put on both my Exec and in this character is based around my character development, especially amongst others. Projects I would love to work on would be getting in contact with Executives from the RSD and having my character act as a medical liaison on any tests or projects they might have to further delve into the position.

10 days she received an email that her application for consultant had been accepted but that it would station her in an undisclosed North American site. She of course accepted this new opportunity wondering internally
where she'd be placed in memories of her goodbye party and saying goodbye to the friends she made back home flashed over her mind as she looked out the armored window as the truck drove over the bumpy road, reminding her that she's no longer on the autobahn but instead in some remote Canadian province.

"Wilhelmina Johnson" stepped off the truck as the cold breeze blew her scarf over her face as the Candian breeze introduced her to Site 65.

"This certainly wasn't what I was expecting especially compared to Site-## but maybe it'll be warmer inside... hopefully."

As Nu-7 operatives guided her inside she stepped foot into the garage clutching her briefcase that contained her transfer documents. She'd heard stories on the way from the Nu-7 providing her information on the basics of Site-65 but didn't divulge more than you'd see in a transfer brochure or bulletin for any other site. However, this was different, in her mind, Site-65 wasn't something that appeared in the records of her site back in Germany.

"This certainly isn't the Bayerische alpen (Bavarian Alps) or the Schwarzwald (black forest) of back home but it'll do"

Wilhamina presented her documents and was informed that the Medical Director and a member of the Site Administration were waiting to welcome her to her new position as a consultant at Site 65.


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Active member
Nov 20, 2023
United States, Texas

Honestly, I’ll at least support you. You’ve got a good K-Time overview, and in the future, you’re likely to take on a consultant role. You might even help with medical options or injuries, should the need arise
  • Love
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Weebe San

Active member
Aug 10, 2024
Sorry I was probably afk or had to step away for something : (

I'll be sure to hop off the job whenever I have to step away just so I don't give the wrong impression and thank you for the feedback.
i literally called for a medic to medbay like 90 times earlier and not once did this person reply when they were the only medic on


Active member
Jul 27, 2024
+ Support
You are one of the best Executive Researchers from the Department of Research, and despite being new to medicine, you'll be able to manage and handle this role very well, considering all of your accomplishments.


Active member
Aug 5, 2024
To: Weebe
From: Director of Medicine
Subject: Consultant Application

After review of your application and discussion with the leadership time, we have decided to have to ACCEPT your application. Please reach out to a director via email (gak, antibambi) when possible to start on boarding.

Director Kowaru Nagisa
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