[USA] Zunk's Director of Medicine Application #2

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Active member
Jun 29, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:780053762

Discord name: .zblock. (Consultant Zunk)

For how long have you played on CG SCP: For over 4 months now

Age: 18

In what country are you located?: Argentina

Time zone: GMT-3

Character name(s): Zunk "Watcher", "Watcher"

Civilian name: Zunk M.W Kerganac (Zunk "Watcher")

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Only one whitelist role.
- Consultant
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
When I first played I got a FRP warning, soon after a RDM one, both are over a month old now, and in my previous account.
Why are you applying for the Director of Medicine?

I'm applying for directorship of medicine to improve on the Medical Department, I've seen many errors, and wrong doings, and during my job as a consultant I've wanted nothing but to step up and actually bring change and something new to the department, this of course couldn't be achieved without proper consultant's and the amazing medical staff we have.

What makes you suitable for Director of Medicine?:

I have plenty of experience as a Consultant, I've played this role for some time and I've got accustomed to the CL4 duties which have been amazing so far, I've got various ideas for RP, and I am a good writer as well, I think I can not only bring good changes to the MD but also bring interesting plots and stories to the RP within the MD

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Medicine in RP?:

The director of medicine is in charge of all medical staff inside the foundation, they are in charge of the CL4 consultants and their behaviour, they oversee all medical practices and treatments, they represent the whole Medical Department and keep the image of it, they also track medical licenses and can give them too.

Please give some lore about your Director of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Zunk M.W Kargenac | AKA: Zunk "Watcher"

"Given the conditions when he was first found by the foundation, It is honestly suprising that they are even alive, we thought that they were dead when we first breached the GOI-███ Cult, suprisingly, they still had a pulse, and we took them in the evacuation helicopters, CSG reported that they were barely breathing and that they felt oddly uncomfortable around this individual." - MTF Xi-8 COM

"I remember "Watcher yeah, I was in site the day he was transported in as a casualty of █████, those sick cultists, I was a former Doctor at the medbay, we got news of a POI that had just been helicoptered in and that was in a critical condition, and yes they were, I dont even know how that man survived, multiple lacerations, broken bones, it was a miracle that he could even have a fuctioning lung at that point, we intubed him and watch over him, many say we performed a miracle. I really don't think we did much to save him." - Consultant ███████

Sarkic Cult & Background​

Zunk M.W Kerganac was born in France, Paris, their family was of good wealth but those minor details are not the important part, Zunk Studied medicine during the 2000's and got himself a good work as a Infectious disease Doctor in the Lariboisière Hospital AP-HP one of the main Hospital's in Paris.
During the event's of a Terrorist Attack in Paris, the Sarkic Cult took the chance to participate and start kidnapping people all over france, it is estimated over 10.000 people went missing in a single night, one of those individuals was Zunk
From what we managed to get from Zunk's therapy and psych evaluations was that he tried and manages to supress the memories of such event, we discussed the possibility of their memories being supressed by some sort of magic, knowing the Sarkic Cult is experienced in their sort of Blood magic themselves, still under investigation from the Sarkic Research Wing.

Apparently we investigated the Cult Site further, we found various documents regarding rituals and how they attempted to create the "Perfect" Human link between their god and a mortal, of course, they failed, so they scrapped this idea entirely, and decided to start working on creating on what christian religion is known as "Angels", angels of their own religion, they actually succeded in this, creating powerful Type-Green reality benders and necromancy users, MTF Xi-8 have dealt with the recon of said individuals and we are still eliminating them as of this being documented in RAISA documents. Zunk, likely, was one of those tests, we managed to capture photographs of files and other devices, apparently they were recording the process of the "Transformation", in some way, that test was not sucessful, it was pretty common that these "Transformations" failed, as human bodies couldn't withstand the force of said transformation.

SCP & Their Work

Zunk Was deemed for termination by The Sarkic Cult stated in a termination sheet found in the Gran Sarkist office, luckily that same week, days before his termination and transformation to a blood monster, MTF Xi-8 with the help of MTF Nu-7 Raided the Sarkic Cult, and managed to save around 327 individuals out of the 10.000 estimated, Zunk was quickly Kant Readed and brought to Site-██ to investigate and heal, he was shortly put inside a "Humanoid Chamber" Until they were concious and capable of answering some questions.
Zunk apparently had some weird Humes during this stage, but they were brief and short.

When Zunk woke-up, they were studied, and researched to see the effects of the Failed Ritual, researchers deemed him "a probable danger", and still a possible matter of study, so Zunk was kept inside the "Humanoid Chamber", giving him the designation of "Humanoid#237SKC".
One day, weeks later after the Sarkic Cult Raid and Zunk's Containment, during a Containment Breach, Zunk was liberated from his chamber by the Chaos Insurgency, This proven by the CCTV recordings of the breach, they didn't talk to him, they didn't question him, they opened his cell among other humanoid cells and left, Zunk was left alone inside Site-██, The MTF team Nine Tailed Fox quickly rushed to site, to see that Zunk had managed to save the lives of 6 researchers and 1 security unit, they were quickly arrested and put back in his cell.

This action was the main interest of the site managers, they investigated the case, and recognized Zunk's participation managed to save the important life of some active researchers. But in further investigation, the people they saved were recorded in CCTV as being killed and damaged beyond human repair, missing limbs, missing half their torso, or at times presenting multiple lacerations and damage to the vital organs.
Further investigation from Site-██ Medical Department deemed they had fracture's all over their bodies that had been healed, as they operated and took bio-samples of the bone matter and blood samples from the 7 survivors. It was also reported one of the Survivors had Diabetes prior to the Incident, after the breach they were cured of such condition. Zunk had an anomalous property to heal people beyond what standard medicine was capable, this came to the suprise of the SA of site-██ and came to the grand interest of the Medical department, who had been short staffed for such a long time due to the remoteness of the site.

The medical department tried to file a request to the SA of site-██ that the Humanoid-#237SKC had great potential as an asset to the foundation and that they had to implement his ability into the foundation's medical department. The research department responded against their request and filed a petition to keep them as a matter of study for the benefit of learning Sarkic Cult Magic and how it is linked to the human body. This back and forth between the two departments caused such ecowaves around foundation personnel and even other sites heard of what was happening on site-██ to the point an Ethics Assistant stepped over the case and investigated on what was going on, they later deemed it was to be decided by the Site Administration of the site, wheter the humanoid was to be selected for employement, or to be kept as an anomalous entity for the research department.
The medical department was furious of this, they even considered to file a lawsuit against the research department and file complaints against their own site administration, but calmed down quickly and awaited.

After 48 hours, and multiple meetings with both departments and after an unanimous vote, it was deemed that the MEDICAL DEPARMENT had gotten the rights for the employement and usage of "Humanoid-#237SKC", being re-assigned their original name instead of the Humanoid classification. Before such, they also decided it was best to Class-E him, and make sure he doesnt remember his time spent in the foundation before his employement, and that they dont remember the events of the Sarkic Cult.

After 3 years of employement, Zunk Requested to the SA of site-██ for a transfer to another site, as he felt the personnel in that site discriminated against him and felt a general sense of hatred that was aimed towards him by his peers, they approved of this request and moved him to Site-65, this didnt came without serious backlash from the Medical Department and the Research Department, but it was deemed that it was within his rights as an employee to ask for a relocation if it would improve his condition. SA quickly shut down all attempts of protest and complains about such matter.

Medical Lead & Future Endeavors

Given their current position as Medical Lead, A consultant, they were a candidate for Future Directorship of their department, though there was a bit of dispute among the foundation personnel over this, someone with the background Zunk has can not really be trusted with such roles, and they deemed it "Irresponsible" and a "Danger" to the SCP Foundation, the SA of Site-██ filed multiple complaints against Site-65 for this, hoping that Site Command or the Ethics Committee would side with them, suprisingly all their complains were outright denied, given their current roles they decided that their background was not to be considered a danger factor when employing him.

Zunk will be able to now work closer to their main field, Medicine, and this has brought him great happines.
We will still look forward to study and investigate how his past can affect his present, but until then, we shall see...

- RAISA Administrator, █████ █████
Jul 26, 2022
+/- Support
As you are a great consultant i know you have been one for quite long but your activity is inconsistent which yes the current directors i only see once a week which is very bad they do good work but arent active and i feel you would be that choice to you would do good work but would not be as active and medical department can do alot and i would rather see it go in a better direction.


Active member
Oct 23, 2022
From: lunaro@scp.fnd.ca
To: Zunk
Subject: Application Verdict


Greetings Zunk,

Thank you for having the interest & taking the time to apply for the role of Director of Medicine. This message is to inform you that your application for the position has been unfortunately denied. After much deliberation, Site Administration has decided to deny your application and move forward in another direction.

If you would like to discuss manners further, you may reach out to me over email (Discord: bumblebees_).

You may reapply in 2 weeks after this message is posted.

Kind regards, Site Director “Lunaro”
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